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[Portugal] (Official) League Specific Issues

Freddie Sands

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9 minutos atrás, Mcfc1894 disse:

Você começou um novo jogo porque algumas coisas não podem mudar sem um novo jogo

Yes, I started. I made a point of doing that. I was suspended because I asked them to change, said I was watching and after all everything remains the same. What I say is very easy to solve, there are news that explain the rules. https://www.record.pt/opiniao/cronistas/jose-miguel-sampaio-e-nora/detalhe/cumprimento-de-castigos-dos-jogos-da-taca-de-portugal Taça de Portugal belongs to the Federation of Portugal The league cup and the leagues to the league association.

Edited by fabiogabriel
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6 minutos atrás, FrazT disse:

Você iniciou um novo salvamento após a atualização?

Yes!! It is such a simple thing to solve. I took 5min in the editor .. There is a lot of news explaining what I ask for. Because some want to play and that's it. I want to, but with the rules ok. I had started a save, I had half a team suspended, because I played with difficult teams in the 3 competitions. When I went to play for the league, I had players suspended because they accumulated yellow cards in the cups. Does not make sense. I was hoping it was fixed and it isn't.

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Here is a perfect example. how is it that in the cup the 2 yellow card is suspended .. and then when he takes 5 yellow cards in the league he says he took 5 yellow cards in the cups? Sorry, this is already another save, I already created 3 saves, it remains the same.


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10 minutes ago, FrazT said:

OK- obrigado por trazer isso à tona- vou tentar obter algumas informações para você

thanks. I apologize for my stubbornness, but it is something that could have already been corrected. We are going to enter Christmas, many of us will be on vacation from work, others from school. Restrictions in our countries due to the virus, and personally playing like this does not give me pleasure. I would like to spend some of my closed time at home playing FM and enjoy the game I bought. I am waiting your answer.

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It is an issue we're aware of and one we're investigating. Unfortunately we're not always in a position to provide updates for every single issue raised on the forums, but will always look to try and address them as soon as we're able to do so. 

The issue affects all teams in the league which keeps an even playing field for all teams in those competitions and as has been said above, there is the option of changing it via the pre-game editor in the meantime. Appreciate this is frustrating for those affected and will be picked up when we're able to do so. 


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10 horas atrás, fabiogabriel disse:

That's it, my English is weak, I use the translator, I hope you understand me. You are being warned that there are errors, basic correction errors. launches an update and remains the same? What part doesn't realize that Portugal's rules are wrong?


5 yellow cards 1 game suspended in Portuguese leagues. 2 yellow cards in the cups, it is suspended in the cups, but they are unique competitions, if it is suspended in the Portuguese cup it is not in the league cup. Any red card is suspended in the next game, in any competition.


I just asked for that, I was suspended, I was everything and it remains the same. Now will you suspend me again? No more incompetence..





Isso poderia ser alterado pelo editor, mas é claro, seria bom demais para ser verdade.



You didn't even acknowledge the work done by SI to fix most of the bugs, the most important ones.

There are more leagues and other kind of bugs way more important than fixing the Portuguese competitions' disciplinary rules, nonetheless it will be done with time, don't worry, it's logged, like other bugs regarding the Portuguese league are.

The Portuguese league is now playable, yet you keep complaining about stuff which have little to none influence in our game play.

If you offered all the possible scenarios and what kind of punishment and when to be fulfilled from the start, rather than complaining, it probably could have been fixed by now, but you just keep complaining offering nothing no help to the coders.

Example on how to be useful:

-It's all logged, so it's a matter of time, until it gets fixed


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  • JordanMilly changed the title to Suspensions in Portuguese compeitions wrong

Ok guys, after the new update this a new issue regarding B team players promotions to the senior team.

The players return to the B team right after even if you don't move them back

The workaround (until it gets fixed) is to move the player to the u19 or u23 (if there one) and then move them to the senior team.

The developers team is already aware of the issue and will try to fix it asap, so don't worry




Malta, antes de começarem a descarregar na equipa de coders, alerto desde já, que após o último update, surgiu um problema, na passagem de jogadores da equipa B para a A, no qual eles retornam imediatamente para a equipa B no dia seguinte, sem serem movidos por nós.

