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National Team Call Ups Not Showing Up?


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I'm having a bit of a problem here, doing a save to try and win the World Cup with the Dominican Republic. With such a low youth rating, I need to nationalize players. However, on rare occasions, I can't call these players up. The national team tab doesn't even show up.

I think I've identified the issue.


This is the player who has spent 5 years in the country, as you can see, it still says "'days to eligibility" and it's at 0. No matter how much I advance, it just stays at 0.



This is a player who was successfully nationalized to the national team, and as you can see, the "nation eligibility" box isn't counting down anymore.

I hope you can fix this, because this can be save killing. I should also mention it doesn't always happen, this is the third time out of 20 about, but it does seem to happen every few years, and it hinders me greatly.


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