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Team report dynamics - Fs for Morale and Loyalty

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Just wondering what are those two values really ? On my second season with Milan, last season was on the 2nd place in Serie A, won the Europa League and the Coppa Italia. And this season already won the UEFA Super Cup, 2nd in the leagues, finished 1st in the group stage of Champions League, yet to play in the Coppa Italia and Supercoppa Italiana .. got A/B for Professionalism, Work Rate and Determination, but Fs for Morale and Loyalty. Individual players' morale are pretty high as pictured. The average squad age is 23.20.





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The squad dynamics are about the personality of your team and so you might have 'perfect' morale presently - but fairly dour players who might struggle to keep it high if things go south.

Think about it being the different from grounded players who don't get carried away and another bubbly player who is always happy ... the dominant forces within your squad are the former. This might be a double edged sword, keeping morale 'perfect' might be more challenging at times, however equally they might be more resilient when times are hard (presuming they have high determination).

PS - If you click on the text description for an area then it'll show which players are affecting it and you can look at their personalities and work out why. The size of their 'effect' on an area is largely down to their personality (ie. how extreme it is in the area) and their influence on the team, ie. a team-leader will have more effect than a fringe player ... important note .... negative effects tend to be larger than positive ones for fringe players, simply because irritating people affect you even if they aren't 'close' friends ...

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Thanks for the reply, but I am still confused. So I got like an F for Loyalty coz the senior players are ambitious (is it bad ?), but on the Team report I got a thumb up for having "highly ambitious squad". And so too an F for Morale, but on the Team report also got a thumb up coz the "Morale is good amongst the players". Fs is too harsh imo. Is F better than A in the case of Morale and Loyalty ?






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2 hours ago, MatiasDFS said:

on the dinamics page ambitious players shows as a negative trait bc is talking abt how your most ambitious players can look for new challenges in a bigger club than yours, showing low levels of "loyalty"

MatiasDFS has it in a nutshell ... 

Ambitious players can be 'good' in terms of them wanting to impress people, however if you're building long-term then having players who want to move on to bigger and better things isn't helpful.

PS - It's also worth mentioning that sometimes a 'bad culture' with players who all fit into it well will perform much better than a mixed culture where players are clashing with each other, eg. you can aim for a 1980's Wimbledon style squad where players are unprofessional but hard-working, loyal and determined ... they'll arse around and their training might not be perfect ... but on the other hand they'll probably be entertaining and naturally keep morale going.

The style you aim for is entirely up to you ...

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