Para contornar o problema, e conseguirem promover os vossos jogadores, devem envia-los primeiro para a equipa sub19 ou sub 23 (caso tenha) e depois subir aos seniores.

A equipa de desenvolvimento da SI já sabe do problema, e irá corrigir assim que possível, por isso não se preocupem.

É um problema transversal a todas as ligas, não é só de Portugal. 

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1 hora atrás, PandoraBox disse:

Ok guys, after the new update this a new issue regarding B team players promotions to the senior team.

The players return to the B team right after even if you don't move them back

The workaround (until it gets fixed) is to move the player to the u19 or u23 (if there one) and then move them to the senior team.

The developers team is already aware of the issue and will try to fix it asap, so don't worry




Malta, antes de começarem a descarregar na equipa de coders, alerto desde já, que após o último update, surgiu um problema, na passagem de jogadores da equipa B para a A, no qual eles retornam imediatamente para a equipa B no dia seguinte, sem serem movidos por nós.

Para contornar o problema, e conseguirem promover os vossos jogadores, devem envia-los primeiro para a equipa sub19 ou sub 23 (caso tenha) e depois subir aos seniores.

A equipa de desenvolvimento da SI já sabe do problema, e irá corrigir assim que possível, por isso não se preocupem.

É um problema transversal a todas as ligas, não é só de Portugal. 

This bug will be solved as a save game compatible? Or we have to start a new one after?

How many days, weak, etc we need to wait until this is solved?

And how many days, weak, etc we need to wait until the disciplinary rules are fixed?

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6 hours ago, Neil Brock said:

É um problema do qual estamos cientes e estamos investigando. Infelizmente, nem sempre estamos em posição de fornecer atualizações para todos os problemas levantados nos fóruns, mas sempre tentaremos resolvê-los assim que pudermos. 

O problema afeta todas as equipes da liga, o que mantém um campo de jogo uniforme para todas as equipes nessas competições e, como foi dito acima, existe a opção de alterá-lo através do editor de pré-jogo entretanto. Agradecemos que isso seja frustrante para as pessoas afetadas e seremos atendidos quando for possível. 


Hi. I tried to go to the editor and in the end it gives error. says he only finds one team and two are needed. yes of course, but let's now imagine, what start in another league and a portuguese team wants to sign? will i play a league with this error? internal competition is adulterated. I wanted to start a save with my city team and having a budget of almost € 0 and still have players suspended due to this, do you think it's fair? Thanks for the answer. and excuse my insistence.

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4 horas atrás, PandoraBox disse:


Você nem mesmo reconheceu o trabalho feito pela SI para corrigir a maioria dos bugs, os mais importantes.

Existem mais ligas e outros tipos de bugs muito mais importantes do que consertar as regras disciplinares das competições portuguesas, mas isso vai ser feito com o tempo, não se preocupe, está logado, como outros bugs da liga portuguesa.

A liga portuguesa agora é jogável, mas você continua reclamando de coisas que têm pouca ou nenhuma influência no nosso jogo.

Se você ofereceu todos os cenários possíveis e que tipo de punição e quando deve ser cumprida desde o início, ao corrigir de reclamar, provavelmente já poderia ter sido consertado, mas você continua reclamando sem oferecer nada, sem ajuda aos programadores.

Exemplo de como ser útil:

-Tudo está logado, então é uma questão de tempo, até que seja consertado


Oi. se você quiser ler minha resposta acima, eu agradeceria. quanto ao que você fala sim eles corrigiram, minha frustração, é só porque lançaram um upadte principal, foram alertados para o erro e não teve 5 minutos para resolver? no editor dá erro ao corrigir ainda. vá ao tópico do campeonato de Portugal e veja a impressão que coloquei. então sim eu faço. vê o que está acontecendo com o cyberpunk? se as pessoas não falam e não reclamam, também pensam que está tudo bem. obrigad

Edited by fabiogabriel
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1 hora atrás, PandoraBox disse:

Ok guys, after the new update this a new issue regarding B team players promotions to the senior team.

The players return to the B team right after even if you don't move them back

The workaround (until it gets fixed) is to move the player to the u19 or u23 (if there one) and then move them to the senior team.

