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Help with fm20 edit nation rules

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I need help 

I have edited a pre-existing file with nation rules and i have a problem

If i test rules i have this error 


Error in nation rules 

División level for serie d (4th ) doesnt match up with the competition position (6th) in the competition list for the nation 

In list>italia>nation serie d competition e level 5 ( 0 serie a exc exc 5 serie d) 

Down in Serie D> general level is 5 

Multiple competitions of serie d the same level 5 

In the database serie a competition level is 1 (1 indicates the top level) 

Serie d is 6 


Other competition between serie a e serie d are ok 

Serie d no 


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In Serie D > general level if i put 5 4 6 7 8 2 and in multiple competition serie d 9 the same nothing changes

Error division level for serie d is 4 exc


If i change level competition of serie c b a error the level of serie c b a is not the same exc

So is in serie d and multiple competition that change the level competition doesn't work


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