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[Portugal] (Official) League Specific Issues

Freddie Sands

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1 hour ago, Stephen Glennon said:

Hi, can you or @cleiria (or anyone else) upload a save that shows this incorrect regional division sorting?  And it would be great if you could send a link to an official source on how the sorting is decided. Let's try to get this one sorted once and for all.

It's happening in every save the second we move to the second season. Most clubs stay in the "mostly correct" group, but some make no sense and the last group seems to be made of leftover clubs from all over.




The official regulations say this - Article 11:


"3.O agrupamento das séries éelaborado de acordo com a localização geográfica dos Clubes, em conformidade com critério publicitado por Comunicado Oficial da FPF.

4.Os Clubes da Região Autónoma da Madeira são colocados alternadamente nas séries mais a Norte e os Clubes da Região Autónoma dos Açores nas séries mais a Sul, de acordo com a ordem das séries."

3. The grouping of the series is prepared according to the geographic location of the Clubs, in accordance with criteria published in an Official Communication from the FPF.

4. Clubs in the Autonomous Region of Madeira are placed alternately in the most northern series and Clubs in the Autonomous Region of the Azores in the most southern series, according to the order of the series. "

Also, the next points mention that point 3 applies to the other phases of the competition (Promotion and Relegation Groups).



Now, when it comes to the official Communication, the one from this year doesn't mention the actual criteria used, but the Official Communication 10 from 2019 have this to say:


A constituição das séries ora divulgada, é o resultado da agregação dos clubes feita por uma aplicação informática que. considerando de Norte a Sul as coordenadas geográficas das sedes de cada participante qualificado, determinou com exatidão máxima o conjunto de clubes com localização geográfica mais próxima a agragar na mesma série.

The constitution of the series now disclosed is the result of the aggregation of clubs made by a computer application that, considering the geographical coordinates of the headquarters of each qualified participant from North to South, it determined with maximum accuracy the set of clubs with the closest geographic location to aggregate in the same series.


Also, if you look at how the groups are organised each season, you'll find that they always follow this rule - Groups organised from North to South, with teams from Madeira and Azores always on the groups with teams around Porto and Lisbon, so they're close to an airport.

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29 minutes ago, Reiver said:

It's happening in every save the second we move to the second season. Most clubs stay in the "mostly correct" group, but some make no sense and the last group seems to be made of leftover clubs from all over.




The official regulations say this - Article 11:

3. The grouping of the series is prepared according to the geographic location of the Clubs, in accordance with criteria published in an Official Communication from the FPF.

4. Clubs in the Autonomous Region of Madeira are placed alternately in the most northern series and Clubs in the Autonomous Region of the Azores in the most southern series, according to the order of the series. "

Also, the next points mention that point 3 applies to the other phases of the competition (Promotion and Relegation Groups).



Now, when it comes to the official Communication, the one from this year doesn't mention the actual criteria used, but the Official Communication 10 from 2019 have this to say:

The constitution of the series now disclosed is the result of the aggregation of clubs made by a computer application that, considering the geographical coordinates of the headquarters of each qualified participant from North to South, it determined with maximum accuracy the set of clubs with the closest geographic location to aggregate in the same series.


Also, if you look at how the groups are organised each season, you'll find that they always follow this rule - Groups organised from North to South, with teams from Madeira and Azores always on the groups with teams around Porto and Lisbon, so they're close to an airport.

Thanks for that. It would still be great if you could provide a save and highlight at least a few clubs that are in the wrong section. The more concrete detail we get, the easier it will be to fix once and for all.

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3 horas atrás, Stephen Glennon disse:

Hi, can you or @cleiria (or anyone else) upload a save that shows this incorrect regional division sorting?  And it would be great if you could send a link to an official source on how the sorting is decided. Let's try to get this one sorted once and for all.

Now i'm continuing a save i started in the beta, so no save to upload.

But, looking to the editor i founf this:

In FM2021 the field group regions is empty,

Maybe it be the problem.



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Hello, is that normal that most of Portuguese clubs (Benfica especially) put several of their u18 players transfer listed for 0?

They are currently transfer listed because the clubs thinks they do not currently have a role for him to play.

