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When host plays a match other players get kicked off server

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When the host either instants or plays there match game the other players in the save get kicked off the server. The game gets laggy and slow and wont continue until the other player is kicked. Then sometimes the game says no network connection so the host has to restart the game. Its making the game frustrating and to a point unplayable. This has been happening since we first played the game in december and have tried deleting files which sometimes can help for a game or two.

The only time the other player doesnt get kicked is when both players have a game at the same time and both players play there game. 

Any ideas or even a response would be good.

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Its deffiantly something to do with match days. The game feels fine and then you get to a match day and the game feels laggy and slow. Now even when we both play the other player gets kicked in the middle of playing the match.

Whats going on?

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