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[Suggestion] Some suggestions for better gameplay


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I am having fun with this game since the 2017 version, but some things I feel could be better.


  • The training is getting better and better, but it is strange to not be able to directly ask a player to get better at tackling.
  • Rest panel: It is nice to have and option to automaticaly set the strenght of the training. But the game should be able to give more autonomy to the physios and have an option to delivery the rest recomendation to them, with the possibility to need confirmation if a player is to be sent to vacation.
  • Mentoring panel:
    • Drag players from groups would be nice, not just the + button to add players. It is anoying to be able to drag players in the units panel, but not in mentoring;
    • Ask a player to teach a trait to another player. If they are similar players it should be easier. If the player is already training that trait, it could be faster, instead of adding it twice (happened to me some times)
    • Make retired players more useful as coaches, like them passing their traits to some players of their former position.


  • We have so many problems with games sometimes being just 1 rest day from another that sometimes you don't even have a team to play it. Would be nice to have an option to formaly  ask to the federation or competition owner to postpone a game if the game is in less than 3 rest days (being sure to be postponed if it is from less than 2 rest days).

3D Engine

  • The game could give more love to dribbling. We have traits like "does tricks", but there is none to be seen. We could have more dribblings that make the defender get lost (visualy), different dribblings like Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, Neymar and many other very good driblers does.
  • Goalkeepers are magicians when not playing for you.
  • Players, that have outstanding decisions, composure and teamplay skills keep shooting the ball in the defenders for no reason.
  • When a player is in front of the goal with the goalkeeper in front of him, most chances are shooted in the goalkeeper, when a lot of chances in real life happen for the player shooting outside the goal.


  • Show more impact in the game when we sign a star or even a wonderkid that the fans loved; 
  • Stop making players after 30 losing so much physical stats and mostly, retire so early!

Hope you are all safe!

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