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Avoid reserve team if main team in the same competition


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Is there a way to place certain reserve teams in a competition but if the main club is in the league, the reserve is avoided?

I add some reserve club in my second division but "Ferro" or "Atlanta", for example, are clubs that are currently playing in this league. How do I ensure that these reserve teams are avoided?





Avoid reserves teams DB.fmf

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En 2/3/2021 a las 10:47, Wolf_pd dijo:

Is there any level below this level?

No, it's the bottom league. I created a new file to better explain my example.

I have a DB with 30 'main clubs' (20 in First Division and 10 in Second). Each club have a 'reserve team' registred in Second Division. The Second Division has 30 clubs, 10 are "main clubs" and the other 20 are "reserve clubs" of the First Division teams. Of course, reserve clubs cannot be promoted to the First Division.

There are 10 other reserve teams (belonging to the 10 clubs in the current Second Division) that should be without competition until their main club is promoted to the First Division.

The problem I have is that I cannot "rule out" the 10 clubs that should not play because their main club is already in the competition. The game decides to discard 10 teams at random and in many cases both main and reserve clubs are matched. I don't know how to configure it to discard those clubs.






Without any preset in 'teams', the selection is random. For example:



Using reputation to sort the teams (and thus selecting teams from higher divisions first) is pretty close to what I need, but it is not reliable because teams from lower divisions do not always have less reputation.
For example, 'Belgrano' (Second Division team) has more reputation than 'Godoy Cruz' and that is why I add 'Belgrano Reserves' instead of 'Godoy Cruz Reserves'.


Also, with the passing of the years, promotions/relegations, the reputation of the clubs does not go up/down so fast as to be always in line with the division to which the team belongs.


Reservas DB.fmf

Edited by joaquin87
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After many tests, what I did was only order the first teams of the Second Division clubs and then order the reserves of the First Division clubs.

In game, it works perfectly. Over the years always the reserve teams are the Primera Division clubs.




However there is a problem that this DB I was using it only as a test, it is not my real patch. Mine is much more complex than this (to say, I have 223 'bottom leagues'), I have many other divisions in the First Division and the last one. With this form I edited what I achieved is to 'bring in' the reserves of First Division clubs, but it's not what I need.

What I need is a way to avoid choosing the reserves of the clubs that are currently in this division. I tried using the 'ignore teams' option, but so far I can't find the right setting.

Reservas DB 10.fmf

Edited by joaquin87
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