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Implementing control over Positional Play through more in-depth tactical instructions


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Should be nice if we can manage our tactic setups to a greater extent and be able to use the Positional Play principle. Maybe this can be achieved through being able to go more in-depth in team and player instructions like for example were do players position themselves on the pitch when te ball is on the other flank or where teammates are positioned. 
I don’t know if it’s maybe too difficult to write into the game but for the tacticians among us it would be great!

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I think this should be part of a revamp of tactical decisions for the staff and manager to decide ahead of match.

Defending narrow or wide?
Shifting to the ball side?
Create numerical advantage on the ball side?
Who to exempt from this to find space for counter?
When to start pressing and where? For how long or until XYZ happens? 
Cut passing lanes? vs whom and when?



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