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Part 73. Meeting Mr Veasna



It was the sunglasses, which glinted brightly in the hot Cambodian sunlight that caught my eye when I saw EDC's new chairman, Sann Veasna for the first time. He gave a little wave as he stepped out of his black, chaffeur driven Mercedes at the Electricity Stadium car park, in his pristine pin striped suit, slick black hair and of course those gleaming shades. His arrival was like that of a rock star. Me, Nen Borey and a crowd of sports journalists, including a cameraman from Cambodian Match of The Day were there to greet him and the takeover had caused ripples around the C-League. This was a big story and Sann Veasna was big news..

On first impressions this was a man loved life in the fast lane, with fast cars and probably even faster women, the complete opposite to his predecessor, Hem Vutha who was by default a mild mannered quietly spoken sort, but could have a nasty streak if you got the wrong side of him, as I did on a few occassions. 

On the flip side if Veasna was of this character, perhaps he would be more progressive and ambitious for the club and backed by the right finances could make EDC a lot stronger.. or he could just be a flash in the pan? At this stage it was difficult to judge. He could talk the talk, but could he walk the walk?

The new EDC chairman posed in front of the camera, before giving a brief interview to the waiting journalists. He then took the time to shake hands with me, Nen Borey and other members of the backroom team. 

Although, unlike his rival bidder, who had vowed to get rid of me if he took over, Veasna had been quieter on the subject of my future, although he had indicated during the negociations that he would not be making any immediate changes to the non-playing staff. I would find out in a meeting with him that had been arranged later that day what his thoughts were on this subject 

The opening day defeat to the National Police had not done anything for convincing any new chairman that I was the man to take this team forward under a new regime, but the win against Boeung Ket with a much improved performance had hopefully remedied this somewhat.

There was a small, but intimate drinks reception, although I kept off the champagne, as I had to help out with training later that morning. We had a big game against Nagaworld to prepare for, not really the opening game I would have wanted to impress my new boss. The casino would be seeking to spoil the honeymoon period of the new owners.

I took training with the lads, grabbed some lunch and then headed up the stairs to the boardroom. It felt strange being there again. The last time had walked up these stairs I had been on the verge of the sack after my clandestine trip to Malaysia and things had been more than uncertain with Charlotte as well. That tired nauceous feeling I had felt that day will last with me forever. In the time since, results and the performance of the team had worsened and a scrambled 5th placed finish had papered over the cracks a little. 

I knocked on the door and was greeted by his PA, a pretty petite Cambodian woman in a crisp, white blouse and black skirt. Sann Veasna was on the phone. The PA smiled, beckoned me to take a seat to wait until my new boss had finished. Veasna, still wearing his shades was slouched in his chair with his feet on the desk, but seemed unaware of my presence. 

I am not normally one to earwig on other people's phone conversations, but I could not help but be interested in the mode of this one.

"We want to sign him.. Bisai.."

"Yeah we'll give you 1.5K.. 1.5K and a £500 signing on fee.. "

Ok and a nice house in a fashionable part of Phnom Penh.. I have just the place in mind" 

Was I hearing right?

On his first day as EDC chairman, was he trying to sign a new player for the team?..  But surely this was my job, or Khim Ravy's our Director of Football. Not his! This was a bit awkward..

"Great that's a deal.. Bring Jefri over next week we'd love to show him around the club. Yeah and his Mrs too of course. "

"Great catch you later Mo " 

I looked around the room. His stuff was still in boxes, but already he was wheeing and dealing like Harry Redknapp on steroids..

He 7was momentarily surprised to see me sat there, before regaining his composure..

"Jonathan.. nice to finally meet you properly, he smiled bowing in my direction, before holding out his hand for a shake."

"You never guess what he chattered excitedly, I've just signed you a top top player.. he's going to make waves in the C-League,  put bums on seats this guy.. Your gonna love him.."


"Anyone I've heard of?" It flashed through my head it could be a name, maybe a relic from the Chinese Superleague looking for a final payday  (like he was ever going to get one at EDC..)

Jefri Hendri Bisai..


He's an Indonesian midfielder whose tearing it up in his home country but wants to come and play for EDC, his Mrs is Cambodian and she wants to come home.. This will be an amazing signing for the club.. "


This was an awkward one. On the one hand if Bisai does actually sign and he turns out to be a good player that will be great, but call me old fashioned, surely the chairman should only provide funds to buy new players at the request of the manager and the recruitment team, not buy the players himself.. This was a strange one and did this set a precedence for what was to come? Was I going to have players foisted on me whether I liked it or not and would the new chairman expect me to play his signings at the expense of more established players at the club? What effect would this have on the dressing room? 

Bisai, should he sign depending on his style of play could take the place of Chea Samnang who is my captain and an influential figure in the squad hierachy.

He turned and smiled.

"You'll be pleased to know Jonathan I think you have done a good job here to maintain EDC's status as an established C-League club and are happy for you to continue in your role. Of course you will be judged on results and if things don't go well we may look for a replacement. Like our predecessors, we want a top half finish and a Quarter Final place in the Hun Sen Cup and we will back you financially in order for you to do this."

He stood up and shook my hand again. "I look forward to our first game together against Nagaworld."

I shook his hand politely. He seemed nice enough, but what was all this about, making transfers behind my back?

I would be watching him very closely...

It was 3 in the afternoon and most of my backroom team had left the ground. I needed to find out who this Jefri Hendri Bisai was? My head scout had gone home, but there might be somebody else who may know? Therefore, my next stop was a rare trip to the cupboard where my data analyst and Technical Director Mao Samnang lived. Rumour has it he once spent an entire fortnight in there without coming out except for toilet.. Anyway that's another story.. 

I knocked on his cupboard door. There was a few scuffling noises coming from inside the cupboard. A few moments later the door flung open and a woman in her early 20s of Chinese appearence rushed out holding a dress around her body to cover up her modesty...

I raised my eyebrows as my ruffled data analyst emerged in the cupboard doorway, his glasses steamed up and his hair all over the place..

"*Mao! How you doing man?

"What do you want boss? enquired my data analyst obviously annoyed that I had interrupted his little rendez-vous.

Mao, I wanted to pick your brains. Have you heard of an Indonesian footballer called Jefri Hendri Bisai?

He paused suspiciously..

"Hmmm you'd better come in.."

The data analyst's cupboard was a sight for sore eyes. The place was littered with pizza boxes, paper and computers. On the wall was a random poster of Vinny Samways, the former Tottenham Hotspur midfielder and another of Paul Gascoigne's famous free kick against Arsenal in the 1991 FA Cup semi-final.. He was obviously a closet Spurs fan......

Anyway who was Henri Bisai and what was his pedigree?

After a bit of faffing around we managed to find some data on him..

"Bisai ah here we go.. Plays for Pereswar in Indonesia who I believe are in the Third Division.?"

"Third division?" I responded disapointedly..

"He made 58 appearances for them and scored 11 goals, with 16 assists and an Average rating of 7.17

He's done well granted, but only in the Indonesian Third Division."

Yes, Indonesia is a bigger football nation than Cambodia, and have over the years produced some decent footballers who have had good careers in some of the stronger Asian leagues, but they could hardly be called a world footballing powerhouse. Their Third Division would probably be of a similar standard to our Second Division maybe at best...?

Unless Bisai has just started out and is looking to move to a bigger club?

"How old is he?"

"He's 26."


I thanked my data analyst for his help and urged him to keep his extra-curricular activities away from the workplace and to give his cupboard a tidy in case our new chairman popped by for a visit.

I left the cupboard shaking my head..

