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Calendar Schedule Generator


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The ability to pick certain schedule for certain condition and apply them from date between date

Instead of put the schedule one week by one week, managers can make costum schedule and put that in template with condition

- if 1 match use this schedule

- if 2 match use this schedule

- if no match use this schedule

- apply from 1 june 2021 - 31 july 2022, process

The schedule will automatically applied based on what costum schedules you pick

Or based on schedule template, so the manager can create 1 month or 2 month model and apply that that between period

  • The condition for 1 month that have 5 weeks (half week above and half week bottom is repeat the template
  • So it will be schedule 1-2-3-4-1 (month 1 ) 2-3-4-1 -2 (month 2) 3-4-1-2 (month 3) 3-4-1-2 (month 4) etc

People can apply the schedule start from date x but with no end date too (so the template will be applied until the last schedule of the template)

This will be great for pre season template (it can be 5-6 weeks) so the manager will only need to apply this premade preseason template start from like say 24 June


With this people can make a rest template to erase all the schedule he choose between certain date too (so there is no need for reset schedule ) because people will have that ability

So people can do things like :

1. applied rest template to clear all the schedule to make sure there is no schedule this year

2. applied the pre season template

3 applied the costum template that keep repeatedly applied from the day he choose (1 day after the end of preseason) to end of year

With this in mind setting the calendar for youth U23 and U17 will be done in no time. right now I really hate to set for youth schedule because the process is repetitive and boring

My solution currently is to put all of my U17 in U23 (then set them available for U17) as their schedule is basically the same, because I feel to lazy to repeat the setup for U17

  • If I can make a template consist of like 5 costum schedule to be repeat for whole year (physical, attacking, defending, possession, tactical) those will only need to repeat for whole year
  • I will glad if I can generate that for a whole year calendar so the calendar will be weekly using schedule 1-2-3-4-5-1-2-3-4-5-1-2-3-4-5 and so on til the last match of the season


* Because of my jobs as HR consultant for few years back, this is common practice to setting employee rosters/work shift, we only need to set weekly or biweekly template, and generate the schedule for a whole year

Edited by saintrainhard
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  • SI Staff

Thanks for the suggestion, it is part of our internal database of features for consideration. For future reference, with features like these we have to take into account how much work will go in and how much it will be used.

Like all features raised to us, it could end up rejected, or could after extensive design and development become a part of a future FM 

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