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What are forum modators doing?

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What are forum modators doing? Are they related to sports interactive? In fact, can I say that the topic of the forum is an administrator?


Do they participate in game development?


Are they sports interactive employees?


The reason for the question is to determine whether you should be more focused on listening to their advice compared to the general member's advice.

Edited by azxc159
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I believe they are appointed by SI but they are not employed by SI, they do it for free and thank goodness they do and keep good order in the forums. Most have been around for a long time so will know the FM product well, as indeed do many forum posters.

They will very likely be keen FM players


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1 minute ago, MrPompey said:

I believe they are appointed by SI but they are not employed by SI, they do it for free and thank goodness they do and keep good order in the forums. Most have been around for a long time so will know the FM product well, as indeed do many forum posters


Are they just regular members?

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6 minutes ago, azxc159 said:

Are they just regular members?

Regular fans of the game I believe but with moderating powers granted by SI

They will in general have a lot of good advice and so will a number of forum posters

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  • Administrators

As Mr Pompey said, our moderating team are volunteers who are knowledgeable about a variety of areas of the game. All have been posters on these forums for a long time prior to becoming a moderator. 

If a user has an SI badge like one of the two shown below, they will be a Sports Interactive employee:

si_badge.png  QA.png

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Just now, Neil Brock said:

Mr Pompey가 말했듯이, 우리의 중재 팀은 게임의 다양한 영역에 대해 잘 알고있는 자원 봉사자입니다. 모두는 중재자가되기 전에 오랫동안이 포럼의 포스터였습니다. 

사용자가 아래에 표시된 두 가지 중 하나와 같은 SI 배지를 가지고있는 경우 Sports Interactive 직원이됩니다.

si_badge.png  QA.png

i see. Thank you for your reply.

Edited by azxc159
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