"Tearing it up in the Indonesian Third Division. " I uttered to myself as I left the ground for the day.. 

"Maybe Henri Bisai will become an Indonesian Vinny Samways?" joked Charlotte when I told her later that evening...

"I'd rather him be the Indonesian Gascoigne." I laughed in response.

Match 3 – Nagaworld v EDC

Our challenging start to the season continues with a trip to the casino, who strangely lie bottom of the C-League after two defeats in their opening matches. They will still be a threat though. I stick to the same formation which served us well against Boeung Ket, but make one change with Pidor returning to the left wing, with Men Samnang switching to the number 10 role and Sung Rot dropping to the bench. Nagaworld have reverted to a 3-5-2 formation with Math Fasal playing as a right wing back. He really won’t like that!!

Team: Som, Konsmarch, Makara, Mol, Ratana, Soksana, Leap Bo, Nhem, Men Samanag, Taboula, Pidor

Match Action

With new chairman, Sann Veasna watching from the VIP box, both sides go hell for leather in the opening exchanges. Taboula and Nhem both register shots on target to Nagaworld’s one in the opening 9 minutes. Taboula then has a volley well saved. We look good here, but can we break the deadlock? No but Nagaworld can.. A long ball is played up to striker, Chainuth who flicks the ball on to the right foot of Man Ratana who volleys first time past Som. Completely against the run of play.. Like the Aussies and their short ball theory at Lords in the Ashes, Nagaworld’s long ball theory works again as another hoof ball is latched onto Man Ratana who lashes it past Som for 2-0. Two long balls, two chances, two goals.. In the second half we control the game but don’t look like scoring. There’s an air of inevitability about this. I’ve been playing this game long enough... To cut a long story short Sim Daravon crossed in from the right and that man Ratana glanced home a third to cap a miserable trip to the casino for Team Electric.. It’s not like we performed badly, we just couldn’t score and they could.. We actually do find the net when out of almost impatience, Samnang Nhem turned and fired a fierce shot into the bottom corner for a consolation near the end.

Final Score Nagaworld 3-1 EDC

Ratana 28,31,85                      Nhem 86 

Match 4 – Chhlam Samuth v EDC

It’s been a mixed start to the season so far. A terrible performance on the opening day, followed by a good win and performance against Boeung Ket and then defeat to Nagaworld. Which EDC will turn up today? I change to a 4-4-2, with Tuy Oudom back on the right wing and Taboula and Nhem up front. Visal makes his debut in the centre of defence. Samuth have had as bad a start to the season as us and have Chey Chitra in their ranks with a point to prove which makes them dangerous.

Team: Som, Kongsmarch, Visal, Mol, Ratana, Makara, Men Samnang, Oudom, Nhem Taboula, Pidor

It’s fairly even in the opening exchanges. We look good with two wingers but fail to create a chance. Then on nine minutes we win a free kick. Up steps Men Samnang to hit a fierce shot which the keeper can only palm into the top of the net! 1-0. We look in control of the game... until.. In a seemingly innocuous passage of play, where their player has the ball on the wide right, Visal on his debut decided to go in two-footed.. Red card! I sacrifice Taboula for Adekunjo with just Nhem up front. Just what I needed! To make matters worse from the resulting free kick, the ball is worked to Sok Veasna who unleashes a worldie straight into the top bins, Som with no chance.. When it rains it pours.. Seemingly out of nowhere we produce some magic. Substitute Sung Rot picks up the ball and runs with it before sending a perfect through ball to Samnang Nhem. The youngster scores with a lovely places finish seemingly against the odds to restore our lead. We then concede in the stupidest way possible.. a breakaway which leaves Bunsan the entire half of the field to run into and fire past Som. Enter Chey Chitra. The former EDC man looks over at our dugout before galloping past Mol and planting one past Som to turn it around 3-2. We have no answers..

The only answer is to go route one which is what Som does form a goal kick with devastating effect, sending Nhem clear to bag his second. 3-3. Shades of last season. As if this game couldn’t get any crazier it somehow does. Ratana fouls in the box. Penalty! Ratana is already on a yellow card.. Red! Down to 9 men we go Ouk Voeun does the rest sending Som the wrong way, 4- flippin 3. I can’t do anything right . Sok Veasna is allowed the freedom of the pitch before firing another bullet into the top corner 5-3. I am fuming! Tuy Oudom does his best to cheer me up by pulling one back with a clever dinked finish after a lovely ball form Sung Rot. 5-4. They see it out though and we lose for the first time to Chllam Samuth. Things have got that bad. I feel low, very low right now. We are rock bottom of the table after 4 matches and feel the whole world, Buddha and the Football Manger gods are against me...


Final Score Chllam Samuth 5-4 EDC


Match 5 EDC v Kampong Chhnang

You may recall we played Kampong Chhnang in a cup game back in 2021 (see Getting our feet wet) Well they are now newly promoted to the C-League and it’s fair to say they have done better than us so far, lying in second behind the National Police. Whatsmore the fabled Ouch Tony is still there and leading the line for the visitors. You may remember that Ouch Tony very nearly engineered a cup upset almost by himself as he led a comeback that we only just managed to stave off and sneak through to the next round. Now 34, is he ready to repeat his barnstorming second half performance that briefly earned him the nickname, “The Cambodian Messi.” I go in a 4-4-2. Ratana and Visal are both suspended after seeing red in the last game, so in comes Name Sop horn at left back and Adekunjo to partner Mol in the middle.

Team: Som, Kongsmach, Mol, Adekunjo, Sop horn, Makara, Men Samnang, Oudon, Nhem, Taboula, Pidor

Match Action

An even first fifteen sees Taboula have a well worked goal disallowed and the visitors cause us a few problems with some good attacks, without creating much. Nhem has a header well saved from a Pidor cross, but that’s the closest we come. Pidor has taken a knock so on comes Sung Rot, with Men Samnang switching to the left flank. We struggle to create, while for once looking fairly solid at the back. The, out of nothing, left back Nhem Sop horn lofts the ball forward. Taboula flicks the ball on and Nhem, running in behind buries it past the keeper with a smart finish. 1-0.  Adekunjo wins a header above Ouch Tony which finds Sung Rot. He drives forward with a typical Sung Rot run through the middle, before threading a perfectly weighted through ball to the onrushing Nhem, who such is his confidence, lashes the ball home first time without breaking stride to double our advantage. We are on fire now. Sop horn wins a header this time and this finds Taboula who runs at the heart of the Kampong defence. He plays in the unmarked Sung Rot who fizzes the ball into the corner first time to put us three ahead! Into the second half and Kamopng come at us. I bring on Dara for a tiring Oudom, but means I have used all three subs. Then, Sung Rot pulls up.. down to 10 we go. This is the time for another Ouch Tony show, surely.. He doesn’t disappoint. On 69 minutes he waltzes through our defence before teeing up Chan Thera who slides it past Som. Bugger, We look vulnerable until Taboula, now playing on the left wing, dribbles down the flank before sending in a searching ball for Nhem Dara to volley home first time to put a seal on a much needed victory. We climb out the relegation zone into 10th. and breathe a big sigh of relief.

Final Score EDC 4-1 Kampong Chhnang

Nhem 33,35                          Theara 70

Sung Rot 43

Dara 76


Match 6 EDC v Khemera 02/05/26

Just when I needed a nice easy game to back up the victory in the last match, bloody Khemera roll into town, wing backs, Judas and all.. Yes Maol Daravon has given up on his police career and defected to my bogey team. They are also buoyed by a good start to the season and lie in third on nine points, while we languish in 10th. To combat their annoying formation I restore the two DMCs, Makara and Leap Bo, with Nhem on the right flank and Taboula as the lone striker. Ratana replaces the impressive Nhem Sop horn who is unlucky to miss out.. Ros Kongsmarch is given another chance in the troublesome right back berth.

