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[FM15] Breaking Ajax - Part 1


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'I need a new challenge' he thought to himself. His thoughts meandered and begun down a path of discovery. 'I've tortured countless people with an array of devices and traps, all whilst still being able to evade Law Enforcement. The only consistency in my life is critically injuring everybody I come in contact with and my hatred for that f*****g team Ajax' As a younger man he remembered the years in his home land watching his team Feyenoord. They had only won five Eredivisie since 1970 when he first watched them play all while Ajax had won twenty. His team had even runner up twelve times in that period.

Now this unhappiness at the status quo is inside all true Feyenoord fans but within John Kramer it was at a constant simmer. He decided to take it upon himself to teach finally teach Ajax a lesson in humility. It was going to take immense effort to attain his goals. He needed to attain his Continental Pro Coaching License, travel home and hope that Ajax had an opening in the Management position.

'This is all falling into place quite easily' Kramer musing to himself as he strolled out of his job interview. 'All I had to do was promise the Board that I would follow the Ajax method and I will be successful' He went into the interview with a clear plan. Clear out everyone. Everyone. From scouts to coaches to u/19 players, get rid of them all. For his plan to work he needed the purest form of a football club. Completely position less.

'Congratulations, Mr Kramer. You are offically the manager of Ajax' exclaimed Mr Hans Wijers, the Chairman of the club.

'I know you will lead us to countless trophies and accolades' touted Director Edwin Van Der Sar.

'Thank you both. I look forward to joining such an established club. Hopefully I live up to your lofty expectations. I just hope we can build a team that can crush the scum from Feynoord over and over again' Kramer sneered trying to hide his gleeful smile. His plan had been set into motion.

'Now after much consideration and discussion with the board we have granted your bizarre request of terminating every employee we have. You sir Mr Kramer have a blank canvas to work with. Please be our Vincent Van Gogh and paint us a masterpiece!' Mr Wijers fidgeted at the thought of clearing out his beloved football team but he knew this was the way to move Ajax into the future.

John Kramer sat at his desk, he had an extensive budget to work with and he needed to fill his team. He wrote down the key components for the detailed destruction of the fabled Ajax dynasty.

1. Sign the most injury prone players from around the world. Regardless of price and age. This will cause suffering to both fans and players. Making it more difficult to win anything.

2. Sign the coaches who train player the hardest. If the players have to train hard this will increase the likelihood of injury as they will have to be constantly working hard.

3. Sign physio's at the forefront of their respective fields. This will allow players to recover quicker from injuries which will hopefully lead to further injuries.

With his Modus Operandi set John Kramer went to work. He knew exactly who to call to make this all come together....

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"What do you mean I can only have a maximum of 4 medical staff! That's outlandish Mr Wijers! How can i be expected to win the League if there aren't enough staff to rehab half a team." Kramer bellowed down the phone line. He knew this would not be the only time he butts heads with the Chairman.
"We have been partners for over 30 years what do you think the answer is? Now I just have to figure out how I can make it through an airport without being spotted!" Michele said frantically.
Michele may not become the best coach ever because well he is a murderer, he did have some success early in life playing low level Italian team Massese so maybe there is some hope! What Kramer knew he was getting though was a tough, hardened bastard who will push these fragile players to their limit from day 1.
Kramer finally had his right hand man. He continued to fill his staff with the hardest men he knew. There was Valter Vio another Italian mad man who enjoyed making people run until their knees buckled. Along with Hermann Gerland, a 200 game player with Bochum who specialized in the weights room. After an apprenticeship under Arnold Schwarzenegger he was more then qualified to turn make the team's muscles hurt. Even the Goalkeeping coaches were relentless. Oscar Moens was a classic example. During his playing career in the Eredivisie he was known to save exactly 1563 shots before a game in warm up.
"What do you mean I can only have a maximum of 4 medical staff! That's outlandish Mr Wijers! How can i be expected to win the League if there aren't enough staff to rehab half a team." Kramer bellowed down the phone line. He knew this would not be the only time he butts heads with the Chairman.
"Well I can make sure that they are the best of the best when it comes to medicine. I do not want you to feel as if your vision is not supported" Mr Wijers smirked back through the phone.
Over the next week the four medical staff begun their lives on a team they will never forget. First was File who had spent a great deal of his life in Brazil working for the top teams. Together with Chris Morgan, Fredi Binder and Massimo Della Casa will make up the Medical Staff, with a combined 94 years of experience in medical facilities.
During the tour of the facilities the Staff noted the dizzying array of schedules the players were expected to maintain. They where constantly doing arduous labor. From running then to swimming through to boxing and finally finishing with a skills session. All in one day!
The entire staff gathered in front of the benches. It was time for a speech from John Kramer:
"Hello everyone. Thank you for traveling as far as some of you have for this team. This is going to be a year unlike no other. We are going to make our team Champions again. We are going to make them fitter then ever before, more disciplined then ever before and hopefully more complete players then ever before. Hopefully we will break all of them!......out of their cocoons and become new players. Outrun, Outlast and Outplay. That is our creed gentlemen, we must abide by it at all times. Now let's play some games!"
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Kramer paced up and down his office. He had sent out a memo weeks earlier specifically requesting all players arrive a week in early for the start of Pre Season. He wanted all his players to go through the rigors of a full Medical Evaluation from his Medical Staff. His team would be checked over from head to toe to make sure they where at peak physical condition before the season starts.