The developers team is already aware of the issue and will try to fix it asap, so don't worry




Malta, antes de começarem a descarregar na equipa de coders, alerto desde já, que após o último update, surgiu um problema, na passagem de jogadores da equipa B para a A, no qual eles retornam imediatamente para a equipa B no dia seguinte, sem serem movidos por nós.

Para contornar o problema, e conseguirem promover os vossos jogadores, devem envia-los primeiro para a equipa sub19 ou sub 23 (caso tenha) e depois subir aos seniores.

A equipa de desenvolvimento da SI já sabe do problema, e irá corrigir assim que possível, por isso não se preocupem.

É um problema transversal a todas as ligas, não é só de Portugal. 

Fiz isto , e simplesmente quando envio para os sub-19, vou aos sub-19 do Porto, carrego lado direito neles e não me aparece opção de enviar para os seniores , carrego continuar e ja tao novamente nos B, portanto não tou a conseguir

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15 minutos atrás, DemonS0ul disse:

Fiz isto , e simplesmente quando envio para os sub-19, vou aos sub-19 do Porto, carrego lado direito neles e não me aparece opção de enviar para os seniores , carrego continuar e ja tao novamente nos B, portanto não tou a conseguir

Envias para os sub19, avanças o jogo, o jogador irá ser movido para os sub19, e depois envias para os seniores.

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1 hora atrás, SlingShot disse:

This bug will be solved as a save game compatible? Or we have to start a new one after?

How many days, weak, etc we need to wait until this is solved?

And how many days, weak, etc we need to wait until the disciplinary rules are fixed?

Only coders can answer those questions, but regarding the first question, i guess it can be predicted:

if you have an old career started before this update, try to move a player from the B team into the main team. If it works, then it's not save game compatible. If you can't move, then it will be saved game compatible.




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4 minutos atrás, PandoraBox disse:

Envias para os sub19, avanças o jogo, o jogador irá ser movido para os sub19, e depois envias para os seniores.

Fiz exactamente isso, mas dou continuar eles são movidos automaticamente para o B, quando vou aos sub-19 depois de carregar continuar ja nao aparecem nos Sub19 

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2 minutos atrás, DemonS0ul disse:

Fiz exactamente isso, mas dou continuar eles são movidos automaticamente para o B, quando vou aos sub-19 depois de carregar continuar ja nao aparecem nos Sub19 

Muito estranho, iniciei uma carreira com o FC Porto agora mesmo, e resultou comigo, ao descer o Francisco Conceição dos B aos sub19, avancei o jogo, ele desceu aos sub19, voltei novamente a ele, e movi para os seniores, de onde não saiu mais, sem qualquer problema.

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2 hours ago, PandoraBox said:

Muito estranho, iniciei uma carreira com o FC Porto agora mesmo, e resultou comigo, ao descer o Francisco Conceição dos B aos sub19, avancei o jogo, ele desceu aos sub19, voltei novamente a ele, e movi para os seniores, de onde não saiu mais, sem qualquer problema.

Comigo também resultou - até experimentei mandar um dos sub-19 para a B e outro para os seniores (apenas para comparar). E como é indicado aqui, resultou. 


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8 hours ago, PandoraBox said:


Você nem mesmo reconheceu o trabalho feito pela SI para corrigir a maioria dos bugs, os mais importantes.

Existem mais ligas e outros tipos de bugs muito mais importantes do que consertar as regras disciplinares das competições portuguesas, mas isso vai ser feito com o tempo, não se preocupe, está logado, como outros bugs da liga portuguesa.

A liga portuguesa agora é jogável, mas você continua reclamando de coisas que têm pouca ou nenhuma influência no nosso jogo.

Se você ofereceu todos os cenários possíveis e que tipo de punição e quando deve ser cumprida desde o início, ao invés de reclamar, provavelmente já poderia ter sido consertado, mas você continua reclamando sem oferecer nada, sem ajuda aos programadores.