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3 horas atrás, esca disse:

Hello, is that normal that most of Portuguese clubs (Benfica especially) put several of their u18 players transfer listed for 0?

They are currently transfer listed because the clubs thinks they do not currently have a role for him to play.

No, that's not normal, seems like a transfers bug

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6 minutes ago, PandoraBox said:

No, that's not normal, seems like a transfers bug

Will there be a fix on this?

Even when I start a new game this things seems to be happen.

I think this is an advantage to others team, previously when I managed Bournemouth, my DOF just place a bid on most of them and get them for free.


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50 minutos atrás, esca disse:

Will there be a fix on this?

Even when I start a new game this things seems to be happen.

I think this is an advantage to others team, previously when I managed Bournemouth, my DOF just place a bid on most of them and get them for free.


That's not up to me, i work with the database, not a coder, it's been reported now by a Portuguese researcher, who compiled info on it.

Now we need to wait for feedback from coders



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16 hours ago, esca said:

Will there be a fix on this?

Even when I start a new game this things seems to be happen.

I think this is an advantage to others team, previously when I managed Bournemouth, my DOF just place a bid on most of them and get them for free.


Dont think is a bug , if you see is all week potencial/players , i release all that players because value allmost zero and no one buy it... so put it to 0 yea... possible will end to release to zero to.

SLB need space in teams due the limit of registration in the leagues major , 2º , sub23 , sub19 etc....



14 hours ago, palmamiguel92 said:

B teams still playing the Cups and even in wrong stadium


This yes is a dam serious bug and need to get fixed ASAP ... 

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The yellows of some competitions are counting for others, that is, only the reds are entitled to suspension in internal competitions. When a player accumulates 5 yellow cards in the championship, he is not left out in the cups, when a player accumulates 2 yellow cards in the cups, he is not left out in the championship. But if a player wears red, he is suspended in all internal competitions. Every year always the same bugs, can't you have a database so you don't always make the same mistakes?



Edited by fabiogabriel
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agora vamos para outro bug? vamos lá, fui ao editor para ver as regras depois do problema que escrevi acima. o que eu descobri? que jogadores emprestados sempre podem jogar contra times que o emprestam. (o que está escrito acima está em português, traduzi para o inglês no que posso traduzir) pergunto de novo, tantos fm depois? continua os mesmos erros? Você é pior do que a FIFA.

Screenshot_1.pngQuando vou ao editor para mudar como 


Quando vou ao editor para mudar as regras de disciplina e empréstimo. Quando faço as regras de teste give this error. Alguém pode me explicar? É que estou ficando louco com este jogo. todo ano a mesma coisa



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Após o update de hoje fiz uma simulação até 2022 e isto continua a acontecer....


Simplesmente vergonhoso...

Lançar um jogo com falhas assim vergonhosas nunca vi...comprei vários FM's e este em termos de bug's é uma anedota...durante o beta é desculpável...depois do beta é simplesmente uma incompetência para isto era melhor só lançar o jogo em 2021...

Adoro esta série tenho imensas horas nela, adorei as mudanças que fizeram no FM21 a vários níveis, mas nunca vi num FM tantos bugs como este ano...embora tenha gostado de muitas coisas novas se desse pedia o dinheiro de volta... erros deste calibre, assim como jogadores emprestados jogarem contra a própria equipa (a liga portuguesa proíbe isso), a melhor posição em certos jogadores não é a posição natural mas sim uma mais baixa, certas regras de inscrição de jogadores, algumas transferências aparecem em duas epocas consecutivas contando para os valores totais de ambas..., simplesmente vergonhoso... 

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10 hours ago, Drabori said:

Boa atualização, acabei de comprar um jogo por 55Euros e não consigo nem jogar por causa dos bugs -.-


ninguem compra o jogo por 55€.. a serio. ninguem.
Tens tantas opçoes.,

E ate ja escrevo em portugues porque eles vao se estar a cagar para isto nem vão ver.

