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Season 39/40 - All (except 1) AI Teams in European Top 5 Leagues use 4-4-2 or 4-2-3-1


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Started a new game with fake players and holidayed (managing no team) until the 39/40 season.  A quick look at all of the teams in the top 5 European Leagues shows that all of them play either a 4-4-2 or 4-2-3-1 (except for Mainz in Germany whose coach flies in the face of the trends and plays a 3-5-2) .  I did not see any squads using a 4-3-3, 4-1-4-1, 4-1-3-2, etc. and only the one team played 3 at the back.  Is this just a case of those 2 formations working the best in the game, so the AI learns from that and adapts?  I guess I'd like to see a little more variety.  Poor defensive midfielders, there are no spots for them on any team.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello my friend, believe it nor not, this was already discussed in the previous FM.

As for myself, i started a bug thread when the beta was released and the statement i got from SI that it was an "issue they were aware of". Nothing more than that.



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