Team: Som, Kongsmarch, Mol, Adekunjo, Ratana, Makara, Leap Bo, Men Samnang, Nhem, Taboula, Pidor

Match Action

A  dream start for EDC! On three minutes, Men Samnang swings in a free kick and Pidor rises highest to nod the ball home! 1-0 to the EDC rings round the Electricity Stadium. We look up for this. Samnang who has been on fire so far this season line up another free kick... and fires it in off the inside of the post for 2-0. Brilliant from the youngster! Nhem then stings the hands of the keeper with a rasping shot. We are looking good here. But wait! Panha is through on goal after a brilliant through ball Panha.. thwacks the post. A let off for EDC! “Focus” I scream from the dugout. Men Samnang though is running the show in midfield. He waltzes past his man before unleashing a curling shot just past the upright. 2-0 at the break and we have looked solid and could have lead by more than just the two goals. Into the second half and good move involving the tenacious Leap Bo and Taboula results in the ball being spread wide to Nhem who runs into the box before he is felled by the defender. Penalty! Up steps Ouk Ratana... who fires it straight at the keeper, who parries the ball away.. bugger! No matter. Another nice move results in Pidor waltzing into the box before being felled by the defender. Penalty! I order Taboula to take it instead of Ratana and the Nigerian nonchalantly slots the ball home, sending the keeper the wrong way. 3-0 to the EDC!  Men Samnang almost makes it four when he latches onto a Taboula free kick, but his fierce effort is clawed around the near post by the keeper. But wait. This is Khemera... Ly Ravy gets down the left, outpacing Kongsmarch before floating in a perfect cross for Panha to nod home. 3-1. We are made of sterner stuff this season and there are none of the capitulations which pockmarked last season. Men Samnang (who else) sends in another handgrenade of a free kick and the impressive Mat Mol heads home at the far post to round off a brilliant performance. Judas what’s the score, Judas Judas what’s the score rings round the Electricty Stadium in reference to our old friend, Maol Daravon. There was time for another goal, to Khemera Ravann beat Som to ball to nod home a consolation which took the gloss off a great performance against those perennial bogeymen from Khemera.

Final Score EDC 4-2 Khemera

Pidor 4                             Panha 62

Men Samnang 12           Ravann 90

Taboula 56 (pen)

Mol 77


A mixed start to the season for EDC as they start to slowly climb the table to respectability, but will the influence of a new chairman and his liking for dabbling in the transfer market unbalance the team, or will it propel them further up the league table? Find out next time on the Ultimate World FM Game! 


Edited by Jon1982
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20 minutes ago, BenArsenal said:

Data analyst in the cupboard? Man, you guys need some serious new funding... :lol:

Haha I think that's just my imagination working overtime as thats what I imagine where a data analyst would be, in a cupboard.. with posters of old footballers on the walls.. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Part 74 - Keep Calm and Carry on Up The C-League



This was the carry-on film that never made it to the big or small screen, only the cutting room floor.. An Englishman trying to win the Cambodian Premier League title with a part time team representing an Electricity Company....Seven seasons in and we have only one Hun Sen Cup and the Kings Cup (The Cambodian version of the Community Shield) to show for my efforts. Maybe I have overachieved, with a team that can only offer players appearance money and a little bit less if summoned from the subs bench, or maybe I have underachieved with the talent I have had over the years. Have I taken this team as far as I can? With the help of my new chairman, can I build a team that can challenge the four professional clubs again? The future begins here, starting with my first ever opponents, Bati Youth in the cup.

Match 7 – EDC v Bati Youth – Hun Sen Cup 2nd Qualifying Round 05/05/26

It’s showdown time! I’ve been counting the days until we get the opportunity to inflict sweet revenge on the acne ridden kids of The Bati Youth Academy. They are currently in 8th place in the Cambodian 2nd Division Group C and an easy win is predicted for Team Electric. I field a strong team, but replace my two strikers with Noron and Nhem Dara to give them some minutes.

Team: Som, Sophorn, Adekunjo, Mol, Ratana, Soksuena, Men Samnang, Tuy Oudom, Dara, Noron, Pidor

We dominate possession but fail to create a clear cut chance. Then on the near side of the pitch, Tuy Oudom pulls up. This looks serious and is stretchered off the pitch. Not the start I had in mind. Chhim Pheara replaces him.  We look good but again that final ball is lacking. Dara gets down the right and his cross finds Noron, but the defender blocks his effort for a corner.. We have possession but cannot break down the stubborn kids, who have if anything perfected the offside trap as Noron and Dara keep stepping into it. This is getting a little frustrating.. Nil Nil at the break. Everybody in the ground is asleep..

I go 4-3-3 with Noron, Dara and Pheara forming a three pronged attack. Pidor now in a Mezzala role flights a lovely ball for Dara to run onto and his shot strikes the foot of the post and wide.. Then, relief.. Ratana gets down the left from full back. His low cross causes panic in the Bati defence and after a bit of a scramble the ball falls to Nhem Dara who tucks the ball into the corner of the net. It wasn’t pretty but it was exactly what we needed. We look the most likely to double our advantage, Dara’s cross to Pheara on the far post results in the youngster skewing his effort wide. We are just once cock up way from disaster though. This almost happens from a corner where Men Samnang hacks a header off the line.. Concentrate,, So much for a handsome victory, sweet revenge on those pesky kids, we are hanging on a little here.. I slow the tempo down and to short passing and this seems to do the trick as we re-assert control. Nhem Dara who has played well gets down the left, before checking inside and delivering a fine cross to the onrushing Pheara at the far post who this time makes no mistake, placing the ball into the corner of the net with a first time cushioned volley, for a more comfortable 2-0 scoreline. Job done and into the next round we go. Thankfully lightning doesn’t strike twice!

Final Score – Bati Youth 0-2 EDC

                                                   Dara 52

                                                   Pheara 89



Match 8 – National Defence v EDC

We travel to the army team in reasonable spirits, knowing a win here would propel us into the top half of the table. I go in with a 4-2-3-1 with Chea Samnang making his first start of the season and Um Makara moving to centre back in the absence of the suspended Mat Mol. The hosts surprisingly languish at the bottom of the table with just four points, but seem to have a reasonable team at their disposal.

Team: Som, Kongsmarch, Makara, Adekunjo, Ratana, Soksuena, Chea Samnang, Men Samnang, Nhem, Taboula, Pidor

Match Action

We win an early free kick, which Men Samnag swings in to Nhem! His header smacks against the upright and is cleared by the National Defence. Promising start. Men Samnang wriggles his way into the box but can only shoot tamely at the keeper. At the other end, a quick breakaway leads to Kim Rithy shooting but is well saved by Som. Nhem goes on a storming run which results in him firing just over the bar. Some nice moves result in poor finishing, especially from Taboula. 0-0 at the break, but we have looked far more likely to break the deadlock. Into the second half and I go 4-2-4 as we lacked width in the first half. Still we create chances, Makara heads wide from a corner and the National Defence live up to their name. Frustrating. Then to make matters worse a quick goal kick results in a race between their striker and Makara. My player holds him back and is also on a yellow. The ref takes a dim view and sends him off. I move sub Leap Bo to an emergency left back but funnily enough still feel we can win. The Defence sense an opportunity though and nearly score with a header just over the crossbar. We haven’t given up despite our numerical disadvantage. Sub Pheara goes on a barnstorming run through the midfield. He finds Nhem in the right channel who runs at his defender. His cross is cut out but the defender can only chest the ball into the path of Men Samnang who fires home from close range for a much deserved lead. Run Oudom lives up to his name before firing a shot which is saved low by Som. They come again and only a last ditch tackle from Ratana, now playing in central defence prevents an easy tap in. We are made of sterner stuff this season and hold out for a hard-earned three points.

