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A few issues and a request!


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Reporting a few issues I encountered while playing FMT2021 (and one request):
Samsung Galaxy Tab S7+
Android 10

First, the request:
For as long as I remember, while playing FMT, I've always noticed a bias in the player "History" - "career stats"...
Let me explain.
There are a lot of players that are very useful in secondary games... Players that mainly play in the cups or in international (European UEFA) leagues...
These players have an yearly "Overall" statistics very distant to the "Division" general stats that is presented in the players "History" Tab.
I attached a player History pic (pic 1) where you can see the huge difference between the overall (bottom of the pic) and the division (mid-top of the pic) stats.
That makes a huge bias to the previous years History stats, not reporting the real player value, and making it difficult for us to adequately evaluate a player (evolution, etc).
Please, I beg that you change the previous year's "Division stats" to an "Overall stats"! It much better represents a player contribution in the team Or!! Or at least let us choose which one to show...
Please, please, please!!

Now the issues:
In a National team (in my case with the Portugal National Team), one cannot "see" the B team and Under 23/21/19 teams!! The screen just appears blank, no options, with the top tabs of the previous screen one just was in (see pics 2 and 3).

In Club Vision》Performance 》Tactics, I noticed an inconsistency with my scored goals. Both happy and unhappy with my teams number of goals scored? (Pic 4)

At the end of the season "The Accolades", there's a "residual" test manager award... See pic 5.

Hope I could help!
Please take my request in consideration!

Pedro Ananias

Pic 1.jpg

Pic 2.jpg

Pic 3.jpg

Pic 4.jpg

Pic 5.jpg

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Hi @ananiasp,

Thanks for contacting us.

We apologise for the issues here - many of the issues you've raised here are currently under review with our devs which is good news. Do you possibly have a save from just before the end of season review is generated? - this can be uploaded via the link below - if you could also post your file name in this thread and i will look into this further.




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