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Create a quick button for 'Clear Entire Team Selection'


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Within Squad and Tactics tabs we currently have a 'Quick Pick' button , instantly selecting our squad and reserves.

I would absolutely love it if we also had a button next to that with 'Clear Entire Team Selection'


Also, why is 'Selection Advice' only available under Tactics tab and not Squad tab? Get it in there already :)


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Second this. There are a few of these common actions that are buried under the same level of clicks / mouse menu navigation as very obscure ones. At least for me I frequently also load/save a team but would never click "Selection Advice" especially when it's already one of the emails.

Clear Team Selection is roughly the same amount of trouble to get to as Pick Rotated Squad with Slight Rotation. Don't know about the rest of you, I've never used any of those (I'd have to look over the squad by hand anyway after handing it to AI, it's less trouble to hand pick) or set pick guidelines, but clearing/loading/saving is a regular.

What I'd really like is three buttons next to Quick Pick: A, B, and Clear. A and B will load first and second selection choices per tactic (helpful if you run several different formations). You can add a dropdown to save the current modifications. After loading, if you've made any changes, the text changes to A* or B* and the dropdown arrow to save update appears.  There should also be an Undo icon at the top, maybe to the left of A.

Under Quick Pick, the rest of the menu items can go there including Selection Advice if need be, but I wouldn't mind if the number of possible AI pick permutations there were trimmed a bit. Or maybe a dropdown radio button list of the different ones -- Best XI, Rotation, Youth -- that selects one of a few ways of Quick Picking and the button itself follows whatever option is active.



Edited by lamp
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • SI Staff

Thanks for your feature requests. As this is something that has already been raised by the community we have documented it and it is part of our internal database of features to consider. At this point it may be rejected or with further development could become part of a future version of FM. Something that should be mentioned is to bear in mind that some people's methods of team selection are starkly different to yours and so some things you never use are frequently used by other players.


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