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Adaptability rating and regional football


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The adaptability rating in FM seems to be one which impacts a wide range of things, from team blend, to settling in foreign nations, learning different languages etc - perhaps TOO many different things.

Throughout football and across the world, there are full-time professionals and there are part-time or amateur players. It's pretty much a given that the full-timers are the career players and the part-timers are making money from a second job - and most likely are playing for a team reasonably local to where they live.

Far far too often in FM we see players moving to clubs on part-time or even amateur terms, moving from one part-time team to another, sometimes several hundred or even thousands of miles away. 

At present, one way to combat this is by using VERY low adaptability ratings to restrict players to their own leagues or regions - but that is done at the expense of all of the other adaptability uses and can affect several other team elements.

Would it perhaps make more sense to have a setting or a tendency whereby it could be specified that a player will only ever remain in their current league, or in the region of their present club, or if a free agent, their place/region of birth? I would safely assume that I can speak for the vast majority of small regional leagues when I say this would be the case for most of their players.

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