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Strange bug which removes goals

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Came across a very strange bug while playing FM21 Mobile recently. Was playing against Bournemouth as Forest a number of seasons in on the enchanced match engine with extended highlights. On about 23 minutes I fall behind. Perfectly legitimate goal. No hint of offside and no mention of VAR and the game kicks off again. I immediately amend my tactics to go more attacking and eventually force an equaliser later in the half - or so I thought. Turns out it was actually to go 1-0 up as Bournemouth's goal had suddenly disappeared. Completely. 

Obviously that was a bit strange but I played on - eventually conceding a late equaliser and the game finished 1-1. Suspecting a bug, I saved a replay of the match so I could watch it again to clarify what had happened and send in the match as a bug. 

So I watched the match replay and, sure enough, 23 minutes in Sam Surridge scored his goal. No offside, all legitimate - I was 1-0 down. However, while waiting for the goal to mysteriously vanish shortly afterwards like it had in the match, something even stranger happened. Not only did the goal remain, but the match "replay" then proceeded to show me a completely different match to the one which had actually played out - Bournemouth winning 2-0 and one of my centre mids getting injured.

Going back into my save, the result was the one I had ultimately finished with 1-1, albeit with a 23rd minute Bournemouth goal mysterious vanishing. Yet the saved match replay not only keeps the 23rd minute Bouremouth opener, but then deviates into a completely different match with Bournemouth winning 2-0. 

I've got the match replay and save if you require it. Just figured I'd give you some initial context to this weird fault. It's not the first time I've noticed goals vanishing either.

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