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Youth level - What is it and how do I improve it?

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As the title suggests, what impact does the youth level has and how do you improve it? Also, are certain clubs only able to improve it to a particular level, I'm currently Walsall, in my 3rd season of the PL and my youth level is only 3.



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In addition to previous user comment you improve all your facilities and youth things by making board requests.

You can find training/youth facilities in 'Facilities' section.

Youth recruitment is under 'Networking'.

And junior coaching level is not related to your actual coaches level but it's under 'Finances'.

It's worth mentioning that upgrading facilities will require money directly. It will be planned by the board usually after the season and consume certain amount of cash immediately when construction begins.

While 2 other categories will not require direct payment but will increase your annual costs for it. The same goes with facilities. Once they are build they also need more money for their maintenance.

Answering other part of your question. No. All teams in general can have state of art facilities. It's all about money and board willingness to improving it. It's worth mentioning that every aspect you can upgrade only by 1 per request and there are 10 'qualities' of every thing mentioned (so upgrading it increases it's quality by 2 if you check in editor). Don't know why there are odd numbers but in the end as said you can only have 1 upgrade per request so if you got the money you should ask for upgrade every time you can. Yet you'll probably need few season to upgrade it all to the level you're satisfied with or board will not accept another improvement due to cost.

You'll probably won't have much problem with upgrading coaching finances and networking since they don't cost that much annually. Higher facilities thou can cost few million pounds per upgrade so you need some cash in the bank before asking.


Edited by Orion_
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