Final Score National Defence 0-1 EDC

                                                 Men Samnang 80

It was a few days after the National Defence game and I was taking training. 

During the session I was interrupted by my chairman, Sann Veasna. 


Firstly it was a surprise to see him on the training field (something his predecessor would never have done), but what was even more surprising is that he was accompanied by two players, who I did not recognise. One was a short spiky haired dude, the other seemingly of Thai origin was taller. Veasna was still wearing those sunglasses..

"Jonathan.. he grinned, I want you to meet Jefri Bisai and Watthana Doloh.. They will be joining the club at the start of the new transfer window on 16th May..."

This was really awkward. While I knew about Bisai, I did not know who was this Doloh fella was? I'd never heard of him, let alone know even what position he played... What was his pedigree? Was he also "tearing it up in the Thai amateur leagues?"

I bit my tongue..

"Welcome to EDC," I uttered, as I bowed to each of the new signings in turn.

"This is an exciting new era for the club and to lay down a marker to our rivals, I have signed these to bad boys," he turned grinning like a Cheshire cat at both of them... like he'd signed both Messi and Ronaldo on the same day..

Bisai and Doloh laughed nervously.

"Well, gotta move on, we have contracts to sort out.. Happy training!"

I gave a fake smile, before turning to Nen Borey who had come over to meet them as well.

I shook my head.

"I'm not sure how long I can put up with this Nen?"

"Jonathan.. let's see how good these players are first. They may be just what we need for the team.."

"I don't know, even if they are good players, what's the point of having a recruitment team if the chairman is going to sign everybody. Am I now obliged to play them both against Angkor Tiger on Saturday? Can I even sign players of my own in the upcoming transfer window?"

After training I paid another visit to my Data Analyst's cupboard, Vinny Samways and all to get the lowdown on Watthana Doloh. Thankfully he had taken my advice and had tidied it up. Turns out, Doloh had been "tearing it up" for the mighty Prachinbui United in yes you've guessed it the Thai Third Division, which are regional semi-pro/amateur leagues... He was a right winger apparently...

"We don't need another right winger, we have Tuy Oudom, Nhem and Pheara who can all play there, plus young Thin Pheng a promising 16-year old wide man in my youth team who was widely tipped to break into the first team in the future..

I thanked my data analyst and headed home for the day, wondering whether this could be the beginning of the end for me at EDC. I could not manage a team that was not my own, regardless of the ability of the players that were being bought by my new chairman. 

The Chairman’s Signings

Watthana Doloh 1.5K from Prachinbui United (Thai)

Watthana Doloh has landed in my squad (whether I like it or not) A decentish player but a risk.


Jeff Henri Bisai (MC) 1.7K from Persewar (Ind)

A midfielder with a bit of everything. Let's see of my chairman has a Judging Player Ability of 20...

Match 9 Angkor Tiger v EDC

Four straight wins in all competitions have helped to give the team new belief and confidence as we travel to The champions, Angkor Tiger. Three changes see Mol return for the suspended Makara and Nhem Sophorn for Kongsmarch. New signing Jefri Bisai starts in midfield, while new Thai winger Doloh is on the bench. Not sure what’s going on at the beer company, as they languish in 9th, while we start the game in 6th place. They still have the dangerous Omakafe and Bista in their ranks, despite their surprisingly lowly league position. All to play for as we try and catch runaway leaders, The National Police..


Team: Som, Kongsmarch, Mol, Adekunjo, Sophorn, Soksuena, Bisai, Men Samnang, Nhem, Taboula, Pidor.

Match 9 Angkor Tiger v EDC

Four straight wins in all competitions have helped to give the team new belief and confidence as we travel to The champions, Angkor Tiger. Three changes see Mol return for the suspended Makara and Nhem Sophorn for Kongsmarch. New signing Jefri Bisai starts in midfield, while new Thai winger Doloh is on the bench. Not sure what’s going on at the beer company as they languish in 9th , while we start the game in 6th place. They still have the dangerous Omakafe and Bista in their ranks, despite their surprisingly lowly league position. All to play for as we try and catch runaway leaders, The National Police..

Team: Som, Kongsmarch, Mol, Adekunjo, Sophorn, Soksuena, Bisai, Men Samnang, Nhem, Taboula, Pidor.

Match Action

We start brightly, but it is Tiger who have the first chance when Omakafe shoots wide from the edge of the box. From the resulting goal kick Som rolls it out to Mol, who finds Sophorn. Sophorn to Nhem. Nhem dribbles infield and lays it off to Men Samnang.. Samnang, sprays a lovely 30 yard ball wide left to Sok Oeun Pidor, Pidor for EDC on the left edge of the area. He finds a cross to Bisai! BisaiiiiiiII!!!!! What a goal. He strikes the ball first time into the top corner from 25 yards with his first ever touch in an EDC shirt! Unbelievable Jeff! Jefri Henri Bisai scores on his debut! What a way to announce himself to his new club! Amazing! Pidor tries to emulate his team mate moments later but his long range effort is well saved. At the other end, Tiger head one over from a corner. We look up for this though. The impressive Men Samnang picks up the ball in midfield and runs at the Tiger defence. He lays it back to Nhem Sophorn who lifts a lovely ball over the top for the onrushing Nhem... 2-0! He bludgeons it into the top corner from inside the box. Brilliant from the youngster once again! A Men Samnang free kick is met by the head of Adekunjo! It hits the upright! We haven’t had it all our own way but our defence has snuffed out anything that the Tiger can throw at us. Then on 42 minutes, Bisai lays the ball back to Sophorn who once again plays a fine forward pass to the onrushing Nhem and in a carbon copy of his first goal slams the ball home for number three. Where were the Angkor Tiger? Quite frankly.. who cares? Bista is angry and the Nepalese forward dribbles down the right flank before crossing to Sok Samnang who returns the favour from the left, only for Bista’s finish to be stunningly tipped round the post by Som from close range. Brilliant from the EDC keeper. The second half kicks off and Tiger have the first attack. Omakafe turns and runs at the defence, but is upended by Mol.. He’s already been booked.. Red Card! Not the start to the half we wanted. I sacrifice Pidor for defender Visal to lot in alongside Adekunjo. A long ball is played to the onrushing Omakafe.. who shoots straight at Som.. A let off for EDC.. Then nothing.. the game ticks and ticks as we frustrate the opposition and preserve our lead. Men Samnang gets the ball on the left and releases Nhem who skips past his man, but the goalkeeper denies him his hat-trick and a fourth EDC goal. And that was that. A brilliant scoreline in an even game. We power up the C-League table to fourth.

Final Score Angkor Tiger 0-3 EDC


                                          Bisai 3, Nhem 21,43


Match 10 EDC v CMAC United

Five straight wins in all competitions and suddenly we have got our mojo back. The problem is when we are confident and playing well, we tend to slip on a banana skin and fall on our backsides... Bottom of the table CMAC Utd have all the hallmarks of a very slippery banana skin. Up front, the evergreen Kawabata, who was supreme last time we faced him is up front, with ex EDC man Sos Suhana providing the ammunition from the right wing. We have an embarrassment of riches to choose from. Makara slots in for the suspended Mol, while Doloh makes his full debut on the right wing in a 4-4-2 formation. On paper an easy win, in practice, god knows what will happen...

