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getting more from the midfield

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any advice with my leicester save would be much appreciated! I am currently sat 4th in my first season after 20 games which i am happy with of course. im not particularly concerned with the amount of goals were scoring but feel as though my midfield two (mezzala & AP) don't contribute much. ihave tried a few combinations generally with a mezzala and either DLP/AP/BBM without much of a difference. Most of our attacks are from down the wings which i suppose is expected with the tactic but the centre midfield players are generally my lower performing players. averaging under 7.0 ratings. havent had many goals/assists between them either.  Results are pretty good so im reluctant to change too much but does anyone know how i could get more out of these players with regards to goals assists? or how to maybe improve that tactic as a whole. below is my current tactic.


thanks in advance!





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5 hours ago, Joelewis said:

Results are pretty good so im reluctant to change too much

I am not surprised your results are good, because the tactic - especially the setup of roles and duties - really looks nice and makes sense :thup: 

Now, if you would like to get more from the (central) midfield, I suppose the most logical and obvious tweak to try is - remove the wide attacking width and simply switch it back to default. Especially as attacking width should generally be used as a situational (rather than regular) team instruction anyway. 

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thanks for the reply! I will give it a go and how it goes. I know i am being picky and shouldn't fix what isn't broke so to speak. I generally play maddison as the mezzala and tielemans as either AP or DLP in that middle two and seeing them not having much impact on the game is frustrating at times!

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As your tactic works well I wouldnt change too much tbh. In terms of your midfielder you have to keep in mind, that your attacking play needs to be rather patient, as your CM needs enough time to move up the pitch and enter the box to bring himself into a goal scoring position. As you are set up with 2 attack duty players up front who are looking for the runs and a positive mentality which comes with a slightly higher tempo you simply might not give him enough time. 

lowering the tempo tho might come with other problems as it opens up additional time to settle defensively for the other team. So be careful with that and consider to balance out the overall playing style risk with more roaming and creative freedom or riskier passes (into space). 

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