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DaveX - Realistic & Stable 4231 plug&play (FM21.4 | ME 21.7.0)

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Bayern Munchen test

Predicted: 1st

Result: 1st, it looks "to close" for bayern, but it's actually more Dortmund that did better than normal (in my tests with Köln & Leipzieg they got 47 & 66 points).
Only 3 losses al season, good goal record for Lewandowski and a nice record of 20 clean sheets for Neuer

we also won the German cup

Tactic again delivers what it's made for, reaching/beating the expected finish in a realistic manner with realistic stats


Edited by DavyDepuydt1
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Antwerp test (same rules as always, no attribute, moreale or fitness freezing, just holiday in normal full FAT, no opp instruction, one single try)

Predicted: 3rd

Finished: 1st (second in regular league, only one point behind but won the championship playoffs - playoff system with top 4 of the league that decide the champion)
Nice clean sheet record again, with not even one of the top keepers in the division



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Lokomotiv Moscow

Predicted: 3rd media prediction, 5th season preview

Result: 3rd and played cup final

Nothing special, decent result, right on the media prediction and beaten the season preview. Good clean sheet recordimage.thumb.png.7f2dd268f0c847ce4dbd8ab41cfb068c.png

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Benfica test

Predicted: 2nd

Finished: 1st, with 10 points in front and won the portugese cup & league cup. Best clean sheet record in the league
Again beating the predicted finish, tactic does where it stands for


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I think I'm going to stop the testing now... I've done a lot of testing in a lot of different leagues, with top teams, bottom teams, subtop, ...

Each time at least the predicted finish was met, and most of the times it was beaten very easily (only a few rare occassions where the prediction was already top 3 it performed on the predicted finish instead of above).

So I'm happy with the result, and will now enjoy my personal save further with this tactic.

To summarize, for me it's the perfect mix of realism & plug&play, offers you a lot of fun, realistic stats, overachieving and no annoying side effects most plug&play tactics have

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@gooders11 you can always try, it can never screw up the tactic as a whole if you just change from W to IW.

But on the other hand, I believe 2 wingers would impact the tactic less than 2 Inverted wingers if you would go for the same role on both flanks...

But if the quality of your IW is so much higher than your first choice Winger, it's certainly worth giving it a try

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@ChrisStreet I find this very strange, as you can see I tested with so many different teams and different leagues and all of them, without exception did better than expected (or as expected if a top 3 was mentioned).
So something must be really different in your save.

  • Are u sure that your AM doesn't give opposition instructions?
  • did you start using this at the start of the season?
    • If you started using this halfway through a season, or after a rough patch with another tactic, bad form can stay with any tactic, that's not the tactic's fault, but the atmosphere and morale in the team that causes this
  • Is your team predicted bottom table? if so, you can get quite a few goals against when playing the top teams, that doesn't mean that in the end you will have done badly, you can still be above your expected position AND you will always have less goals against than when you would let the AI run the team.
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5 ore fa, MrGizMo ha scritto:

But you are talking about underdogs winning titles. We all know you cant win everything in football ;) 

mate it's a game and we all look for the best tactic that will makes us win.

since i hate the strikerless tactics which clearly exploits a weakness of the me, i am always looking for new tactics, i was just saying that compared to the other tests i see around this wasn't the best, not a critic mate, cheers

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9 hours ago, derkleineul said:

Hey - thx for this realistic Tacic - i love it ;) ... what about scouting for the right players ? what stats to search for ? 

Hi I don't do anything fancy, I look for the player with the highest star rating for the role they play in. (since there are almost no player instructions, they play very true to what the role actually is)

Same for training, I just train them in the role/duty that they will play in the tactic.


Glad you are enjoying the tactic :)

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I agree this is one of the better tactics I've tried on FM21. Unfortunately, the tactic has the same problem any 1 AMC + 1 ST tactic has: an opponent playing a DM is like kryptonite for it. The AMC gets marked out of the game, resulting in the striker being isolated against 2 central defenders.

Any idea how to counter this?

Also, for some reason the winger on the right isn't as effective as the IW on the left for me. Could be the players of course.

