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At my wits end - help for tactics with Parma

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I am in my second season with Parma. First season we finished 13th. We scored 38 and conceded 65. This year, we managed to tighten our defense and strenghten our attack. But then, the inevitable collapse happened, and we started creating nothing, and conceding stupid goals. I don't know what to do. I have attached screens, and I hope that some of you people, who are obviously smart enough to play the game, can help me see what's wrong. Ideally, I would like to play a 532 but really I just want to enjoy my save, and right now it's not fun.


Please help me save my save, so I can start enjoying FM again. Right now it's just a chore. Find something that works, watch it slowly collapse, tinker, watch it work, watch it collapse, repeat.


This is how I have lined up when I was the favourite (PI's: Press more for ST's and AMC)



This is my squad's ability:







































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I mean, the tactic itself could maybe do with some work- is it meant to be a possession based tactic or more on the counter? Don't think it really offers enough penetration personally.

I can't see if you've put the screenshot of your no 10 in. I was going to say unless you've got a great 10, I'd personally just shift to a 442. Seems like you have all the right players for it. Could play 2 BWMs/BBM types in the middle, a target man/DLF and an AF up top. On the right play your attacking wingback on the overlap  and then Dennis Man cutting in. And then on the left just play a more reserved full back and one of your wing backs as the left mid. Easier to get firing in my opinion.

Another thing I noticed- all your centre halves are kind of slow (other than Valenti, and he isn't fast fast). So maybe a high line doesn't make sense..? In fact, other than Man and your wing backs, all your players are pretty slow. I'd try asap to get some young blood in with better physicals to add some dynamism to the attack. 

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3 hours ago, Flußkrebs said:

I mean, the tactic itself could maybe do with some work- is it meant to be a possession based tactic or more on the counter? Don't think it really offers enough penetration personally.

I can't see if you've put the screenshot of your no 10 in. I was going to say unless you've got a great 10, I'd personally just shift to a 442. Seems like you have all the right players for it. Could play 2 BWMs/BBM types in the middle, a target man/DLF and an AF up top. On the right play your attacking wingback on the overlap  and then Dennis Man cutting in. And then on the left just play a more reserved full back and one of your wing backs as the left mid. Easier to get firing in my opinion.

Another thing I noticed- all your centre halves are kind of slow (other than Valenti, and he isn't fast fast). So maybe a high line doesn't make sense..? In fact, other than Man and your wing backs, all your players are pretty slow. I'd try asap to get some young blood in with better physicals to add some dynamism to the attack. 

For some reason, the screenshot of Ryan Gauld got lost



Might look at a 442, drop deeper and perhaps base it on possesion and slower transitions

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While Parma technically speaking has the right players for a 4-4-2, that formation is very suspect as an underdog in Italy.

A lot of the better teams either play 3-4-1-2 or 4-2-3-1. A regular 4-4-2 is going to give them a ton of space in the hole, lose the midfield battle every game, and your CBs will have to match up to strikers like Lukaku and Immobilé man to man.

I would look at something like a 4-1-4-1 or 4-4-1-1 (2 DM) if you're dead set on changing formations. I would also caution that this Parma team cannot realistically play possession-based football initially - your players are frankly pretty crap, tbh.


As for your current formation, I think it can work (and is a good choice for underdogs) but would make some major changes. Some of your roles make zero sense when the player is taken into account, and some of your roles are way too conservative:

1. Drop the high line and drop "distribute to CBs". Every single one of your CBs is a mediocre ball-player at best, and most are downright bad. They're also slow and turn like WW1 battleships.

2. Rework your 3 forward roles: TM-S or PF-S (Cornelius/Pelle - Pelle probably can't play PF), PF/AF-A (Man/Inglese) up top, SS-A (Gauld/Kurtic). Cornelius in particular is an absolute physical monster, but is completely wasted as an AF because he's got terrible acceleration.

