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Mentality Query

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I see a lot of tactics were people claim never to change the mentality, i.e. always Attacking even if they are playing bigger teams.

Just seen a tactic  where they played the entire season home and away on Attacking and showed how they beat Liverpool and Man City etc.

Is that possible, the tactic was with Newcastle.  Could I create a Cautious tactic and just tweak game by game?

Edited by Experienced Defender
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Long story short: Mentality determines the general risk your team is willing to take and does also have effect on how your team plays while in and out of possession.

Attacking mentalities e.g. come with an overall higher risk and implement a more direct and fast transitioning style when in possession. When out of possession your team will press higher up the pitch with more intense.

All that can be further defined with adding team instructions and your setup of roles and duties. 

regarding your question, you can for sure play the same mentality all season, as it Is not an indicator of how defensively solid or attacking minded your team will behave when set up. 

Just another example if you look for an aggressive tactic that launches counter attacks from deeper areas, positive or attacking mentality will be well suited when set up correctly

Edited by CARRERA
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7 hours ago, edhdurham said:

I see a lot of tactics were people claim never to change the mentality, i.e. always Attacking even if they are playing bigger teams.

Just seen a tactic  where they played the entire season home and away on Attacking and showed how they beat Liverpool and Man City etc.

Is that possible, the tactic was with Newcastle.  Could I create a Cautious tactic and just tweak game by game?

It is a different approach to play like using different formations or mentalities all season. If you know what to change against different type of opponents & formations, it can be easier to use same mentality & same formation with only manipulating TIs/PIs/roles/duties. But it is not a bad thing if you know what you change with increasing/dropping mentality against stronger/weaker sides or home/away fixtures.

I do both in my saves. 

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Of course it’s possible. It’s because there are actually hidden team instructions with each mentality.

For example, attackers have more direct passing and defenders have shorter passing on positive, and vice versa on cautious. Positive mentalities will also have higher defensive line and LoE by default. 

So if you’re aware of this, it’s much easier to tweak things with team instructions as it will just change certain things. Whereas changing mentality will literally change everything.

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