It was past lunch time and nobody had arrived bar his Medical Staff. Fredi Binder had almost seen enough and begun questioning why on Earth he moved all the way to the Netherlands to look after soccer players. Over the next couple of hours the player begun to filter in. Some looked around in awe at not only the class of players around them but also the facilities which seemed to most second to none.

Skin Fold tests, Fartlek training, a full medical check up and more was done to each and every player from Captain of the First Team to the youngest player in the Under 19's. It was a day that stretched well in to the night. After everything was complete John Kramer spoke to his flock of coaches.

'Gentlemen, thank you for your patience today. I know sometimes out players can test out patience but we got their in the end. Now my goals for this season with you all is simple. I want us to always be training hard and I want us to focus solely on fitness with our boys.' Kramer said making sure he looked at each coach in the eyes as he spoke.

'But sir!' begun Hermann Gerland 'Why should we do that? These boys are already super fit and if we work them to hard it will definitely increase the likelihood of injuries'

'I don't care Gerland! I want my team to be finish the game as it started. Showing no signs of fatigue. I expect their skills to remain sharp for the entire ninety minute ordeal that is a football game. I want them to be able to chase the opposition until the opposition curls up in a ball!'

'Your want to destroy other teams is quite intense sir. If you don't mind me saying' Oscar Moens chimed in.

'Besides guys why are we worried about injuries? Have you seen how innovative our Medical Staff is?' Kramer reminded his flock. 'Now all of you I need you all back here tomorrow. When the team arrives I need you all to break them up into groups so we can go over them with a sharp knife and figure who makes the cut for our opening match. Now let's play a game!'