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Vou repetir mais uma vez .. 5 amarelos no campeonato, não há suspensão nas copas. Nem 2 amarelos nas copas .. dá suspensão no campeonato .. As copas são competições únicas. ligas são competições de "apenas ligas" - um jogador, por exemplo, que joga na equipe A e está suspenso .. não pode jogar para B nas ligas inferiores. Mas se um jogador para vermelho em alguma competição, ele está suspenso em todas, a quantidade de jogos suspensos também dependerá da falta que ele cometer. Você consegue entender isso




Eles lançaram uma atualização para consertar, eles não consertaram nada .. Explique aí que tipo de regras você mudou de acordo com suas notas de atualização .. É que se tudo for igual você não consegue entender isso .. Algum moderador? Lider do Time? As futuras FMs não podem cometer os mesmos erros? Se você não mudar isso, paro de comprar o jogo e faço-o como muitos que jogam de graça. Eu pago o jogo para ter condições.

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Also, not sure if this is the correct topic, but in Portugal the subs are bugged, we're allowed to make 5 subs, but there are league games where it doesnt let me do all 5, sometimes it does, sometimes it dont, last night i had a game where i was only allowed to make 2 subs! whenever i tried to make another one a pop up window shows up telling me im not allowed to make more subs. I think it might be the injured players subs bugging the thing, not sure yet.

Edited by palmamiguel92
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any idea if the patch fixed the b teams issue and if it needs save restart 

44 minutes ago, palmamiguel92 said:

Also, not sure if this is the correct topic, but in Portugal the subs are bugged, we're allowed to make 5 subs, but there are league games where it doesnt let me do all 5, sometimes it does, sometimes it dont, last night i had a game where i was only allowed to make 2 subs! whenever i tried to make another one a pop up window shows up telling me im not allowed to make more subs. I think it might be the injured players subs bugging the thing, not sure yet.

you can only stop the game for subs 3 times . so if you stopped 3 times but still have subs left you cant sub 

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9 horas atrás, Aim_Less disse:

any idea if the patch fixed the b teams issue and if it needs save restart 

you can only stop the game for subs 3 times . so if you stopped 3 times but still have subs left you cant sub 

no they did not fix the b teams

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Malta, falar em caps, bold ou em Português não ajudará em nada do que pretendem. Os Coders são todos Ingleses.


To summarize the current bugs

1-There is no winter break in reality, but in the game, there is a break from December 20th and January 10th 
In reality there will be 2 matchdays between those dates. 27th and January the 3rd.

(Don't think this is logged) - Needs logging from QA 

2- Portuguese B teams cannot play in any domestic cup (portuguese cup, supercup, and league cup)
in my test soaks they start playing in the Portuguese cup in the 2nd season

(This should be logged by now i believe) - Need Feedback from QA 


3-Portugal Championship groups get messed up after the 1st season. 
Especially Group E - seems like a mix of teams from all around the country, which can't happen.

(This should be logged by now i believe) - Need Feedback from QA 


4- Portuguese disciplinary rules all messed up

(I've logged this one myself today, so no need to log)


5- Loaned out players are now unavailable to play against their mother teams (I've tested myself) but in the editor it shows that they are available to play. Seems like the rules in the editor are kinda outdated?

Anyway regarding this rule, i wasn't able to test if they are available to play against mother teams in the cups? In Reality they can't play against them in the league, but they can play against them in the cups. - This needs testing from Testers


6- Players registration rules are still outdated.

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1 hora atrás, Branquinho1997 disse:

So, have you logged that there is issues verifying the rules on the editor ?

Editor is not my main concern at the moment, the real rules are.

I know it is bugged, but should be lower priority compared to the issues that i mentioned, because those are the ones destroying the Portuguese Leagues experience.

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2 hours ago, PandoraBox said:

1-There is no winter break in reality, but in the game, there is a break from December 20th and January 10th 
In reality there will be 2 matchdays between those dates. 27th and January the 3rd.

Does this refer to only the Portuguese Premier Division or all Portuguese divisions?

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2 horas atrás, Sebastian Szlenkier disse:

Does this refer to only the Portuguese Premier Division or all Portuguese divisions?

Hi @Sebastian Szlenkier


Portuguese premier and second leagues won't have winter break

Portugal Championship (3rd level) will have a break after the 20th December until January 3rd, basically one weekend break

Attached picture with the 1st phase matchdays dates



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4 horas atrás, PandoraBox disse:

Editor is not my main concern at the moment, the real rules are.

