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Created B Teams in game can be Promoted by Custom Datenbank.file !!! But My Question....


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Hello Community...

i tested a lot of hours to be enable with editor, to became in game... when I ask the board or the board ask me ..to create B Team and this should be setting in a playable league.

So i find a solution for custom user files. Wich are goes for custom files like the German file from Dany (El Clemento).

In Editor at Advanced Rules.

>list >German(Nation) >Nation here at Division levels is the 5th the last entry league or parent competition and this sub leagues are have relegation  places...!

Go to Database and make a Parent Competiton for all competition underneath set the level to 6th national league. if this finish enter all entries in the list For this parent and sub competition with...

or better you copy a parent comp and a sub comp from this list and rename the parent comp set the level and enter the sub comp´s to child competitions. The same with sub Comps.

Is this finished....

go to >list >German(Nation) > Competitions and add here the created Parent Comp to this list.... and add the sub comp´s to required teams.

So now should you have under German(Nation)>Nation at Division Level 5th like before ....Important (Don't enter the created parent comp here).....

just add these created parent comp to the >list German(Nation)> Competitions  list....

test the file start a new game... and if the board ask you if you want to build a B Team at the season end and you say yes, should now stand your created parent comp  and not Amateurliga. And the Created B team can be promoted to playable leagues. Like without custom.fmf where are B Team can be promoted from Regionlliga. !!!!




SO NOW I HAVE A QUESTION is in the editor an option if in the list >German>Nation Divison Levels  5th or 6th the last  Division from this Nation League Structure where are No Relegation places and no team can be promoted because this leagues are the at the end From this Nation League Structure????

So the board ask and setting the B Team To these active and playable bottom league???????????


Edited by affe1802
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