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Adjustable/editable/lockable column headers/width


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I find it to be a chore to try and get as much useful information on screen as possible when looking at things like the squad view, shortlist or player search window.

Something that really doesn't help with this is how difficult it is to get columns to the size I want - and this is partly because some columns seem to have priority over others.

For example, I'm playing in Italy where I can sign one non-EU player a season. It's therefore important to know if a player is an EU national or not, so in the player search I have that column enabled. But the title for that column, EU NATIONAL, is twice the width of the information in it (Yes/No) so it takes up a disproportionate amount of space on the screen, and if I resize it and then auto-size the columns it always reverts back to full width. This is one example that's especially bad because the title for the nationality column is just NAT - which takes up a fraction of the width of the information in the column itself! Abbreviations are used sometimes when it makes sense (SEC. POSITION, for example) but not others (PREFERRED FOOT could easily be PREF. FOOT)

So it would be great if we could edit the column titles, or lock them once we're happy with their size.

Also, sometimes adjusting the width of one column means that a completely separate column adjusts as well - usually the far right column, as though I need AST to suddenly take up 10% of the screen, but the LAST 5 FT GAMES likes to expand and contract sometimes too - I guess because it's got a bar chart in it? Perhaps right-clicking/CTRL-clicking on the column title could highlight that column and make it the only one that adjusts when you drag on the borders?

Oh, and I know that there's a separate view available for this... But it would be fantastic if there was a way to expand the INF bar in my squad view to show all the information on a player - especially when they're on holiday and I'm trying to work out who's wanted, or I'm in the squad registration window and trying to work out who will and won't be in my squad for various competitions in the coming season.

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