Exemplo de como ser útil:

-Tudo está logado, então é uma questão de tempo, até que seja consertado


Hi, Sorry, I saw now that you're the head of research and I saw the table that made the disciplinary rules. Thank you for that. but for this very reason, is that you are the head of research, isn't that your job? By the way and I don't want you to think I'm treating you badly, if you want we can speak by message in Portuguese and I will express myself better. Do you think I was not useful? I published before the update with prints and explained. The update came out, I went back to publishing screenshots of the game and the pre-game editor. What else can I do? I even put a website for a newspaper to explain here. SI made a major update, but personally I think an update to the disciplinary rules is more important than to the leagues of the "Campeonato de Portugal". Especially because it is simpler to solve this than to organize teams in a championship. I did it myself in the editor, no problem, only it continues to give an error.

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1 hora atrás, fabiogabriel disse:

Hi, Sorry, I saw now that you're the head of research and I saw the table that made the disciplinary rules. Thank you for that. but for this very reason, is that you are the head of research, isn't that your job? By the way and I don't want you to think I'm treating you badly, if you want we can speak by message in Portuguese and I will express myself better. Do you think I was not useful? I published before the update with prints and explained. The update came out, I went back to publishing screenshots of the game and the pre-game editor. What else can I do? I even put a website for a newspaper to explain here. SI made a major update, but personally I think an update to the disciplinary rules is more important than to the leagues of the "Campeonato de Portugal". Especially because it is simpler to solve this than to organize teams in a championship. I did it myself in the editor, no problem, only it continues to give an error.

Not even remotely close. Disciplinary rules are nowhere near as important as the correct sorting of the Portugal championship league teams. One is high priority, other one is low priority, but in the end, both should be fixed.

And no, nothing related to coding is my job. I work with the database.

It's very common to have league rules getting broken with the constant reshaping of the Portuguese competitions. Blame the Portuguese Federation/League, for this constant mess.

I don't have any doubts that next season some more bugs will show up, because of the major changes Portuguese competitions will have. It creates endless scenarios to be added/taken into consideration again.

This year, coders only took into consideration 2021/2022 changes, but in reality, it is already planned league format changes until 2023/24, and i'm pretty sure there will be even more big changes after that.

When we stabilize our league models, we finally may have bugs free competitions in Portugal.




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14 horas atrás, PandoraBox disse:

Only coders can answer those questions, but regarding the first question, i guess it can be predicted:

if you have an old career started before this update, try to move a player from the B team into the main team. If it works, then it's not save game compatible. If you can't move, then it will be saved game compatible.




So basically I paid for a game, that is new every year, 2 and half months ago, official realese was almost 1 month ago and I still can not play...good job...

this game and cyberpunk are more alike that I used to think...

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4 hours ago, SlingShot said:

Então basicamente paguei por um jogo, que é novo a cada ano, há 2 meses e meio, o realese oficial foi há quase 1 mês e ainda não consigo jogar ... bom trabalho ...

este jogo e o cyberpunk são mais parecidos do que eu pensava ...

And the funniest know what it is? You still see many people asking to thank you for the update they released. But it is still full of bugs. no game is perfect, but launching a major update, and you can't fix basic errors ... As I already said, I have the game since the beta, and continue to fail in what is simple to solve. I paid for a game that, for me and many, for sure, is not yet playable. And we are still told to start in another league, if I want to start in another one and be hired for the Portuguese league, I will find the errors in it. I am a player who likes to make just one save. And in previous fm's there were no such bugs.

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1 hora atrás, fabiogabriel disse:

And the funniest know what it is? You still see many people asking to thank you for the update they released. But it is still full of bugs. no game is perfect, but launching a major update, and you can't fix basic errors ... As I already said, I have the game since the beta, and continue to fail in what is simple to solve. I paid for a game that, for me and many, for sure, is not yet playable. And we are still told to start in another league, if I want to start in another one and be hired for the Portuguese league, I will find the errors in it. I am a player who likes to make just one save. And in previous fm's there were no such bugs.

I was one of the many who said thanks to SI to resolve B teams but when I saw still begginers bugs who maid the game unplayble to me...bruh...how SI can fail to introduce the rules of the competitions... this is a major game breaking for me and for many others...my main save is to start in my club and usually I try to do 15 years their but I can't start that -.-

I don't mind some bugs, like all the games have, but a basic error that is a IMPORTANT one (for SI and some staff ( -.- ) it's not...don't know why...maybe because their pockets are full or don't have competion to this tipe of game...no idea...) that u need to restart your save to resolve them turns my paid game UNPLAYABLE.