3. Drop your CMs into the DM strata, and go with a DM-S (Tousart/Hernani) beside an SV-S (Grassi/Brugman). In harder games you can set the DM-S to "Hold Position" and the SV to a BWM-S, but in most games you really don't need a holding role with 3 CBs. Against significantly worse teams you can make the SV-S an SV-A.

4. Make your WB on the same side as the DM-S a WB-A. Against significantly worse teams you can have a WB-A on both sides.

Edited by Sneaky Pete
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1 hour ago, Sneaky Pete said:

While Parma technically speaking has the right players for a 4-4-2, that formation is very suspect as an underdog in Italy.

A lot of the better teams either play 3-4-1-2 or 4-2-3-1. A regular 4-4-2 is going to give them a ton of space in the hole, lose the midfield battle every game, and your CBs will have to match up to strikers like Lukaku and Immobilé man to man.

I would look at something like a 4-1-4-1 or 4-4-1-1 (2 DM) if you're dead set on changing formations. I would also caution that this Parma team cannot realistically play possession-based football initially - your players are frankly pretty crap, tbh.


As for your current formation, I think it can work (and is a good choice for underdogs) but would make some major changes. Some of your roles make zero sense when the player is taken into account, and some of your roles are way too conservative:

1. Drop the high line and drop "distribute to CBs". Every single one of your CBs is a mediocre ball-player at best, and most are downright bad. They're also slow and turn like WW1 battleships.

2. Rework your 3 forward roles: TM-S or PF-S (Cornelius/Pelle - Pelle probably can't play PF), PF/AF-A (Man/Inglese) up top, SS-A (Gauld/Kurtic). Cornelius in particular is an absolute physical monster, but is completely wasted as an AF because he's got terrible acceleration.

3. Drop your CMs into the DM strata, and go with a DM-S (Tousart/Hernani) beside an SV-S (Grassi/Brugman). In harder games you can set the DM-S to "Hold Position" and the SV to a BWM-S, but in most games you really don't need a holding role with 3 CBs. Against significantly worse teams you can make the SV-S an SV-A.

4. Make your WB on the same side as the DM-S a WB-A. Against significantly worse teams you can have a WB-A on both sides.

That might work. How about TI's? Keep the ones you haven't mentioned?

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Sneaky Pete has given some great advice. Regarding TIs I would drop the Play Narrower and keep that as standard width. Changing width is something I do in match to react to what I’m seeing on the pitch, rather than as a permanent instruction. Also, you might not want to counterpress all the time, particularly as an underdog.

Edited by facman
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1 minute ago, facman said:

Sneaky Pete has given some great advice. Regarding TIs I would drop the Play Narrower and keep that as standard width. Changing width is something I do in match to react to what I’m seeing on the pitch, rather than as a permanent instruction. Also, you might not want to counterpress all the time, particularly as an underdog.

Counter press is situational as well as counter. But I will go back to standard, and try what Sneaky Pete suggested

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If I use the formation suggested by Sneaky Pete, should I drop the urgent pressing PI for my three forward players? Could it pull them too far away from the rest of the team? 

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I'm anything but a tactical expert, but I do know some combinations that could work well. Maybe something like this suits your team:


DLFsu          AFat

MEZsu     CMde     CAR

WBsu                                         WBat

CDde     CDst     CDde


mentality - balanced

in possession - more direct passing, higher tempo, hit early crosses

in transition - counter

out of possession - lower line of engagement, use tight marking, get stuck in

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I have been playing the way Sneaky Pete suggested, but I am not hugely sold on it. The gap between the offense and the defense seems too big and easy to exploit. I considered returning to a standard 532. How would something like this look?

(Right to left)


DC C x 3











TI's: more direct passing, higher tempo, early crosses (perhaps shoot on sight)

counter (perhaps distribute quickly)

lower line of engagement (perhaps tighter marking and get stuck in)



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12 minutes ago, Mr_Demus said:

TI's: more direct passing, higher tempo, early crosses (perhaps shoot on sight)

counter (perhaps distribute quickly)

defenitly check your pass completition rate. at least from the screenshots you provided, your team is at most average or below in terms of passing, technique and first touch. I would drop direct passing if the % drops below 80%.

