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To SI: I meet crash dump !!

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I playing FM09 and using A.C.Milan.. When i sold the ronaldinho and flamini to their previous club with very high price, and i buy messi and C. ronaldo after i finish 1st season... I didnt make any cheat editing or use what data editor tools...

After all players i bought come to my club and i want to continue, it will cause an error and jump out from game. The crash dump file also produced automatically called FM 2009 v9.1.0.26064 (2008.11.27 15.46.46).dmp..

Do i have any solution to solve this kind of problem? Do i need to upload the crash dump to SI to investigate what happened? or need the game save data?

I had tries this game save data in different computer, more i had retired from Milan dan try to continue to next, but still failed.. Hope SI official can help me solve this problems...

Thanks first...

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