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Summary:  Starting to upgrade youth facilities in the future of 2026 but will be finished in 2025.

Description of Issue: Requested new youth facilities from my board which they initially rejected before accepting on review. Noticed the start date for the project is 27/3/2026 but somehow the finish date will be 13/12/2025. Inside club vision/board requests it does note it as "Started (29/8/2025) - Completion (13/12/2025)" - included within screenshot.

Steps to Reproduce: Requested new facilities which they rejected. Spoke to them about the issue to which they accepted.

Files Uploaded to the OwnCloud:  Save File: FM21 - Dates



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Hey Zeldster, we've got a similar issue to this already logged and it's with the developers. I can't promise a fix any time soon, but I do believe the issue to be simply be the display of text, so they should still complete on the correct date 13/12/25.

In any case, thanks for taking the time to bring it to our attention :)

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