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Sign Players Under 23 for the first team

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To expand on this, I started a save with Crystal Palace, finished first season in 6th, a very good season with just the Palace team, no signings. When the board update the club vision they slipped in "Sign players under 23 for first team" and would negotiate at all on it.


They started blocking any transfers I made for players over 23, so I left the club. 

When questioned by media why I left the club there was no way to say its because the board had a vision I never agreed to, and when the board force that club vision, there is no way to protest it, or give an ultimatum. 

Got the Blackburn job after leaving Palace, finished 2nd and got promotion. Good signs as the Blackburn board didn't sneak sign under 23s into their club vision. 

Finished mid table in the premier league, success was from experienced players I brought in, like Mihajlovic (31) Jedjav (26), Albornoz (31) these 3 players were my best 3 players and the reason were were not involved in a relegation battle. 

2nd season in Premier league, Blackburn sneak in "Sign players under 23 for first team" wont negotiate it either, so thats it ? 

I dont want to just develop young players, so I'm going to have to leave the club again because I cant sign the players I want, and when I leave I cant even explain why

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Blackburn haven't blocked my transfers, letting me sign a 29 year old Vincent Jansen, and a 29 year Roberto Gaglairdini so its all good. As long as I perform well in competitions I think the board will overlook me not singing young players. 

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Usually it isn't signing just U-23 players.

They will normally let you sign older players but they'll expect a crop of U-23s as well and performing well in competitions may or may not be enough to counteract that. 

Don't forget that they have to think about the long term future of the club and they want saleable assets that will command good profits. 

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