I know it is bugged, but should be lower priority compared to the issues that i mentioned, because those are the ones destroying the Portuguese Leagues experience.

i´m trying to validate the rules on the editor that were supposedly already fixed on this update but they´re not so, it has a priority too

 Updates to competition and registration rules in nations including Israel, Romania, Portugal and South Korea

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and now since we are talking about specific league issues,  i´m noticing that the second divison on portugal limits how much clubs can have of sponsors...

here´s an example


So, in this case, fix it aswell since, what i found is that Liga NOS and campeonato de portugal have the correct sponsors and second divison is left for the wolfs and doesnt follow what i inputed...

please fix this issue!!!!!!


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are you saying that the loans are settled? in the editor as I can't even think it was the same. so I just asked them to correct the yellow and red card rules and the editor to correct something if they forget in the next update. in relation to messy teams, honestly it is the minimum after so much bug.

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10 hours ago, PandoraBox said:

2- Portuguese B teams cannot play in any domestic cup (portuguese cup, supercup, and league cup)
in my test soaks they start playing in the Portuguese cup in the 2nd season

(This should be logged by now i believe) - Need Feedback from QA 

continua a acontecer ,  com o Vitoria Sport Clube B


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The problem of the B Teams playing in the cups is the new Terceira liga any B team that goes down from 2league to 3league or Campeonato de Portugal to Terceira Liga starts playing in the cup

Sporting B gone up from the campeonato Portugal to Terceira liga and started playing in the cup

In the next season they gone up again and started not playing in the cup so probably the problem is the 3liga

And this happen with Belenenses B and Guimaraes B because they were in the Terceira liga, but BenficaB and PortoB that never gone down to that division never played in the cup


Sporting 3liga.png

Sporting 2liga.png

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23 horas atrás, PandoraBox disse:

Malta, falar em caps, bold ou em Português não ajudará em nada do que pretendem. Os Coders são todos Ingleses.


To summarize the current bugs

1-There is no winter break in reality, but in the game, there is a break from December 20th and January 10th 
In reality there will be 2 matchdays between those dates. 27th and January the 3rd.

(Don't think this is logged) - Needs logging from QA 

2- Portuguese B teams cannot play in any domestic cup (portuguese cup, supercup, and league cup)
in my test soaks they start playing in the Portuguese cup in the 2nd season

(This should be logged by now i believe) - Need Feedback from QA 


3-Portugal Championship groups get messed up after the 1st season. 
Especially Group E - seems like a mix of teams from all around the country, which can't happen.

(This should be logged by now i believe) - Need Feedback from QA 


4- Portuguese disciplinary rules all messed up

(I've logged this one myself today, so no need to log)


5- Loaned out players are now unavailable to play against their mother teams (I've tested myself) but in the editor it shows that they are available to play. Seems like the rules in the editor are kinda outdated?

Anyway regarding this rule, i wasn't able to test if they are available to play against mother teams in the cups? In Reality they can't play against them in the league, but they can play against them in the cups. - This needs testing from Testers


6- Players registration rules are still outdated.

So many more bugs like sometimes  the new 3rd league don't activate...and the campeonato de portugal is active...

"Updates to competition and registration rules in nations including Israel, Romania, Portugal and South Korea"...I would like to know what they updated in Portugal...in my test's I don't see any change...

Usually I play FM every day...In this one when I was in the beggining of the 2nd season I stopped...Can't play the game with so many bugs...and the worst is I will have to start a new save because of that...so I don't feel with motivation to play until this is resolved...In my opinion, launch the game with so many bugs it's a huge incompetence...so when the coders resolve this I start to play again...

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2 hours ago, SlingShot said:

So many more bugs like sometimes  the new 3rd league don't activate...and the campeonato de portugal is active...

"Updates to competition and registration rules in nations including Israel, Romania, Portugal and South Korea"...I would like to know what they updated in Portugal...in my test's I don't see any change...

Usually I play FM every day...In this one when I was in the beggining of the 2nd season I stopped...Can't play the game with so many bugs...and the worst is I will have to start a new save because of that...so I don't feel with motivation to play until this is resolved...In my opinion, launch the game with so many bugs it's a huge incompetence...so when the coders resolve this I start to play again...

