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Is there a way to set up any better than the below? I always struggle with the width aspect when playing IWB's as the wingers never seem to hold their width. Is it due to player traits or does PI's such as hold position help this?



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1 hour ago, RPM_01 said:

Is there a way to set up any better than the below? I always struggle with the width aspect when playing IWB's as the wingers never seem to hold their width. Is it due to player traits or does PI's such as hold position help this?



I would do that like this:


IWS                                  IFS

           MEZA     CMA 


IWBS  CDD      CDD      IWBS


IWS/IFS: Stay Wider, Hold Position------->I'd need width and occupy wide channels until the final third to open up space for free 8s.

PFS/CMA: Roam from Position------------>for fluid movement

Front three: Close Down More, Tackle harder-------------->to win the ball around the final third in a upper mid block for quick counterattacks

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What is the team's width setting in the attacking phase? 

Focused passing to the flanks?

What are the wingers instructions: cross more often, cross from byline, run wide with ball, stay wide?

Tight M2M of the opposing fullback helps (well in the attacking third out of possession atleast)

No point having 2 AMs and attacking wingers, have found this leads to more centralised play by default. Would suggest dropping one of the AMs to centre-mid, with a bit of asymmetry between the MC and AM (one left-centre, the other right-centre). 

Have the AM playing as a SS, this role tends to be less involved in the means and more involved in the ends. Again the intention is to get more play out wide.

DLP in DM set to Defend, with inverting wingbacks and an attack-minded MC ahead of him, he doesn't need to search for his inner Pirlo. In fact, he doesn't need to make the play at all, again this role contradicts the intentions of IWB, who play-make by cutting infield and initiate attacks. 

DLP could easily be an Anchorman, plain old DM or Halfback. 

Whats the overall team mentality set too?



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17 hours ago, Guv'nor said:

What is the team's width setting in the attacking phase? 

I set this to start with, fairly wide (positive mentality) but soon moved to fairly narrow. Couldn't get the pressing to work and in reality the passing play consisted more of long balls which isn't what I wanted. 

17 hours ago, Guv'nor said:

What are the wingers instructions: cross more often, cross from byline, run wide with ball, stay wide?

Only ones I changed was to hold position which kind of worked in a way.

I actually tried the CM's but don't seem to get the right penetration. When I moved to the 2 AM's it worked surprisingly well so tried to work around that and dropped the wingers into the midfield spots rather than the AML/AMR. Made the DLP to Defend duty but there is just something I feel is off... 

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