Bugs in database should be a priority ALWAYS because it's the base of this game...I don't want to start a long save and then to resolve an issue I have to start a new one, I don't like wasting time for nothing...

Bugs such this new one that we can't move a directly a player from B team to A team, or such this one https://community.sigames.com/topic/538590-wrong-best-position/ (this one really annoys me xD, aubameyang is 3rd best midfielder xD), that I think that they are save game compatible I can play with this bugs, I can tolerate them, but the others for me and for many people that I see in various groups and foruns and here are a game breaking.

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21 hours ago, PandoraBox said:

Muito estranho, iniciei uma carreira com o FC Porto agora mesmo, e resultou comigo, ao descer o Francisco Conceição dos B aos sub19, avancei o jogo, ele desceu aos sub19, voltei novamente a ele, e movi para os seniores, de onde não saiu mais, sem qualquer problema.

Este bug também existe no touch, pelo menos da versão Android. 

Para quem joga a versão Touch, onde não há equipas sub19, há maneira de contornar o bug? 

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I think portuguese B teams should be treated like under 23's teams. Moving players, seeing the players reports, ability stars, transfers...

There is a bug or at least something strange with tranfers for players in the B team.

After I've sold someone from B's, that player doesn't appear in the transfer history, neither the money goes for the club.

Another thing, my assistant manager can't give the same detailed report for a player in the B team as he do for a U19 or U23 player.

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1 hora atrás, Tigas disse:

To fix the B teams showing in CUP need to start a new save? 

Fixs like this is a crap , people lose time to making a save 2 , 3, ,4 seasons of work and then a new fix and isnt save game compatible :(  ... 

yeah u need a new save

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Em 19/12/2020 em 16:22, Keyzer Soze disse:

Este bug também existe no touch, pelo menos da versão Android. 

Para quem joga a versão Touch, onde não há equipas sub19, há maneira de contornar o bug? 

The ones playing FMT could you please raise your problems in FM Touch forum please? Different platforms and coders.

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Good afternoon. It seems that there is no news and I think that now there will only be updates in the winter updates. That will be for February. There are things that could be corrected for people to play, even because there must have been many to receive as a Christmas gift. I only come here to remind you to correct the errors reported here. Now forget it again.

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24 minutes ago, zbidram said:

Ei pessoal! Tem alguém jogando Liga NOS? Se sim, como vão as suspensões? É gerenciável ou é melhor esperar pela próxima correção?

Obrigado obrigado 

It remains the same, because there was no update and the editor continues to give an error, so we couldn't even fix it. There are guys who don't mind, I think it spoils the whole experience, when you have 0 € to spend and you still have suspended players with few players.

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Good afternoon. Just to remember, before they forget ... This year I still wanted to play FM without team b errors, disciplinary rules, etc. Thanks. I paid for the game, 2 months later it's still full of errorsGood afternoon. Just to remember, before they forget ... This year I still wanted to play FM without team b errors, disciplinary rules, etc. Thanks. I paid for the game, 2 months later it's still full of errors

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Hey guys. So im on my 3rd season in Portugal and i get teams playing like 20 times for league and others just 11. What on earth cause this? I think it is ridicolous.

Second point, please check for example FC Porto fixtures for the next games, and this happens with a lot of other teams as well.

Is there anyway to fix this? I mean i wont play  this game like this anymore, im the kind of person who likes it as real as possible and this is ruining my experience.


BUG 1.jpg

BUG 2.jpg

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Em 03/01/2021 em 18:59, fabiogabriel disse:

Good afternoon. Just to remember, before they forget ... This year I still wanted to play FM without team b errors, disciplinary rules, etc. Thanks. I paid for the game, 2 months later it's still full of errorsGood afternoon. Just to remember, before they forget ... This year I still wanted to play FM without team b errors, disciplinary rules, etc. Thanks. I paid for the game, 2 months later it's still full of errors

@fabiogabriel Consegues resolver através do editor após este update?

É que com o staff deste FM isto não vai ser resolvido tão cedo, que vergonha...

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