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"Let's play a game everyone. The idea is to be hit by the football. Why do this you ask? Gentlemen if you cannot be hurt by the ball then what do we have to fear on a football pitch?" Kramer circled his squad. He proceeded to tip over a barrel filled with footballs and the game begun.
"There is no winner when fear itself leads the charge gentlemen" he bellowed during play.
At the completion of the game everyone huddled around Kramer, It made him feel slightly uneasy what with everyone still holding a ball under their arm. Nonetheless he spoke clearly and effectively "Time to break off in to your groupings. I want Goalkeepers with Vecchi, I want defenders to go with Borelli, I want mids with Gerland and I wasnt forwards with Coppola. Now coaches I want information on their past careers and their injury history."
Kramer plopped himself on his Mangers chair. He sat patiently. One by one his coaches delivered their synopsis.
First to arrive was Villiam Vecchi. He had the easiest report as the team only had two goalkeepers.
Christian Abbiati - A veteran campaigner from Italian giants AC Milan. Longest injury Damaged Cruciate Ligaments - 6 Months
Chris Kirkland - another well seasoned veteran from second division. Clear Back up. Longest injury Damaged Spine - 4 Months
Next to drop off their report was Domenico Borelli.
'I think you will be pleasantly surprised with the talent within our defensive ranks' he said.
Wes Brown - Wily old veteran formerly with Manchester United. Has a long injury history of knee ligament damage
Micah Richards - Former Manchester City man. Can play Center or Right back. Has had troubles with Hamstring lately
Mikael Lustig - Comes to us from Celtic. Plays Right back but can fill in Center. Longest Injury was a Hip Injury - 4 Months.
John Mensah - No nonsense journeyman center back. Seems to have issues with his calf muscles
Younes Kaboul - Joined from Spurs and can play a couple of positions. Has serious issues with knee ligaments.
Daniel Agger - Moved to us from Liverpool. Strong and consistent. Consistently injured as well.
Dmytro Chygrynskyi - Ukranian giant from Shaktar. Bought in on a free. Lower body issues.
Ignasi Miquel - Youngster from Arsenal. Has promise if can stay healthy.
Leon Andreasen - Has bounced around a few Bundesliga teams. Longest injury was Damaged Crcuiate Ligaments and he was out for 7 months.
Armand Traoré - From Arsenal however never really got a fair shake. Seems to have Hamstring issues.
"Where on earth are these other two coaches with my reports? I have other places to be you know!" Kramer spat to himself. He waited and waited for the coaches but other engagements where more pressing. He had a meeting with the board about their targets for the upcoming season that he knew they would never reach.
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"Why on earth did you guys not show up at last nights deadline? I waited for a long time and for that you gentlemen are going to have some consequences" snarled Kramer, his disgust palpable.
Gerland stood up "Sir there was so much that you asked us to do! These reports take time"
Coppola shied away from eye contact, he wasn't afraid of Kramer he simply didn't want to end up on his bad side. Both coaches stood feet keeled inwards and hands behind their backs.
"You both have to delegate to your second in commands today as you will be training with the first team" said Kramer as a matter of fact.
"Now where are those reports? Gerland you first"
Joe Cole - A wily veteran capable of magic when healthy but has very weak hamstrings.
Dede - Young Brazilian. Room to grow if he can stay healthy.
Abou Diaby - Has hardly played in the last three years due to injuries. Solid at best.
Daniel Didvai - Set piece specialist with very fragile knees.
Marat Izmailov - Aging Russian winger with his lower body beginning to break down
Nicolai Jørgensen - Danish winger who is easily distracted and also has terrible hamstrings
Massimo Luongo - Australian playmaker, nothing outstanding but serviceable backup
Markel - Spanish anchorman who can be too brave for his own good
Josip Misic - Young Croatian playmaker, has room too grow if his body can hold up
Christian Pander - Aging German winger, can play anywhere up the left hand side
Simone Pepe - Veteran Italian winger, tons of experience and tons of injuries
Tomas Rosicky - Play maker from Arsenal capable of magic but just as equally capable of breaking down
Armand Traore - Young African winger with serious hamstring issues
"Very good Gerland, this is exactly the information I need to succeed" Kramer said with a slight sense of giddiness about the state of his midfield. "Now Coppola please present your findings about our striking corps"
Stevan Jovetic - Has the potential to be a world class striker or never improve due to injuries
Giuseppe Rossi - Wily Italian veteran capable of scoring a bag on any given day
Roque Santa Cruz - Older back up striker with shaky unstable knees
Inaki Williams - Liberian striker who essentially is an unknown commodity
"How the hell did this take you so long Coppola? There are only five reports!" Kramer hissed "You better have completed the summary of the team i asked for as well"
"Luckily sir I have. Our team is very capable of a few different things. Firstly we could definitely win the league this year, our team is mightily talented when they are healthy. We are also just as likely to not win the league as our team although filled with amazing football players is also filled with players who are extremely susceptible to injuries" Coppola seemed impressed with his investigative work.
Kramer put his fingers to his chin and scratched. He was giddy with excitement. He had complied a team that would provide hope for his board and his fans but with his invisible hand he would make sure that they crumbled. His plan began with a few simple words.
"Gentlemen, I want you all to predominantly focus on the fitness of our players. I want them to be the fittest team in the league. I want them to still be running when other teams are faltering. We need to finish games as strong as we start them!" Kramer was overjoyed his years long plan had finally begun.
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"Greetings gentlemen. I have called you both here for a specific reason this morning"
It was early, well before the start of training and Assistant Manager Michele Coppola and Head Physio File had been called to the office of John Kramer. File felt the compulsion to try and bond with Kramer as he knew they would have to develop a close relationship over the course of the season.
"That reason is that I am going to require a combined report from the two of you. From you File I will be needing a report of all the currently injured players in my squad before and after a match if there are new injuries. From you Coppola I will be needing a general match report. You know goal scorers, team info and five best players" Kramer only really cared about the injury report but had to feign interest in the match report.
Both staff members agreed to meet twice within a few hours to share information and as they turned to leave Kramer spluttered "I've already worked out a name for these meetings gentlemen....Core & Gore" Kramer sniggered like a schoolboy at the meeting name.
The two staff members looked at each other bemused but both felt the notification buzz on their tablets of a meeting before and after every matchday to add to their schedule.
Core: We have 6 Matches scheduled for Pre Season. Challenges include EPL's Chelsea as well as a La Liga team and Serie A team Entered into Tournament "Friendly Cup"
Gore: Team is suspiciously healthy at the start of pre season No injuries to report
MATCHDAY 1 - Friendly - Chelsea
Dominated from the get go. Had 20% less possession. Had 1 shot on target. Still conceded more fouls.
Ajax 0 - 6 Chelsea (D Costa (3), E Hazard, C Fabregas, Oscar)
Ajax Best: C Kirkland - 5pts, D Agger - 4pts, Y Kaboul - 3pts, R Santa Cruz - 2pts, T Rosicky - 1Pt
Core: Second Friendly is against Heist Belgian 2nd Div Team, Player to watch Jamie Ruiz. Should win
Gore: Injury - Abou Diaby - Double Hernia - 49 days, Injury - Markel - Twisted Knee - 14 days
MATCHDAY 2 - Friendly - Heist
Seemed to dominate the lower ranking opp. Had more possession and looked more assure in passing.
Heist 0 - 3 Ajax (S Jovetic (2), S Pepe)
Ajax Best: S Jovetic - 5pts, M Richards - 4pts, S Pepe - 3pts, L Andreasen - 2pts, J Mesah - 1pts
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