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*Suggestion* Tactic match engine preview for instructions

Terrance The T-Rex

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When creating a tactic and you chose a role you have a small preview of how that role works within the match engine, well when you change the role by adding instructions you should have a 2nd preview which shows how the role changes with your instruction so you can then compare the 2 and see if that is how you want your tactic to play out as it is very different from reading what the instruction does and then actually seeing how the role performs within the engine.

Another idea is that the preview could be done with specific players you select but I dont know if that is stretching it 

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  • SI Staff

Thank you for taking the time to input your suggestion. This is part of our internal database of features to consider. It may be rejected or end up in a future version of FM after further development. For future reference the more your feature requests can stick to what real managers would be able to do, the better. 

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