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Finance - how much money each team currently has

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The team i currently manage has £31 million overall balance.

When you look in job security in the staff menu, each team has a label for how good their finances are. The finances can be rich, secure, okay, insecure or in debt. 

Without the editor, I don't think there is a way to see exactly how much each teams balance is like you can with the team you are managing. (Or is there?)

So, does anyone know what the cut off point is for each of these labels? For example for a team to be rich do they need 10 million? 20 million? 30 million? When does okay become secure, when do insecure finances change to become okay, and so on?


I know that 31 million means being labelled as a rich club. My reason for asking is that when looking for new jobs, it might give me an idea to how much money that club has. If I knew, then you could look at a club and say, ah, they are rich so they have at least x amount of money.

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Update....so it doesn't seem to be a definite amount of money in the bank that makes your club finances "rich" or "secure", because I just finished a season and got lots of income for transfers and league placing....I now have more money (95 million) but the club finances are listed as secure, but when I had 31 million the club was labelled as rich...so I have more money but club is no longer labelled as rich...


So is it relative to how much other clubs have?

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Just now, kentonizking said:

I think it is to do with reputation, outgoings etc.


I club in the national league might be 'rich' with 2M, but a Championship club wouldn't.

Also maybe to do with liquid cash in relation to club overall value 

OK thanks for the reply, that makes some sense...but I don't understand why my club was rich when we had 31 million, but 1 month later after the season ended, only secure with 95 million. Same division, same league position, and not much time passed in game.


I'm only interested because it helps judge whether to take a job offer from another club, it would be interesting to know how much money they have without using an editor.

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11 minutes ago, Valleyg said:

OK thanks for the reply, that makes some sense...but I don't understand why my club was rich when we had 31 million, but 1 month later after the season ended, only secure with 95 million. Same division, same league position, and not much time passed in game.


I'm only interested because it helps judge whether to take a job offer from another club, it would be interesting to know how much money they have without using an editor.

I suppose for realism sake, you wouldn't know that before you took a job. Although aren't you told what your transfer budget will be, at interview?

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16 minutes ago, kentonizking said:

I suppose for realism sake, you wouldn't know that before you took a job. Although aren't you told what your transfer budget will be, at interview?

I can't remember - I think you are right though, good point!

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45 minutes ago, kentonizking said:

aren't you told what your transfer budget will be, at interview?

At the interview you're told what the transfer and wage budgets will be but it's not very helpful because you've no idea what the current wage bill is.

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At the interview you do receive hints. If you’re asked if you can be trusted with the club’s finances you know that the club is really rich. If you’re asked how you feel about working with limited resources you can be pretty sure that the wage bill exceeds the wage budget.

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