Team: Som, Sophorn, Makara, Adekunjo, Ratana, Sokuena, Bisai, Doloh, Nhem, Taboula, Men Samnang

It is CMAC who have the first attempt at goal, Sos Suhana’s free kick which was comfortably saved by Som. We assert dominance as the visitors pack the defence with the aging Kawababta their only outlet on the break. We huff and puff. Taboula has a shot comfortably saved but that’s about it. We have had plenty of the ball but so far have been unable to break them down. Until.. Men Samnang, playing on the left tries to beat his man but is tackled.. Soksuena picks up the loose ball. He plays it into the penalty area. Taboula flicks the ball on into the path of Nhem who stabs the ball home at the far post. Relief! Taboula almost makes it two when his low shot is well saved after good work from Bisai. A warning shot! Midfielder Va Pheng drives forward and unleashes a fearsome shot which is spectacularly tipped over the bar by Som. One nil at the break. In the second half we dominate once again. Nhem flashes a shot just wide of the post, while a rejuvenated Taboula has a header tipped over the bar. CMAC started to creep back into the game and enjoy a good spell of possession, without creating much. The clock ticks on, until Som sends a thunderbolt of a goal kick. Nhem leaps  like a salmon to nod the ball on to the onrushing Taboula, who makes no mistake, sidefooting the ball confidently into the corner for a two nil lead. Job done. CMAC created a couple of half chances late on but there was no denying us a comfortable win. We go second, just three points behind The National Police...

Final Score EDC 2-0 CMAC United

Nhem 34

Taboula 83

Pelap Taboula Makes 100th Appearance for EDC

My star Nigerian striker, Pelap Taboula made his 100th appearance in an EDC shirt against CMAC United. He has scored 64 goals for the club and is quickly establishing himself as a true club legend. At just 23 years old there will hopefully be many more appearances and goals for the club.

EDC have recovered from being bottom of the league at one stage to fourth in the table. Will the chairman's new signings help propel them even further towards glory, or will it prove to be a ticking time bomb in both the dressing room and manger's office? Find out next time onThe Ultimate World FM Game! 


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I was very sad to hear that according to the EDC Wikipedia page, the real life club was sadly dissolved at some point this year. Since I have been writing this story and when football in Cambodia resumed after the pandemic, the real EDC were actually in the Second Division and were promoted back to the C-League as Champions in 2022. Unfortunately this year they could not fulfil their fixtures (not sure of the reasons why I presume financial difficulties) and they disbanded, which is a great shame. 

EDC had a great little Facebook page and even streamed live matches on there, which was quite surreal for me to watch and see their stadium, players and fans thousands of miles away in the UK. Strange coincidence but their goalkeeper, was in fact Sokundara Som who also is my first choice keeper on the game, but was not part of the original squad. Quite what the club thought of a mad Englisman liking their posts, or whether they were aware of my story I'm not sure.. It seemed like a lovely little club though. If any of you guys who live in this part of the world have more details on their demise that would be appreciated.

R.I.P EDC 2015-2023

Hopefully the spirit of the club will live on in this story! 


Edited by Jon1982
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Aww...that's a great shame indeed.

Football clubs folding are sadly quite common in Asia though. Many of them are run like regular businesses, and they wind up when it is no longer financially viable to continue operations.

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1 hour ago, BenArsenal said:

Aww...that's a great shame indeed.

Football clubs folding are sadly quite common in Asia though. Many of them are run like regular businesses, and they wind up when it is no longer financially viable to continue operations.

Thanks Ben, I'm guessing this is what has happened at EDC. It may be to do with energy costs going up as well which meant they had less money to spend on the football club. The difference is that Asian clubs are often linked to national institutions (police, army, energy company, brewery, casino etc) rather than towns and cities as in Europe which means their fortunes are linked to how much money these businesses make and maybe in harder times the associated football club is the first to go in cost cutting measures.  

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  • 3 weeks later...

Part 75 - Untenable!



 Life at EDC was not the same. My autocratic chairman, Sann Veasna had imposed himself on the whole club and his meddling nature was beginning to have a huge effect on everybody concerned. It wasn't just the two 'surprise' signings of Bisai and Doloh, who had turned out to be decent footballers, as well as decent human beings, but he was everywhere. I couldn't go five minutes without seeing those bloody sunglasses and that annoying grin. He was there at training, in the dressing room before and after matches, telling me and my staff what they should or shouldn't be doing. He even attended scouting meetings. His predecessor, Hem Vutha always kept out of the football side of things and trusted me and my team to get on with our jobs. While he was present at matches and only appeared in the dressing room when invited, such as during both the Hun Sen Cup finals we had been involved with, he showed no interest in team affairs. Sann Veasna was the exact opposite. The tension was rising and it would take just one thing to light the spark... And guess what... The transfer window had just swung open. What could possibly go wrong?

The Morning of The EDC v Phnom Penh Game

It was Saturday 30th May 2026 and it was the day of the big, televised C-League game against Phnom Penh Crown. As was ritual for home fixtures the players would meet at 12, have a pre-match meal and then prepare for the game. We congregated in the dressing room and after the usual chat and banter was flying around amongst the lads, we began our brief meeting about team selection, who was in the team, who wasn't on the bench and remind them of the formation and tactics

"So lads, Phnom Penh Crown. We have a good record against them and I feel confident of victory."
"I'm going in with a 4-2-3-1... Som in goal, Sophorn you keep your place at right back, Mol, Adekunjo, Ratana, Makara your in the holding role, Bisai, Nhem and Pidor you are left and right wing and Men Samnang you are in the number 10 role behind Taboula."

I looked round.

"Men Samnang.." Where's Men Samnang?"

"Anyone know?"

There was silence.

"Does anyone know where Men Samang is?"

More silence..

"He hasn't accidently been put in the reserve squad?"

"No replied Nen Borey, they don't have a game till Tuesday?"

With that in swaggered Sann Veasna.

"Sann, where is my number 10, Men Samnang?" Do you know where he is?"

"Oh he signed for Khemera this morning." He replied glibly.


"Men Samnang has gone to Khemera.>"

"Yeah he's gone.."

 "And you didn't think to tell me that my f****** best player this season, number 10, capped five times for his country aged just 18 and free-kick specialist has left the club and you did not tell me!

"Well it's OK you've got Bisai who I signed. He can play."

"That's not the point! You sold a player behind my back!

The players looked on astonished as me and my chairman argued in front of them.

"Maybe there's been some misunderstanding." reasoned Nen Borey.

"Misunderstanding! He's sold our best player to one of our f***** rivals.."~

"I think we need to discuss this later. We have an important match today" and with that he vanished.

I was fuming!

Match 11 EDC v Phnom Penh Crown

The EDC bandwagon rolls on to a home fixture against the Crown, which was live on BTV Cambodia, somethign which I really could have done without given the mood I was in. I  After Men Samnang’s shock departure, Sung Rot takes his place in the AMC role. Mat Mol is back at the back and Um Makara moves into DMC. Our opponents lie in a lowly 8th.

