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... but I do use an assistant to my training!


I then thought that I need to check that I'm getting the best assistant for the job. I know that tactical style is important for the HOYD. Is it important for an Assistant too? If my assistant is training the team, do they need to match style or is it just the green stats that make a difference? Is there anything else I'm missing?

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Personally I look for stats that the game suggests are important for an ass man. Not sure if this is now one of the recommended attributes, but I also try and find an ass man with as high as possible tactical knowledge. Then I just let him run general training. In an ideal world his preferred tactic would match my own, and his personality would be positive, but it doesn’t make or break the hiring of an ass man, for me.

Never had a problem with this method of training, on the whole, but I keep an eye on individuals training happiness and adjust them individually, as I run individual training myself.

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