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[Suggestion] Ideas to build immersion


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Hello all,


I've posted some of these ideas in the past on Reddit, but I've been told that they will get better visibility if posted here.


1. Add a map to the load screen or as an email update when travelling to an away game.


When I'm playing a journeyman save in a country I'm unfamiliar with I find myself heading over to Google maps to figure out where this town I'm playing in is located or to see if it's a far away match.  I think it would be a great idea to have this integrated in game somehow. I picture a map with two pins with the staring and ending positions to give an idea of where the team just traveled to. Maybe add a bus or a plane icon depending on how far the travel was.


2. Dynamic Playability


I think it could be nice to have an option to load leagues as "view only" but still have the option to manage there. Essentially these league would have job postings and would turn over management, but everything else in these leagues would function as view only. If a human user would take a job in one of these leagues everything would then flip to playable.


3. Player mode

This one is a bit more out there. I understand not being able to manage as real life managers or players due to licensing issues, but I think it could be a fun idea to create your own player and be on the other end of the team and manager talks. You could have your player impact locker room atmosphere and dynamics. You could watch as your player grows and make decisions on where your player will play. Eventually you will retire your player and take over as a manager somewhere. To me this feels like a more realistic way to get into management and gives the player more of a built in background





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  • SI Staff

All three of these features have already been flagged as a request within the community, so have been documented and are part of our internal database of features for consideration. Like all features raised to us, it could end up rejected, or could after extensive design and development become a part of a future FM. We appreciate you taking the time to post them here, and hope that you can continue to do so :) 

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