Team: Som, Sophorn, Mol, Adekunjo, Ratana, Makara, Bisai, Sung Rot, Nhem, Taboula, Pidor

Match Action

We start on the front foot and Sophorn’s cross sees Taboula have an effort tipped over the bar from the angle. But. A random free kick results in Prak Udom volleying home Chay Daravon’s free kick.. They look dangerous n the break. Soksana fires just wide, while Bisai whistles a free kick just past the post. 1-0 at the break. Into the second half I go 4-2-4. We somehow can’t get up for this game and we lack the spark that Men Samnang would have given us.. I change Dara for Taboula and Um Mony Udom for the ineffectual Pidor. Un Mony Udom forces a flying save from the keeper after a direct free kick. However we just cannot seem to get the ball off them. Our misery is compounded when Soksana barges his way past Mol and fires a low shot past Som for 2-0.. We’ve just never looked like winning this game no matter what we did. A disappointing defeat and our 5 match winning run comes to an end. Not that I care. This will be my last game in charge. I have made up my mind. 

Final Score EDC 0-2 Phnom Penh Crown

                                      Udom 17 Soksana 76



After the post match ritual had been completed in which I (think) I successfully managed to hide my thoughts about quitting EDC to the Cambodian Match of The Day cameras, I had a very important discussion to have with my better half.

As normal after a home fixture I met up with Charlotte, who as usual had been at the game and we headed to one of our favourite Thai restaurants in downtown Phnom Penh. While we were both disappointed about the result, it was not really at the forefront of my mind.

She had been aware of my growing frustrations in the job and the new chairman's interfering ways, but at this point had no idea about the Men Samnang situation and the fact that I felt my role as manager was becoming untenable. Funnily enough it was she who brought up the subject of my former attacking midfielder.

"Where was Men Samnang? Was he injured in the warm up?"

"Funny you should mention him.. He's left EDC and gone to Khemera."
I explained about the pre-match argument between me and my chairman, of which she listened to open-mouthed.

"And he didn't tell you? What are you going to do?"


She paused for a moment, sweeping her beautiful hair down her back and shoulders.

"What are you going to do, are you going to find another job in Cambodia?"

This was not something I had thought about, but there had been an itch with me for some time to try my hand in another country, one a bit more advanced than Cambodia, possibly Thailand.

"Well let's see how things go, but I need to ask you something."

"If I was to get a manager's job in another country would you join me?"

She paused.

That beautiful smile spread across her face.

She nodded and a tear rolled down her cheek. "Yes... I just want to be with you. Wherever we go they will always need nurses and well lets get out of Phnom Penh and Cambodia. I have nothing but bad memories here." Yes Yes Yes let's start a new life somewhere else."

We hugged across the table and held hands. 

My mind was made up. I would hand in my resignation from EDC in the morning.


I felt nervous as I drove to The Electricity Stadium perhaps for the final time. As I travelled memories of the last six years came flooding back.. The Kevin Keegan-esque rant in the press conference, winning the Hun Sen Cup and Kings Cup, my trip to Angkor Wat with Nen Borey, signing the Cambodian Pele, Charlotte and I tapping up players at the club's end of season bash. Amazing memories from an amazing club which would forever be in my heart.

I climbed the stairs and knocked on the boardroom door. His secretary let me in and asked me to sit down. Sann Veasna emerged from behind his desk. He laid on the charm as usual.

"Jonathan! great to see you!" What can I do for you?"

"Sann.. I wish to resign from EDC with immediate effect.."

Even the normal cool Sann Veasna paused.

"You know yeah your right I mean it's not like were really going anywhere under your management. We were a pile a s**** against Phnom Penh Crown and I don't really want you as my manager any more. I think there's better out there.."

I was insulted.

"Sann I've given six f****** years of my life to this club, in a country and league which is completely unfamiliar to me. I've taken this team to two cup finals, one of which we won and have consolidated EDC as a respected and established club in the Cambodian C-League. This club is in a far better place than when I took over six years ago when we were constantly fighting relegation. I am proud of my achievements here, but you know what, I think it's time to move on as I cannot work under a complete p**** like you who sells my best player to a rival without even telling me. I quit,"

I stormed out the room, ran down the stairs trying to fight the tears, got into my car and drove out of the Electricity Stadium for the very last time. 

My tenure of managing the first club on The Ultimate World FM Game - EDC of Cambodia was over,  but where will I end up next? Find out next time on the Ultimate World FM Game! 

to be continued.......





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On 04/11/2023 at 23:31, Jon1982 said:

Part 75 - Untenable!



 Life at EDC was not the same. My autocratic chairman, Sann Veasna had imposed himself on the whole club and his meddling nature was beginning to have a huge effect on everybody concerned. It wasn't just the two 'surprise' signings of Bisai and Doloh, who had turned out to be decent footballers, as well as decent human beings, but he was everywhere. I couldn't go five minutes without seeing those bloody sunglasses and that annoying grin. He was there at training, in the dressing room before and after matches, telling me and my staff what they should or shouldn't be doing. He even attended scouting meetings. His predecessor, Hem Vutha always kept out of the football side of things and trusted me and my team to get on with our jobs. While he was present at matches and only appeared in the dressing room when invited, such as during both the Hun Sen Cup finals we had been involved with, he showed no interest in team affairs. Sann Veasna was the exact opposite. The tension was rising and it would take just one thing to light the spark... And guess what... The transfer window had just swung open. What could possibly go wrong?

The Morning of The EDC v Phnom Penh Game

It was Saturday 30th May 2026 and it was the day of the big, televised C-League game against Phnom Penh Crown. As was ritual for home fixtures the players would meet at 12, have a pre-match meal and then prepare for the game. We congregated in the dressing room and after the usual chat and banter was flying around amongst the lads, we began our brief meeting about team selection, who was in the team, who wasn't on the bench and remind them of the formation and tactics

"So lads, Phnom Penh Crown. We have a good record against them and I feel confident of victory."
"I'm going in with a 4-2-3-1... Som in goal, Sophorn you keep your place at right back, Mol, Adekunjo, Ratana, Makara your in the holding role, Bisai, Nhem and Pidor you are left and right wing and Men Samnang you are in the number 10 role behind Taboula."

I looked round.

"Men Samnang.." Where's Men Samnang?"

"Anyone know?"

There was silence.

"Does anyone know where Men Samang is?"

More silence..

"He hasn't accidently been put in the reserve squad?"

"No replied Nen Borey, they don't have a game till Tuesday?"

With that in swaggered Sann Veasna.

"Sann, where is my number 10, Men Samnang?" Do you know where he is?"

"Oh he signed for Khemera this morning." He replied glibly.


"Men Samnang has gone to Khemera.>"

"Yeah he's gone.."

 "And you didn't think to tell me that my f****** best player this season, number 10, capped five times for his country aged just 18 and free-kick specialist has left the club and you did not tell me!

"Well it's OK you've got Bisai who I signed. He can play."

"That's not the point! You sold a player behind my back!

The players looked on astonished as me and my chairman argued in front of them.

"Maybe there's been some misunderstanding." reasoned Nen Borey.

"Misunderstanding! He's sold our best player to one of our f***** rivals.."~

"I think we need to discuss this later. We have an important match today" and with that he vanished.

I was fuming!

Match 11 EDC v Phnom Penh Crown

The EDC bandwagon rolls on to a home fixture against the Crown, which was live on BTV Cambodia, somethign which I really could have done without given the mood I was in. I  After Men Samnang’s shock departure, Sung Rot takes his place in the AMC role. Mat Mol is back at the back and Um Makara moves into DMC. Our opponents lie in a lowly 8th.

