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Help with my player roles and tactic

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Dont know how to replay to all, so I just write it here.  This is my tactic, tho I once moved Moriba on amc as you can see. The others two pictures are Arezo and Esposito. They got both high in attributes to score a goal.  They are also my primary options for scoring a goal.  And isnt the xG the number which tells you how much goals you SHOULD score, ofcourse there is no saying you will.  I got really stupid goals, one was unreal cross where opposing player miracualy scores from downtown, the other 3 from norwich were from basically dead position either left or right side. There was some talk about Moriba, I dont know to utilize his skill and high attributes, someone suggested mezzala ? So mezzala on attack and which side? Thats all for now, I am waiting for your responses. Cheers fm friends !




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il y a 43 minutes, blejdek a dit :

Dont know how to replay to all, so I just write it here.  This is my tactic, tho I once moved Moriba on amc as you can see. The others two pictures are Arezo and Esposito. They got both high in attributes to score a goal.  They are also my primary options for scoring a goal.  And isnt the xG the number which tells you how much goals you SHOULD score, ofcourse there is no saying you will.  I got really stupid goals, one was unreal cross where opposing player miracualy scores from downtown, the other 3 from norwich were from basically dead position either left or right side. There was some talk about Moriba, I dont know to utilize his skill and high attributes, someone suggested mezzala ? So mezzala on attack and which side? Thats all for now, I am waiting for your responses. Cheers fm friends !




To me he is clearly more of a runner. Although it depends if you train him like that. His finishing and long shot can be overpowered lol

I got him at mezzala on the left side and he has been world class (goals plus assists) 

In your tactic maybe play kana as a Dlp d and move moriba there on Mezzata attack? 

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3 horas atrás, blejdek disse:

Não sei como reproduzir para todos, então apenas escrevo aqui. Essa é minha tática, embora uma vez mova Moriba para a amc, como você pode ver. As outras duas fotos são Arezo e Esposito. Ambos têm atributos elevados para marcar um gol. Eles também são minhas principais opções para marcar um gol. E não é o xG o número que lhe diz quantos gols você DEVE marcar, é claro que não há como dizer que você fará. Eu consegui gols realmente estúpidos, um foi um cruzamento irreal onde o jogador adversário pontuou milagrosamente do centro da cidade, os outros 3 de Norwich foram basicamente de posições mortas do lado esquerdo ou direito. Falou-se sobre o Moriba, não sei como utilizar sua habilidade e altos atributos, alguém sugeriu mezzala? Então mezzala em ataque e de que lado? Isso é tudo por enquanto, estou aguardando suas respostas. Felicidades, amigos fm!




You could remove "working ball into box" to try to create more chances of risk
I believe that his midfield is very exposed, counter attacks will be frequent and perfect for the opponent

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3 hours ago, blejdek said:

Dont know how to replay to all, so I just write it here.  This is my tactic, tho I once moved Moriba on amc as you can see. The others two pictures are Arezo and Esposito. They got both high in attributes to score a goal.  They are also my primary options for scoring a goal.  And isnt the xG the number which tells you how much goals you SHOULD score, ofcourse there is no saying you will.  I got really stupid goals, one was unreal cross where opposing player miracualy scores from downtown, the other 3 from norwich were from basically dead position either left or right side. There was some talk about Moriba, I dont know to utilize his skill and high attributes, someone suggested mezzala ? So mezzala on attack and which side? Thats all for now, I am waiting for your responses. Cheers fm friends !




You should get this tactic into the Tactics forum. At first glance there is a lot of work to be done:

* Over accumulation of people in the middle of the pitch during the attacking phase.

* Over exposure at the back specially wide, during transitions.


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3 hours ago, evilpimp972 said:

To me he is clearly more of a runner. Although it depends if you train him like that. His finishing and long shot can be overpowered lol

I got him at mezzala on the left side and he has been world class (goals plus assists) 

In your tactic maybe play kana as a Dlp d and move moriba there on Mezzata attack? 

Will try to change those two then as you said, together with roles u reccomended.

So the goals were next: Against Norwich: First goal was counter attack where a guy got ball in the middle and sprinted directly at my goalkeepers (my 2 defenders went left and right, dont know why they didnt directly attack him?!), 2nd goal was from cross and a guy ran in and push it in my goal, 3rd one was a set piece from left side, his defender jumped and tuck it in. 

The fulham match was cross in, i blocked it to side, they crossed it again in and his midfielder push it in goal. 

If I may just add, the opponent goalkeepers were from out of this world, like 3 best keepers in one. They had ratings 7,7 7,5 and 7,5. They literally blocked everything, close range, long range, from side, headers, tucks in etc. I have never seen in 3 different matches so many GOD mode goalkeepers as those 3 were, there were some instances in other matches too, but we are concentrated on this 3 now.

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Your midfield is very porous with 2 roaming roles and not a single holder, which makes your defense overly vulnerable, especially in conjunction with lower-than-optimal compactness and aggressive pressing style. In that respect, I would change the central CM into a holding role and then possibly put the RPM into MCL instead of the BBM. That would make your setup better balanced and more defensively solid. Dropping the LOE by one notch - to standard instead of higher - is another tweak I would suggest as potentially helpful from both defensive and attacking perspectives.

From the attacking perspective, I don't see any point in extremely wide attacking width when looking at the rest of the tactic. If you want to encourage a greater use of flanks, focusing play down right and/or left would make a lot more sense than increasing the width. Another instruction I would remove - or at least not insist on - is the work ball into box. Not only because it can needlessly overcomplicate attacking play in the final third, but also does not seem to suit the tactic as a whole.

Playing both CBs in the BPD role means you are likely to lose possession cheaply and unnecessarily a bit too often, because BPDs tend to play adventurous long(ish) passes, which are speculative by definition. Plus, when you have a playmaker role in the midfield, it makes even less sense to use 2 BPDs. One BPD is more than enough.

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