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I personally found wingbacks to be awful in a 532/352


I go with defensive wingers instead, they perform much better and you can still use your wingback players in that position instead. Just my 2 cents.


I don't recommend all the instructions I've given my team but you're free to try them if you want, it works for me.


The team roles however 100% work better with defensive wingers than wingbacks ever did.





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3 minutes ago, CARRERA said:

defenitly check your pass completition rate. at least from the screenshots you provided, your team is at most average or below in terms of passing, technique and first touch. I would drop direct passing if the % drops below 80%.

87% right now. But I haven't used more direct passing, only higher tempo. 

The more direct passing was a suggestion for the latest 532 I suggested

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2 minutes ago, Mr_Demus said:

The more direct passing was a suggestion for the latest 532 I suggested

yeah, thats what i related to. however, if its 87 with standard now, it should be fine with more direct around the low 80s properbly.

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1 minute ago, CARRERA said:

yeah, thats what i related to. however, if its 87 with standard now, it should be fine with more direct around the low 80s properbly.

Okay. Just wanted to make sure.


How does the overall tactic look in your opinion? Is it worth trying out, or can you see anything glaringly wrong with it?

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On 30/07/2021 at 12:02, Mr_Demus said:

But then, the inevitable collapse happened, and we started creating nothing, and conceding stupid goals.

How you're setting your match preparation trainings in these difficult periods? Match prep Team work, Def positioning should be minimum going against anyone. Do you interact to your low rating performers? Tell them to step up or you will bench them.

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1 minute ago, Pasonen said:

How you're setting your match preparation trainings in these difficult periods? Match prep Team work, Def positioning should be minimum going against anyone. Do you interact to your low rating performers? Tell them to step up or you will bench them.

Yeah, I do all those

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5 minutes ago, Mr_Demus said:

How does the overall tactic look in your opinion? Is it worth trying out, or can you see anything glaringly wrong with it?

no it looks fine to start out, any further changes would properbly be only down to my personal preference. I would try out your setup and then move on from there.

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21 minutes ago, Mr_Demus said:

I consider myself a reasonably smart man, but I guess I am too stupid to play FM...

I dont think so, sometimes it just needs some sleep to reset your mind and start over again. Can you properbly post your current version of the tactics? Im kinda confused on what you actually play with at the moment.

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1 hour ago, Mr_Demus said:

I consider myself a reasonably smart man, but I guess I am too stupid to play FM...

u dont give enough info...


some1 offer u solution with 2 tactical ideas in thread with pic and u dont reply...


how we know how to help if u dont accep or provide info of what work and dont?...

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7 hours ago, CARRERA said:

I dont think so, sometimes it just needs some sleep to reset your mind and start over again. Can you properbly post your current version of the tactics? Im kinda confused on what you actually play with at the moment.

Sure. I can see how it gets confusing.

To recap.


This was my starting point. It did below average in terms of results, and we scored very few goals and created very few chances. It was decent in defense though. (Disregard who plays where)



Then, taking the advice from Sneaky Pete in this thread, we tried this formation. It had a couple of decent results, but then the same problems started occuring. Few chances, and few goals (none actually). Also, there was a huge gap between the lines that was too easy to exploit. The DM's were dragged out of position because they tried to support attacks, and we actually conceded most goals from the space where the DM's were supposed to be. (Counter and counter press are situational. Once again, disregard player placement)



Then for the last few games, we have started like this. With not that great results. (Again, disregard player placement)




We are roughly where we should be in the league, but play has been terrible on most occasions. We have a couple of good games now and then, but most of the time it's just getting pounded by teams we should beat or be equal to. I know I shouldn't change tactics all the time, but I seriously do not know what to do anymore. I am on the verge of uninstalling this game, but I am so invested in my Parma team, that I really don't want to.

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I haven't play a narrow 3 at the back system this edition, but one thing I did find in last years edition when I played it a lot was that playing the attacking wingback on the same side as the support striker was more effective as they linked up much more effectively in the final third.  So in your system I'd swap the strikers round to gain this linkup (not a problem that the AF is on the same side as the Vol (or support CM in your original system) as that will mean he is slightly closer to him in general and thus more likely to be able to feed him with a pass.