Team: Som, Sophorn, Mol, Adekunjo, Ratana, Makara, Bisai, Sung Rot, Nhem, Taboula, Pidor

Match Action

We start on the front foot and Sophorn’s cross sees Taboula have an effort tipped over the bar from the angle. But. A random free kick results in Prak Udom volleying home Chay Daravon’s free kick.. They look dangerous n the break. Soksana fires just wide, while Bisai whistles a free kick just past the post. 1-0 at the break. Into the second half I go 4-2-4. We somehow can’t get up for this game and we lack the spark that Men Samnang would have given us.. I change Dara for Taboula and Um Mony Udom for the ineffectual Pidor. Un Mony Udom forces a flying save from the keeper after a direct free kick. However we just cannot seem to get the ball off them. Our misery is compounded when Soksana barges his way past Mol and fires a low shot past Som for 2-0.. We’ve just never looked like winning this game no matter what we did. A disappointing defeat and our 5 match winning run comes to an end. Not that I care. This will be my last game in charge. I have made up my mind. 

Final Score EDC 0-2 Phnom Penh Crown

                                      Udom 17 Soksana 76



After the post match ritual had been completed in which I (think) I successfully managed to hide my thoughts about quitting EDC to the Cambodian Match of The Day cameras, I had a very important discussion to have with my better half.

As normal after a home fixture I met up with Charlotte, who as usual had been at the game and we headed to one of our favourite Thai restaurants in downtown Phnom Penh. While we were both disappointed about the result, it was not really at the forefront of my mind.

She had been aware of my growing frustrations in the job and the new chairman's interfering ways, but at this point had no idea about the Men Samnang situation and the fact that I felt my role as manager was becoming untenable. Funnily enough it was she who brought up the subject of my former attacking midfielder.

"Where was Men Samnang? Was he injured in the warm up?"

"Funny you should mention him.. He's left EDC and gone to Khemera."
I explained about the pre-match argument between me and my chairman, of which she listened to open-mouthed.

"And he didn't tell you? What are you going to do?"


She paused for a moment, sweeping her beautiful hair down her back and shoulders.

"What are you going to do, are you going to find another job in Cambodia?"

This was not something I had thought about, but there had been an itch with me for some time to try my hand in another country, one a bit more advanced than Cambodia, possibly Thailand.

"Well let's see how things go, but I need to ask you something."

"If I was to get a manager's job in another country would you join me?"

She paused.

That beautiful smile spread across her face.

She nodded and a tear rolled down her cheek. "Yes... I just want to be with you. Wherever we go they will always need nurses and well lets get out of Phnom Penh and Cambodia. I have nothing but bad memories here." Yes Yes Yes let's start a new life somewhere else."

We hugged across the table and held hands. 

My mind was made up. I would hand in my resignation from EDC in the morning.


I felt nervous as I drove to The Electricity Stadium perhaps for the final time. As I travelled memories of the last six years came flooding back.. The Kevin Keegan-esque rant in the press conference, winning the Hun Sen Cup and Kings Cup, my trip to Angkor Wat with Nen Borey, signing the Cambodian Pele, Charlotte and I tapping up players at the club's end of season bash. Amazing memories from an amazing club which would forever be in my heart.

I climbed the stairs and knocked on the boardroom door. His secretary let me in and asked me to sit down. Sann Veasna emerged from behind his desk. He laid on the charm as usual.

"Jonathan! great to see you!" What can I do for you?"

"Sann.. I wish to resign from EDC with immediate effect.."

Even the normal cool Sann Veasna paused.

"You know yeah your right I mean it's not like were really going anywhere under your management. We were a pile a s**** against Phnom Penh Crown and I don't really want you as my manager any more. I think there's better out there.."

I was insulted.

"Sann I've given six f****** years of my life to this club, in a country and league which is completely unfamiliar to me. I've taken this team to two cup finals, one of which we won and have consolidated EDC as a respected and established club in the Cambodian C-League. This club is in a far better place than when I took over six years ago when we were constantly fighting relegation. I am proud of my achievements here, but you know what, I think it's time to move on as I cannot work under a complete p**** like you who sells my best player to a rival without even telling me. I quit,"

I stormed out the room, ran down the stairs trying to fight the tears, got into my car and drove out of the Electricity Stadium for the very last time. 

My tenure of managing the first club on The Ultimate World FM Game - EDC of Cambodia was over,  but where will I end up next? Find out next time on the Ultimate World FM Game! 

to be continued.......





All good things come to an end. Hope you have a job at a bigger club 

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Wow, it finally ends. You know, you've summed up how things work in Cambodia perfectly with your final act. It's kinda why I took early retirement to get out of teaching. The students were always great but the f**kwit management ground me down. Don't go thinking Thailand's a whole lot different, though!


Best of luck with your next venture - in FM24 I presume. If it's a lower league db in an obscure nation, you can just load it up in FM23 and port it over to FM24 now. No pressing need to wait for anyone to make anything.

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5 hours ago, phnompenhandy said:

Wow, it finally ends. You know, you've summed up how things work in Cambodia perfectly with your final act. It's kinda why I took early retirement to get out of teaching. The students were always great but the f**kwit management ground me down. Don't go thinking Thailand's a whole lot different, though!


Best of luck with your next venture - in FM24 I presume. If it's a lower league db in an obscure nation, you can just load it up in FM23 and port it over to FM24 now. No pressing need to wait for anyone to make anything.

Phnompenh Andy! Thanks for your message and glad you are still reading the story. No i'm staying with FM21 for now, as I have to think of the time factor with the story, because any new game would have to begin in 2026 and going on holiday for 3 years would take an age.. When I first started the story the intention was this to be a journeyman save taking in several countries and may be finding my way back to Blighty, but I kind of got attached to EDC and Cambodia so stayed there (in real time) for nearly 3 years!

Edited by Jon1982
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  • 1 month later...

Part 76 - Farewell EDC!


My tenure at EDC had come to an abrupt end and in one of the worse ways possible. My interfering new chairman, Sann Veasna sold, or gave away one of best players, Men Samnang to our bitter rivals, Khemera without telling anybody else and it only came to light on the morning of a televised match against Phnom Penh Crown. This was a clear breach of trust between manager and chairman, one that is essential for the successful running of a football club on and off the field. I had not known Sann Veasna long, but it was clear to me by his actions how this was going to play out and it was something I did not want to be part of any more.. His interfering ways in recruitment, training and with some of the players themselves had affected everybody from the cleaning ladies to me the manager. There was an underlying reason also and that was an acceptance that while we remained semi-professional, we would always be the bridesmaids in the C-League, finishing around 5th each season. Thirdly this is The Ultimate World FM Game and I've only been to one country so far!!

