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Anyway to change second nationality spawning rates?


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I'm currently creating a custom nation database and I'm replacing San Marino. This means that when the game generates the players a good half of them have Italian as a second nationality. Is there anyway to change this as I've already changed the languages in every city and region, or is this hardcoded into the game with no known way to change it?

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50 minutes ago, HurricaneMan6 said:

Have you changed the locations of all the Cities and Local Regions within the nation?

Yeah, created a load of new cities and added all the region and language stuff, I then changed the original San Marino cities into cities in my new nation and changed all of their language details aswell. For some reason the game remains insistent on spawning loads of Italians, second nationality Italians and Italian names. Also it seems that most of the players are born in the cities which I replaced the original San Marino cities with.

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From what I have seen during editing, second nations are based on either Nationlevel, Local Region level or City level.

You can't change the Second nation generated on Nation level. San Marino doesn't have any local regions, so you can ignore those. If (and this is a big if for San Marino) the second nation is created at city level, you can create a copy of the city.

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17 hours ago, Wolf_pd said:

From what I have seen during editing, second nations are based on either Nationlevel, Local Region level or City level.

You can't change the Second nation generated on Nation level. San Marino doesn't have any local regions, so you can ignore those. If (and this is a big if for San Marino) the second nation is created at city level, you can create a copy of the city.

So it’s most likely hardcoded for San Marino because I’ve already changed all the city languages and nation details?

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