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How much you change your tempo inside games? While higher tempo can create some more breakthrough from center it also gives ball more to opponent and leaves wingbacks more out from creating game. If you want to hold on your high tempo (and you should not always of course) you really should make one of your wingbacks Attacking. Preferably to side where is good passers to that wide flank and some support movement down from st strata.

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I don't play with a back three at all so maybe I'm not the best to comment although I really don't like the double DM with the back three. I'm sure it's workable but I just think it's so bottom heavy. I like the other two however as you could switch depending on the opponent (the DMC one against formations with AMC's and the AMC against teams who have no DMC's)

With the DMC one I don't think you're far off how I would set it up but I'd actually probably start it on a Cautious mentality with Force Outside, More Urgent Pressing and Tighter Marking. By bringing the mentality down we sit a little lower with the pressing block but not passive (hence why More Urgent Pressing). Forcing them outside I'd be fine with as you have 3 CD's who should be able to deal with crosses. Drop Counter Press, you'll be too deep anyways. I'd play pass into space situationally as you'll most likely come up against bigger teams who will give you space. The 2 MC's and 2 strikers I'd give more pressing to.

I'd probably have the Mez on attack to create an overload on the right to pull the opposition (as you have a WB occupying that space too and potentially the striker as he could move into that channel) that way which give the WBL and the attacking striker more space to exploit on the left. You can keep the TM if it works for you but if you want something which is less focus then just go with a DLF(s). Bare in mind however if the opposition is occupying a lot of space in front of the defence then he is going to be less effective so you might be better off changing his duty to attack and go a little more direct. The AF you can keep but he isn't very versatile because attack is the only duty you can choose. The DMC I would just have a DMC(s) so he can step up and support the midfield as you have the security with the back three anyways. I would however be tempted to train Kurtic as a DLP(s) for that position as you could some very nice moves started from him.

Like I said, not a 3 at the back manager myself but I guess this is how I'd set it up in your position. Then if I had a better squad I'd look to play on a higher mentality with a few tweaks here and there.

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27 minutes ago, Justified said:

I don't play with a back three at all so maybe I'm not the best to comment although I really don't like the double DM with the back three. I'm sure it's workable but I just think it's so bottom heavy. I like the other two however as you could switch depending on the opponent (the DMC one against formations with AMC's and the AMC against teams who have no DMC's)

With the DMC one I don't think you're far off how I would set it up but I'd actually probably start it on a Cautious mentality with Force Outside, More Urgent Pressing and Tighter Marking. By bringing the mentality down we sit a little lower with the pressing block but not passive (hence why More Urgent Pressing). Forcing them outside I'd be fine with as you have 3 CD's who should be able to deal with crosses. Drop Counter Press, you'll be too deep anyways. I'd play pass into space situationally as you'll most likely come up against bigger teams who will give you space. The 2 MC's and 2 strikers I'd give more pressing to.

I'd probably have the Mez on attack to create an overload on the right to pull the opposition (as you have a WB occupying that space too and potentially the striker as he could move into that channel) that way which give the WBL and the attacking striker more space to exploit on the left. You can keep the TM if it works for you but if you want something which is less focus then just go with a DLF(s). Bare in mind however if the opposition is occupying a lot of space in front of the defence then he is going to be less effective so you might be better off changing his duty to attack and go a little more direct. The AF you can keep but he isn't very versatile because attack is the only duty you can choose. The DMC I would just have a DMC(s) so he can step up and support the midfield as you have the security with the back three anyways. I would however be tempted to train Kurtic as a DLP(s) for that position as you could some very nice moves started from him.

Like I said, not a 3 at the back manager myself but I guess this is how I'd set it up in your position. Then if I had a better squad I'd look to play on a higher mentality with a few tweaks here and there.



So, like this? No other TI's?

