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Central players drifting wide in narrow formation

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I've been attempting a number of narrow formation tactics (eg. 41212, flat 433, 4321, narrow 4231) and my challenge has been to get the central players to drift wide, like genuinely wide, in order to open up space (or the half space) for the deeper players to attack.

I haven't been successful with this idea, regardless of set up. This includes 2 AMCs, 2 STs, 3 AMCs, or 3 STs. Even with wide TI and PI, and move into channels, they only very occasionally drift wide, but mostly they just drift a little wide, not quite enough to open up the space by dragging the opponents fullbacks wide.

Any idea how to make this type of movement more consistent?

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I've never had problems using a midflield 2 x CM/S or CM/D with Stay Sider instruction.  Or for better Halfspace coverage, a Midfield 3 with CM/S or CM/D in the wider spots, again with Stay Wider.  Just don't play anyone in the M/L or M/R positions.

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