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1.5 Beta - Unrealistic and poorly distributed player salaries in all european leagues

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So, obviously we are aware that we are not going tog et 100% realistic salaries for european leagues, there is too much variation and few information but in comparison to 1.4.1 it seems the beta has regressed massively in this area. 

Most teams in all databases seems to have 3-4 players out of a full squad of 22 with realistic salaries, e.g in germany you will have a few with 90k-300k salaries but then after these players the remaining ones will all have the same incredibly low salary, sometimes around 7k. This incldues foreign players as well as youth and doesnt seem to be based on PA or CA, its random.


Ive uploaded 4 saves from two separate databases to show its a general issue with the game rather than a D|B editing issue. The first database is the historical 2014 one which comes with the game and whereby finance info has not been edited by anyone. Below you will see how salaries look using this database and in 1.5 at the start of the save.





Now if i use the same DB but with the 1.4.1 version of the game and check the same teams you will see, although not totally accurate, salaries are much more realistic and there is a better spread between the players







The save games uploaded for this Db are for the 1.5 version Historical 2014 start.sav and for the 1.4.1 version Historical 2014 start 1.4.sav


In the post below i will show screenshots and saves for the Pivot/TBL rosters as well to show how it works when the finance info in the Db has been edited

Edited by nathan.bell
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So now comparison is for an edited DB to show the same issues are present.


Below are screenshots of the same teams but in the 1.5 beta and using the Pivot/TBL rosters









And again for comparison the same teams below but in the 1.4.1 version of the game and still with the Pivot/TBL rosters







The save game files for this DB has been uploaded as Pivot DB.sav for the 1.5 version  and as Pivot DB 1.4.sav for the 1.4.1 version


Hopefully you can see that while the financially modelling for European countries was never great to begin with (it is almost impossible for it to be perfect) it has nonetheless severely regressed when going from 1.4.1 to 1.5 and hopefully can be fixed

Edited by nathan.bell
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  • 4 weeks later...

I believe this or a similar problem is occurring in the NHL as well.  I have started 3 different seasons and in all of them, when checking league financials, there have been no (yes, none) teams at even the league minimum salary.  I didn't screenshot anything, but I would be glad to if anyone wants.  I didn't check any other leagues either, but that might be worth looking at.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having this problem in the National League as well. I did a fantasy draft, and picked prime talent, not prospects. Didn't misjudge either cause the team is undefeated.


Problem is, only three (3) players, on the whole team, came with salaries over the league minimum so I'm waaaay below the salary floor. I'm getting fined 1.2 million per week because of it. Tried to trade, in order to take on salary, but every team in the league has the same problem, so they refuse any trade that doesn't bring in salary. No trades have happened in the whole league as a result.


Sadly, its unplayable in its current state. :(

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Hopefully I just uploaded a file called Normal start.sav.  I couldn't get my second file to upload for some reason.  In any case, after doing some playing around, I believe the problem is with the randomize details button in the screen after league select.  When I started with a fantasy draft or with just a normal start, that button seems to be the one causing salaries to drop.  If that button is not checked, everything seems to be fine.

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  • 1 year later...

Has anyone found a fix for this problem? I want to start a save in Finnish Liiga, but all my players have salary of 23,500€ / year.


Tried all the new game options, disabling/enabling financial/wage adjustments but in the end its always the same wages


Never had this problem in the older versions of this game, first time trying 1.5.

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  • 3 weeks later...

@letsplayhockey we don't have a dedicated Finnish researcher so I don't know what the salaries should be, I try to set the financials based on public sources like https://2112hockeyagency.com/projected-player-salaries-2021-2022/. I have made adjustments in the latest DB (7.3) that should better reflect the accurate numbers but I'm happy to make further adjustments. Feel free to reach out to me on Steam/Discord. 

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  • 3 months later...

We have done some more testing and now recommend using "Disable Starting Financial Adjustments" and "Disable Starting Wage Adjustments", please test with those settings and see if you get a more accurate distribution. 

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