I changed the AF to a PF A and put the TM on A, but obviously he can switch to S.

I was able to ask the two CM's to press more.


How about the AMC one?


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If you're going to play both attackers on attack then you should increase passing to Direct as that's how you've currently set the roles up.

Definitely keep Counter + Higher Tempo (sorry I was basing my comment on your previous picture). Use Pass Into Space situationally.

As for distribution I would maybe select distribute to central defenders and see how that works. Realistically they should have enough options to pass to (DMC or flanks). If not you could distribute to the "fullbacks" as they should be roughly hugging the touchline. See what works best here (you can see I don't play this formation often :D )

As for the AMC one I think that is something I would play on a higher mentality (Positive probably) but you'd have to be sure you can dominate that particular opposition. The base would be the same (back five same roles + strikers) but the MC's for your team would probably be CMsu + BBMsu with a simple AMCat. Again this will be opposition specific. If the crowd the centre then I'd have to look at ways to stretch them. Probably a MEZsu on the same side as the WBL in the MC slot and attacking roles up front as there won't be any space inbetween the lines.

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14 minutes ago, Justified said:

If you're going to play both attackers on attack then you should increase passing to Direct as that's how you've currently set the roles up.

Definitely keep Counter + Higher Tempo (sorry I was basing my comment on your previous picture). Use Pass Into Space situationally.

As for distribution I would maybe select distribute to central defenders and see how that works. Realistically they should have enough options to pass to (DMC or flanks). If not you could distribute to the "fullbacks" as they should be roughly hugging the touchline. See what works best here (you can see I don't play this formation often :D )

As for the AMC one I think that is something I would play on a higher mentality (Positive probably) but you'd have to be sure you can dominate that particular opposition. The base would be the same (back five same roles + strikers) but the MC's for your team would probably be CMsu + BBMsu with a simple AMCat. Again this will be opposition specific. If the crowd the centre then I'd have to look at ways to stretch them. Probably a MEZsu on the same side as the WBL in the MC slot and attacking roles up front as there won't be any space inbetween the lines.

Cool. Thanks, I appreciate you taking the time to give an in depth answer. I will try it out. Most likely, I will end up using the DMC one the most

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No probs. It's all theoretical, no idea if it'll work but I think it makes sense. If you find that the MC's get pulled around too much because of their pressing you could try without but I wonder if they'll become to passive without it. Ideally what I'd be looking for is the strikers and MC's holding up attacks so everyone else can get into position. Once that narrow shape of players is in place it'll be quite tough to break down but you still have enough Counter threat to create problems. Good Luck!

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here’s a link to a discussion I was involved in for FM20 regarding a 5-3-2 WB formation. It’s a really good discussion that goes into decent tactical detail and might be of help. I used the formation with Everton in season 2 in European games in FM21 when I was expecting to be under the cosh and I went unbeaten with it until the semi final so it can still work in this version of the game.

The midfield three (Car-DLP-Car) are the key to the formation I’ve found, but a decent wingback can be one of your main creators. I’m not sold on using a Carrilero in a 2 man midfield as I don’t think they properly protect the wide spaces without giving up too much in the middle.

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4 minutes ago, facman said:

here’s a link to a discussion I was involved in for FM20 regarding a 5-3-2 WB formation. It’s a really good discussion that goes into decent tactical detail and might be of help. I used the formation with Everton in season 2 in European games in FM21 when I was expecting to be under the cosh and I went unbeaten with it until the semi final so it can still work in this version of the game.

The midfield three (Car-DLP-Car) are the key to the formation I’ve found, but a decent wingback can be one of your main creators. I’m not sold on using a Carrilero in a 2 man midfield as I don’t think they properly protect the wide spaces without giving up too much in the middle.

I have read that thread, but as I remember it was based around a playing style, that wasn't really for my players. But a) I didn't read all of it thoroughly b) it was a while ago, so I might have missed something

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3 minutes ago, Mr_Demus said:

I have read that thread, but as I remember it was based around a playing style, that wasn't really for my players. But a) I didn't read all of it thoroughly b) it was a while ago, so I might have missed something

What makes you think it won’t work with your players? I have used it with Bolton in FM20 and Everton in FM21 and it worked out both times - a more disparate group of players you couldn’t get!

