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Reading the forums over time has taught me a lot about what attribute effect what actions, but I still learn about more decently often. For instance I learned that balance is factored into shooting and crossing at speed, as well as strength being involved in dribbling, but I feel like I still don’t really fully understand crossing. 

Some things such as technique can clearly be seen in crossing, players with ~15 technique are able to actually curve the ball for instance, but I’m unsure of all the attributes involved. Passing seems likely but I’m not really sure, and I would assume vision plays a part but I’m not confident it does. Anticipation and decisions both seem questionable, and I didn’t think any of the physicals effected it before, but after learned balance is used I wonder about other things like strength for kicking the ball.

I ask because I’ve never gotten a great feel for what makes a good fullback, offensively. Wingers are easy as their offensive stats usually stand far above their defensive stats, but I can’t tell what to attributes to prioritize for offensive production for my fullbacks as they’re more often all around players.

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