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On 18/03/2021 at 10:31, DavyDepuydt1 said:

Everton test (same rules as always)

Predicted: 9th

Result: Finished 5th, again we manage to easily beat our predicted finish, this time by 4 positions in the difficult top half of the premier league.
We also played semi final in FA cup (where we got knocked out by Man Utd). The defence was a bit of the pain in the Everton squad.


If you improved the defence with Everton do you think it's possible to win a title? I like a tactic where you can build up a team to compete if you understand what I mean I am old enough to remember the days of the Diablo tactic lol

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Given this tactic a little try recently, playing on Touch so tactical familiarity isn't an issue. I'm only 2 games in and yet to win but that's expected when I look at my team against the sides I've come up again, however the performances have been decent and I only lost both via 1 goal, one of which was a corner set piece.

I've given it a couple of small tweaks to better suit my personnel such as wing backs on support now on full back - attack. I push d-line up a notch also for a little bit of better compression plus I've a rapid centre half which helps with that higher line. I was wondering though do you think I could tweak a little further and move the CAM to CDM and as for the 2 CM's, switch the DLP to CM -S and  use a B2B instead of the CM - S with a DM on defend  behind them without losing the effectiveness of this tactic? I feel my current crop could be better suited to something like that than the original setup.

... Good work building this tactic though and I'd reccommend users to at least give it a shot if they are struggling and wish to use a tactic with realistic football being played instead of the vast majority of gung ho tactics I am seeing when in search of a tactic which can be deemed plug and play.

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On 04/04/2021 at 19:34, basheer said:

@DavyDepuydt1hi sir.. i saw ur test with livepool.. did they win any other cups or only the league sir?

They won the champions league as well if I remember correctly, and semi final or so in FA cup... but it was some time ago.. anyway, retesting with other top teams show that youwin champions leagues/cups & other competitions as well ;) but not every year

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16 hours ago, luisanjao said:

its possible to change BPD to CD for bad defenders ?

You can, but even with bad defenders in lower leagues or bad defenders in higher leagues i got a bit better results with the bpd than with the cd

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Just wanted to say this Tactic is working wonders for me.  Unbeaten start to my season and top of the championship.  After hours of searching for a tactic I know I can rely on and build a team around I think my search is over!  Cheers Dave, love it!

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DavyDepuydt1... At last I think I've got the right forum.

What effect would using 'very defensive' and 'very attacking' at the appropriate times have on your tactics? Would it help or hinder? Sorry for getting my question in the wrong forum.

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10 hours ago, Finknottle said:

DavyDepuydt1... At last I think I've got the right forum.

What effect would using 'very defensive' and 'very attacking' at the appropriate times have on your tactics? Would it help or hinder? Sorry for getting my question in the wrong forum.

I would never change to lower mentality with this tactic, not even when you are barely hanging on to a lead. Only thing i would do is go attacking or very attacking when you really really need a goal (to win on aggregate fe) but 99.9% of the time positive is the best choice 

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16 hours ago, DavyDepuydt1 said:

I would never change to lower mentality with this tactic, not even when you are barely hanging on to a lead. Only thing i would do is go attacking or very attacking when you really really need a goal (to win on aggregate fe) but 99.9% of the time positive is the best choice 

Also, what to do about Assistants advice that keeps popping up during the match? Is it to be obeyed or ignored? Again this is regarding how it may affect the tactics.

Muchly thankings DavyDeputydt1.

Edited by oescus
New question.
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On 28/04/2021 at 22:09, xLiamReynoldsx said:

Starting a save with if brommapojkarna tomorrow (Swedish third tier with 20 youth recruitment) - going to make this the tactic I use throughout the save. Excited to try this out. Will give it a holiday test with Aston Villa later!


Can you share any results?

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7 hours ago, xLiamReynoldsx said:

in the Villa test I had no Grealish for 7 months of the season. Finished 4th, Only conceded 38 goals. Also tested with Rochdale and finished 2nd with 88 Points. :) Rochdale predicted 21st.

Some nice results you got there :)

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23 hours ago, Finknottle said:


Do you take or ignore the assistants advice that keeps popping up during match. Again with regards to affecting the overall performance of the tactic. Many thanks.

Always ignore. no doubt

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Media Expectation: 18th
Board Expectation: Midtable
Actual End Result: 8th

(this is in 2036/2037, Grealish etc are now retired, the entire squad pretty much is newgens.)

Impressive stuff

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