So, where did we leave off last time..??
Yes I'm in a fit of anger after leaving EDC and driving home. As I was doing this, I got a call from Nen Borey.
I parked up at the side of the road 
"Jonathan, What's happened?"
"I've quit Nen.."
"Ohh Jonathan.."
"I'm fed up of his BS"
I was aware that Nen Borey may have his eyes on taking over, as he had been building up his coaching badges and had already been linked to both the Vishaka and Svay Rieng jobs. As far as I'm concerned he was welcome to it.. 
"I'm done with EDC Nen, I'm going elsewhere."
"Are you leaving Cambodia?"
"Jonathan it won't be the same without you. Please reconsider."
"No Nen. My mind is I'm done with EDC and with Cambodia. It's been great working with you Nen, but its time to move on to pastures new."
The conversation ended and I continued on my way home. 
When I arrived home I messaged Charlotte, who was at the hospital to tell her the deed was done, but I'd give her more details later. I made a cup of tea and then fell asleep for a while. I should be taking training now.. then having a scouting meeting.. well I won't be missing the latter.. but I missed the lads, the banter, developing young players into better ones, that kind of thing. Our next game was a very winnable away match against Build Bright United and we would be doing our Chance Creation and conversion routines which was always a favourite.. 
Later on, Charlotte stopped by to cheer me up and I told her of the parting conversation I'd had with my now ex-boss, Sann Veasna. She was shocked at how dismissive he'd been. The big elephant in the room though was where would we go next? Would we stay in Cambodia, or leave for pastures new? My managerial stock was pretty high in this country and could probably get whatever job I wanted. Nagaworld, Boeung Ket and Phnom Penh Crown had at one time or another offered me the job, but each time I had turned them down, believing I could win the title with part-time EDC. It turned out Charlotte and I both wanted to leave Cambodia for different reasons. Me for footballing reason, in that I wanted to challenge myself in (no disrespect) a bigger and more developed football nation than Cambodia. My partner on the other hand had too many bad memories of Phnom Penh, living in poverty for a time with her mother and after her death going through a low period in her life which led her to the much documented series of failed relationships. She also wanted an adventure somewhere else. A fresh start.
Part of me wanted to get the country generator out again and go somewhere completely different, but waiting for those leagues to load and new jobs to become available would take too long and I had to think of Charlotte as well. It would have to be somewhere she was happy to relocate to as well. Taking Charlotte to manage a team in the high Arctic, or on a desert island wouldn't perhaps be the best idea for the long term future of our relationship!
We agreed on either Thailand or Malaysia, Indonesia or Australia. The latter was notoriously difficult to access politically and as there were only about ten teams in the A-League, not many managerial vacancies, even though a new life there would of course be amazing! 
I updated my Management CV and looked at the special Football Management Job Centre page in the sky to see which clubs had vacancies. There were numerous Thai clubs, mainly in the amateur leagues, but I would need to at least sign for a semi-pro outfit so I could earn a wage. I needed to earn money, I couldn't just do this for fun. There were no jobs going in Malaysia or Indonesia at this point, just Thailand and some in the other leagues loaded, Papua New Guinea and East Timor, but neither of us fancied going there.
The next day...
Inevitably news of my departure had travelled fast to the pages of the Khmer Times, with a picture of me leaving The Electricity Stadium.. I'm not sure when the picture was taken, but it certainly wasn't yesterday.. Anyway the news had reached the fans and Sann Veasna had wasted no time in slagging me off on social media. He'd obviously got one of his henchmen to tweet the below...
 Rudd was absolutely robbing a living at EDC, so glad he’s gone.” Charming!
The press rang me up for an interview which I duly obliged and with all the bluntness of my Yorkshire roots, told them how it bloody was. The chairman had sold one of my best players, Men Samnang to Khemera without telling me, rendering my position as manager untenable and that while I bore no grudge with the player himself, I was more than upset with the chairman for forcing him out of the club to one of our rivals. He had done this so his signing, Jefri Henri Bisai, who again I bore no grudge with and was a good player, could play instead and that if Veasna had any ounce of footballing brain would have realised that I was playing both in a 4-3-3 formation and because Men Samnang could also play as a left inverted winger and the Indonesian was a central midfielder I could if I so desired play them in the same eleven in a 4-4-2 formation as well if required... 
A few days later.....  
It's fair to say I was moping around my apartment, missing the lads and missing the preparations for a big match.
The only bright spark of the day was a visit from Charlotte after her hospital shift. She had promised a meal out that evening to cheer me up. I'd best get ready I suppose..
She arrived at 5pm, looking as resplendent as usual. Boy I loved her..
We got in the taxi and headed towards the centre of Phnom Penh. Charlotte was grinning from ear to ear throughout the journey... What was she up to? She was hatching another one of her schemes again, I could tell...
The taxi pulled up in Sisworth Quay. I momentarily looked over at the spot where I had nervously waited for Charlotte on that balmy evening around one year ago. We had come such a long way since then. I had back then been secure in my job and the team was doing well. 
She led me into a bar, again the same one where we had officially got together on that night after she had explained about her previous relations with my now ex-chairman Hem Vutha. 
Upon entering the bar I noticed that an area of it had been roped off for a party. It was full of people and my first thoughts were whether or not we could get a seat and that it may take a while for us to get served. 

Suddenly all the people in the bar stood up and started clapping and cheering. A few chants of "Jonny Rudd's Electric Army," rang out... The bar was full of EDC fans...? I looked closer.. Nen Borey came over and shook my hand.. There was Chan Vannak my Head of Youth Development and... Sok Oeun Pidor!..... Taboula... Nhem,,.. Ratana... all stood applauding.. Raymond Etim!.. Tuy Oudom,... Chea Samnang.. Leap Bo... Um Makara... Min Rattanak.... Men Samnang (of all people)... Maol Daravon,, oh my god,, He was there,,, Keo Udom.... Anderson Gbayoro.. Mat Noron....  All the lads were there and coaching staff. Then Hem Vutha, the ex-chairman stepped forward and quietened the crowd...
"Jonathan.. we just wanted to say thankyou thankyou thankyou for being our manager... Electricitie Du Cambodge and all the success you brought our team, for winning the Hun Sen Cup and The Kings Cup and establishing EDC as a strong C-League Club and improving football in the C-League as a whole.
"We are very sorry you are leaving and things ended the way that they did with that ba***rd Sann Veasna! I wish I had never sold the club to him! But.. tonight is not about him, but about this amazing Englishman who managed our team with such distinction and honour.. " Well at least you can go to Malaysia now Jonathan without having to face me when you get back! Hahaha"
"You must thank the lovely Charlotte here for arranging everything at such short notice, but we could not miss this opportunity to say thankyou for all you have done for us..."
The whole room cheered and raised their glasses.
Charlotte was grinning from ear to ear.
"Jonathan a few words??"

I was completely unprepared for this..
"Well... This is such a surprise... I thought Charlotte here was just taking me out for a meal and I've ended up here with you lot.. Those in the team I hope you remember that you have an important game Saturday!
Cue a few laughs..
"But seriously I came to EDC not knowing what to expect.... how I would manage to train a team without speaking Khmer?.. How I would manage against opponents I'd never even heard of? You guys all helped me through that and did yourselves proud both as people and footballers. It has been the most amazing experience of my life to be the EDC manager and has been an honour to bring two trophies into your cabinet. Charlotte, thankyou so much for organising this and getting everybody together. Up the EDC!!"
I then spent the best night of my life, chatting to all who had come to celebrate, reminiscing about old matches, the time we helped two fishermen pull a fish out the Mekong River on the way back from a cup tie against Mondul Kiri, the trip to Angkor Wat before the first Hun Sen Cup Final, signing "The Cambodian Pele" and of course winning the cup. All brilliant memories from this wonderful little football club... 
I managed to catch a word with Men Samnang and turned out that he had been practically manhandled out of the club on the morning of the Phnom Penh Crown game by a couple of Veasna's heavies.. He'd turned up at the ground on the morning of the game as normal, looking forward to taking on The Crown live on television, but was told at the door that he had been "sold" to Khemera..  and that if he contacted me about it then they would do more than just manhandle him into a taxi.... 
While the night in general had cheered me up, hearing this story from a talented young footballer, who was just 19 years old made me fear what the future may hold for all the staff at Electricite Du Cambodge FC with Sann Veasna in charge.. 
The End (of this part at least) 
Edited by Jon1982
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  • 5 weeks later...

Thankyou all for reading The Ultimate World FM Game and getting it to 15,000 views on this forum alone. After 3 years of playing the same save I have "upgraded" to FM23 and decided to start another story (a wee bit closer to home than Cambodia). More details to follow.... 

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  • 3 months later...

Great to see Cambodia and Phnom Penh featured on Race Across The World last night. The Mekong River and Tonle Sap looked stunning lit up at night... 

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