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1 minute ago, facman said:

What makes you think it won’t work with your players? I have used it with Bolton in FM20 and Everton in FM21 and it worked out both times - a more disparate group of players you couldn’t get!

The high press and the libero, I think, was what made me not look too closely. I have never played a libero, and playing high press as a poor team is not a good idea, I think

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56 minutes ago, Mr_Demus said:

The high press and the libero, I think, was what made me not look too closely. I have never played a libero, and playing high press as a poor team is not a good idea, I think

The libero option is just a good way to get your most talented centre half to come forward more with the ball. It doesn't work properly in FM (never has), but still allows you to not have 3 centre backs sitting deep constantly. With regard to the press, there's no secret that pressing is generally better than not pressing in recent iterations of FM. Again, I would give it a go.

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2 minutes ago, facman said:

The libero option is just a good way to get your most talented centre half to come forward more with the ball. It doesn't work properly in FM (never has), but still allows you to not have 3 centre backs sitting deep constantly. With regard to the press, there's no secret that pressing is generally better than not pressing in recent iterations of FM. Again, I would give it a go.

Are you talking about the formation from the following post?



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2 hours ago, Mr_Demus said:



So, like this? No other TI's?

I changed the AF to a PF A and put the TM on A, but obviously he can switch to S.

I was able to ask the two CM's to press more.


How about the AMC one?



that looks good imo apart from a target man, that's a really specific role, PF S can do the same as him without messing up the overall formation. Target men always make my team go way too direct to him, he's a ball magnet, so he needs to be really good at his role to use the amount of ball he receives.

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This also worked really well for me with Fulham if you don't like the defensive wingers I use with other teams.


My left/right cb's have the PI's to stay wider, DM to hold position, DLP to dribble more. Other than that it's pretty basic.


Got me some good results without needing too much chopping and changing through the season.


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How do I avoid getting ounished by long shots?

I could push up my d-line, but I would really like to avoid that.

Players with 8 or 9 long shots are drilling them into the top corner, because we allow them the space. Could I ask my DM to hold position?

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22 minutes ago, Mr_Demus said:

How do I avoid getting ounished by long shots?

I could push up my d-line, but I would really like to avoid that.

Players with 8 or 9 long shots are drilling them into the top corner, because we allow them the space. Could I ask my DM to hold position?


you need to close down the shooters so they don't have space to shoot, holding position will just give them more time.


defensive line moving up is the obvious but if you don't want to do that you could try changing the DM to a ball winning midfielder? It honestly depends on where the long shots are coming from and why they are.


If it's too much space then try ball winning midfielder in DM slot, but that might open up space behind him for them to play through which could create more issues.



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29 minutes ago, Mr_Demus said:

How do I avoid getting ounished by long shots?

I could push up my d-line, but I would really like to avoid that.

Players with 8 or 9 long shots are drilling them into the top corner, because we allow them the space. Could I ask my DM to hold position?

Before the game, figure out who of your opponent's players takes the long shots and close down that player more, especially if it's an DM/CM who arrives late.

You already have a lot of good advice in this thread but some items I noticed:

  • most of your team are bad dribblers = use the TI 'dribble less.'  Man is good so give him a role w dribble more, like IW, otherwise the PI 'dribble more.'  He already has the Trait 'cuts inside from both wings.'
  • you have so many players who are tough, strong and great in the air so maybe try TI 'play for set pieces' and really work on some good, and varied, set piece routines
  • you need to get Man in the game.  He is young and can be a VG Robben type player (IW).  A pacy, dribbling, IW with flair creates havoc and is a player I dread facing.  He is your only player who can effectively attack your opponent's defense on the ball.  He can beat his man then draw an opposition CB towards him, opening up space for your strikers, who are too slow to create on their own.  You could do something like a 4-4-1-1 2DM, or 4-1-4-1, with Man as the MR on IW(a).
  • your WBs are athletic enough to counter-attack up the wings but your strikers are just too slow.  To counter effectively, you need at least one fast player up front
  • If Cornelius had a faster strike-partner, he could be an effective TM(s).  He is not a TM(a) because he has the trait 'comes deep to get ball' and is slow
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24 minutes ago, glengarry224 said:

Before the game, figure out who of your opponent's players takes the long shots and close down that player more, especially if it's an DM/CM who arrives late.