Yep! I agree - It ruins the whole experience of playing with a Portuguese team. It's been almost 2 weeks with a full game and I Haven't  finished one season because I always play in Portugal. This year, I'll have too wait. Too buggy, an absolute mess FM21

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15 horas atrás, fabiogabriel disse:

are you saying that the loans are settled? in the editor as I can't even think it was the same. so I just asked them to correct the yellow and red card rules and the editor to correct something if they forget in the next update. in relation to messy teams, honestly it is the minimum after so much bug.

It is, try starting a save. I've tested it myself, and players weren't able to play against mother team

12 horas atrás, palmamiguel92 disse:

In 2024 players are needing a work permit to play in Portugal

when did you start your saved game? I believe it was corrected on the newer versions, but haven't tested yet.


6 horas atrás, Drabori disse:

The problem of the B Teams playing in the cups is the new Terceira liga any B team that goes down from 2league to 3league or Campeonato de Portugal to Terceira Liga starts playing in the cup

Sporting B gone up from the campeonato Portugal to Terceira liga and started playing in the cup

In the next season they gone up again and started not playing in the cup so probably the problem is the 3liga

And this happen with Belenenses B and Guimaraes B because they were in the Terceira liga, but BenficaB and PortoB that never gone down to that division never played in the cup


Sporting 3liga.png

Sporting 2liga.png

Good, this might be reason why B teams are playing in the Portuguese cup. May be a good starting point for coders to investigate.


15 horas atrás, apcoelho15 disse:

continua a acontecer ,  com o Vitoria Sport Clube B

Yes, indeed, i wrote that it should be logged, not corrected yet. Completely different things. I'm sure coders are investigating the issue



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Agora, Branquinho1997 disse:

@PandoraBox in terms of what i posted regarding league rules on editor and sponsors not getting correct values, do you have any ideia what it could be?

I have no idea to be honest, could be some internal cap that we can't see in the editor.

I'm not a coder, so i don't know if there are "invisible" caps that we can't see about teams' finances.

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1 minuto atrás, PandoraBox disse:

I have no idea to be honest, could be some internal cap that we can't see in the editor.

I'm not a coder, so i don't know if there are "invisible" caps that we can't see about teams' finances.

Np, i understand but is there any way that we can send that topic to SI so they can investigate? Because this is not a new issue, last fm was the same issue with second divison clubs not getting the correct values

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completa confusão com a ultima actualização (21.3 - 21.1.3-1492907. Campeonato Português interrompido a.1 de Novembro e só reinicializa a 5 de Janeiro." meses sem futebol só com o COVID-19.

Um pouco antes (duas semanas) passou o treino todo a "descanso".E impossível marcar amigáveis (apesar depois ter sido feitos pelo Director desportivo)

Quando recomeça em Janeiro há diferença de 8 jogos entre equipas (umas com 10 outras com 17/18).  Mesmo em Outubro havia diferenças inexplicáveis de 6 jogos, tal nunca acontece(u) em Portugal. Depois jogos de 3 em 3/4 dias para as equipas que não jogaram regularmente. Inexplicável.

Captura de ecrã 2020-12-04, às 16.37.19.png

Captura de ecrã 2020-12-04, às 17.31.33.png

Captura de ecrã 2020-12-04, às 17.32.41.png

Captura de ecrã 2020-12-04, às 19.02.05.png

Captura de ecrã 2020-12-05, às 17.29.12.png

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18 minutos atrás, pedrorcarvalho disse:

completa confusão com a ultima actualização (21.3 - 21.1.3-1492907. Campeonato Português interrompido a.1 de Novembro e só reinicializa a 5 de Janeiro." meses sem futebol só com o COVID-19.

Um pouco antes (duas semanas) passou o treino todo a "descanso".E impossível marcar amigáveis (apesar depois ter sido feitos pelo Director desportivo)

Quando recomeça em Janeiro há diferença de 8 jogos entre equipas (umas com 10 outras com 17/18).  Mesmo em Outubro havia diferenças inexplicáveis de 6 jogos, tal nunca acontece(u) em Portugal. Depois jogos de 3 em 3/4 dias para as equipas que não jogaram regularmente. Inexplicável.

Please write in English!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This happends because World Cup in Qatar, not because Covid.

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