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Starting a new career but using the same manager profile

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Hello all. So this is for FM20 but I assume it relates to all versions. I'm managing in Brazil and loving it, but this evening thought I would start a new career in Argentina (keeping the South American vibe going!). I selected the same manager profile as my Brazil career before selecting my team (went for Boca Juniors). I noticed that my preferences/settings had 'copied' over. No problem at first, but I changed the currency to Argentinian peso's because it was showing as Brazilian Real. However, I then went back on to my Brazil save and noticed the currency was now peso's too. I'd made other changes in preferences that didn't seem to carry over, so my question is, why is the currency not remaining correct between the 2 saves? It's not a major problem as I can switch back and forth, but just wondered if I had done anything wrong or is it because I am, in essence, the same manager profile on both?

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I think currency, weather, metric and other types of settings are linked to the game and not to the manager profile. If you change the manager profile to play a new save, the game settings (such as currency) will be the same as the other you have previously defined. 

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Thanks @phd_angel! Makes sense. I actually woke the next day (with a fresh outlook I guess?) and decided against carrying on a new career as Boca and am sticking with just 1 FM20 save (progress on my games are slow enough as it is - ha!). Cheers for replying!

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