You already have a lot of good advice in this thread but some items I noticed:

  • most of your team are bad dribblers = use the TI 'dribble less.'  Man is good so give him a role w dribble more, like IW, otherwise the PI 'dribble more.'  He already has the Trait 'cuts inside from both wings.'
  • you have so many players who are tough, strong and great in the air so maybe try TI 'play for set pieces' and really work on some good, and varied, set piece routines
  • you need to get Man in the game.  He is young and can be a VG Robben type player (IW).  A pacy, dribbling, IW with flair creates havoc and is a player I dread facing.  He is your only player who can effectively attack your opponent's defense on the ball.  He can beat his man then draw an opposition CB towards him, opening up space for your strikers, who are too slow to create on their own.  You could do something like a 4-4-1-1 2DM, or 4-1-4-1, with Man as the MR on IW(a).
  • your WBs are athletic enough to counter-attack up the wings but your strikers are just too slow.  To counter effectively, you need at least one fast player up front
  • If Cornelius had a faster strike-partner, he could be an effective TM(s).  He is not a TM(a) because he has the trait 'comes deep to get ball' and is slow

Thing is, that they come from players who don't score goals and who have terrible long shots. Against Verona, as an example, a player with 0 goals all season and 8 long shots ability put it into the top corner from 25 metres. I actually manage to keep the main long shot threats quiet, but players like the Verona guy I obviously wouldn't consider a threat.

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1 hour ago, Mr_Demus said:

How do I avoid getting ounished by long shots?

I could push up my d-line, but I would really like to avoid that.

Players with 8 or 9 long shots are drilling them into the top corner, because we allow them the space. Could I ask my DM to hold position?

You could ask your st sup or Amc to mark opponents lowest playing cm to limit opponents control at the middle. This would also lower the defensive responsibilities of your cm's vertically and give more time to block long shot attempts.

Edited by Pasonen
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25 minutes ago, Pasonen said:

You could ask your st sup or Amc to mark opponents lowest playing cm to limit opponents control at the middle. This would also lower the defensive responsibilities of your cm's vertically and give more time to block long shot attempts.

That might work.


I just did a little counting. From the last 16 goals I have conceded, 8 have been long shots. 4 of them have come from players with long shot abilty below 10. 

Funnily enough, thay have all happened away from home

Edited by Mr_Demus
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10 minutes ago, Mr_Demus said:

I just did a little counting. From the last 16 goals I have conceded, 8 have been long shots. 4 of them have come from players with long shot abilty below 10.

If your DM is not enough to cover that space, did you try using the central defender in the middle as a stopper to press early?

If the long shots are angled from half space, you could also use the outter CDs as stopper with the central one being a cover duty. 

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13 minutes ago, Mr_Demus said:

That might work.


I just did a little counting. From the last 16 goals I have conceded, 8 have been long shots. 4 of them have come from players with long shot abilty below 10. 

Funnily enough, thay have all happened away from home


what formation is the opposition using in those games? from my experience 3 at the back systems struggle against 4-2-3-1

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5 minutes ago, Gah Rii said:


what formation is the opposition using in those games? from my experience 3 at the back systems struggle against 4-2-3-1

They have used different formations. I have just faced Milan at home who uses a 4231 and drew 0-0.

It seems to have something to do with playing away.

I have used the latest tactic for 9 games.

Home Played 6 - won 5 - draw 1 - lost 0 5-0

Away Played 5 won 0 - draw 0 - lost 5 5-11

7 of the 11 conceded has been long shots. From about 20-25 metres where my DM should be.

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