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Throwing games away: what do I do?

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Just came out of a game against QPR as Forest, season 2 of my save. With 17 minutes of 90 to go, I score my third of the game. Full time: QPR 3-3 Forest.
This isn't even a first-time occurrence. Earlier in the season: at half time we are leading Brighton 4-1. End of the game, the final score? 4-4. Also earlier this season, though this one is normal, but with 15 minutes left, I lead Reading 0-1. Full time, 1-1. Same thing last season vs Birmingham, leading 3-1 with about 10 minutes of the game left: FT 3-3.
I don't actually know the problem. Are my players bottlejobs or is it just an FM thing?
If anyone does know the problem I'd appreciate your help :)

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2 minutes ago, Tyburn said:

Are you changing anything, tactically, for the last 15 mins of the game? I’ve found managing games to be quite effective.

Sometimes, but it tends to be more when we're losing and need to go broke for a goal. I feel that's likely the problem tbf, especially when it's a 1 goal lead in the last 4 or 5 minutes of a game, I don't really focus on the tactical side and becoming more defensive, more about getting another.
That's likely been where I've blown it away so many times. Brighton prime example, when they got it to about 4-2, I thought 'oh, well' but never changed anything, looking back now I watched the highlights again, and we were very open towards last 10 minutes and when it was 4-3, at that point, you should really start becoming more defensive when it's a small lead. Two games ago now, against Portsmouth, was 1-0 to us about 85 minutes in. Couple of minutes later, long kick up the field, headed on, and it's 1-1. So, yeah, I probably do need to become a bit more tactically aware in those situations.

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I often have this problem too - throwing games away. Some things I do, though are to change the mentality. I often play on 'control', but when leading a game heading into the last 10 mins or so, I change to at least 'standard', or quite often to 'contain'. I also change my full backs to 'defend', and my midfielders to a defensive mentality also. Another instruction i give is to use 'retain possession', and make the defense sit deeper. Finally, I give the team shout of 'concentrate' during the last ten minutes when i ma leading.

It doesn't always work, I still lose many a lead, but at least I feel i am trying to manage the game, and hopeful that the players themselves will get better at managing games as time goes on.

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Options include all or some of the these plus more

1. Select Team Mentality of defensive or very defensive

2. If playing a central midfield pair change them to defensive midfield positions

3. If playing AML and AMR make them ML and MR

4. Set mentality to Very Defensive (consider counter attack)

5. Short passing

6. Time Wasting to always

7. Pack out the midfield

If you sit back you are inviting the opposition to attack you but this is an option for last 10 or 15 mins. Its not always going to work and some may argue best form of defence is attack but this is what I do

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I'd say keep an eye on formation changes from the AI. The AI in FM has very knee-jerk reactions, and the momentum in a match can shift one minute to the next because the AI in one second changed its formation; sometimes it can even to goals conceded just after scoring one as the AI changed its formation before you could react. As such, a game you're dominating can turn on its head dramatically in the space of a couple of minutes, so keep an eye on the AI's formation at all times to see if they're making dramatic changes and adjust from there. Otherwise and unless you're desperate, be mindful about lowering the defensive line: while lowering the Line of Engagement isn't the end of the world, lowering the d-line can indeed invites the opposition closer and closer to your box.

Otherwise, yelling at your players for being wastes of oxygen can indeed work. If you want your team to perform to a certain standard, might as well tell them exactly that. Tough love can be necessary; might as well take the time to get rid of the players who can't deal with the pressure.


Edited by Xavier Lukhas
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