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Cannot access 'Coaching team overview' tab for affiliate B team through 'Staff' ribbon


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Summary: Cannot access 'Coaching team overview' tab for affiliate B team through 'Staff' ribbon

Description of Issue: Player is unable to find 'coaching team overview' tab for affiliate B team in 'Staff' ribbon. It is accessible through 'Training' ribbon -> 'Coaches' and then Coaching team. It is important because it's only place where player can see coaching limits for this team.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Play with a team that has B team affiliate and not B team that is part of the main club
  2. Go to B
  3. Check 'Staff' ribbon
  4. There is no 'Overview' tab





Maybe it's not a bug itself but it's very counter-intuitive and some players might be confused and not able to find staff limits for B team.


[EDIT] There is also button at the bottom of the screen linking to wrong tab in 'Coaching team' for B team.

Link to video.

Own cloud video filename: Football Manager 2021 2021-04-03 13-00-23.mp4

The same way player is unable to reach 'Second XI Scouting Team' and 'Second XI Medical Team'.

Edited by Orion_
Added wrongly linked buttons
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