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Tactics & Team Instruction enhancements


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Increase tactical options further to allow selection of tactic with & without the ball. Increase detail of player individual instructions e.g. ability to instruct striker to run to near post when wingers are instructed to cross to near post.

Ability to instruct CM to drop parallel to defensive line to start build up play etc 

Aware not everyone would like this much detail so adding it as ‘optional’ or in an ‘advanced’ section would be ideal 

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Maybe  put this in Player individual instruction but manager can instruct that specific player to ignore some of team instruction to make sure what he follow the right instruction (instead of player confused about the team instruction vs his individual instruction)

Like when theam instruction showing team fallback and regroup when not in possession, manager can instruct a pace attacker to ignore that and waiting for counter to arise

Individual instruction to define more of the kind of passes that players should do (short pass, long pass, crossing, direct pass) because direct pass is not always long. From what I thinking direct pass can be one touch pass pretty short but direct

Including ability for him to search certain players, like instruct the CB to primarily to find the regista/deep lying playmaker for pass to



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