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Around the World in 80 Clubs

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I've been reading the career updates forum a lot over the past week (following the awakening of a long-dormant desire to play FM) and the most interesting threads are those where people are doing something a bit different from taking a low-ranked club to the top or journeyman saves. I remember one brilliant thread from a few years back where somebody took a lowly Swedish club and, using youth only, wanted to rise not only to the top but, more interestingly, attempted to help raise the overall UEFA co-efficient of the country. I think issues with the game prevented it, but all the same it was an excellent - and different - type of challenge.

Anyway, I digress.

What came to me only moments ago was having some kind of 'Around the World' challenge, where the idea is to country-hop around the globe, managing a club in each country you hop to. The basic premise would be:

- Create your manager with no experience and start unemployed

- Pick any country as your start point; you have to win a domestic league title with the club you end up at before you can move country (you must resign when you win a title)

- You can only move to a country that borders your current location or, in the case of crossing oceans, the nearest country as the crow flies

- You have to take the first job you are offered in the top division of your next country

- If you are sacked before achieving a title win, you must wait for another job within the same country (but again, taking the first one offered)

- Your trip must encompass 5 continents

- You must end at the country you started at

The aim, of course, is to do this in the fewest number of seasons.

Now as we all know, the game gets significantly easier the further into a save you get, as AI managers are never much good at squad composition or dealing with newgens - so for a harder route, once you've won a title at a club you record how long it took and start a new game at a new country. That way, you are facing AI teams at their strongest (so winning in the EPL for example is going to be very hard if you are at a lower/mid-tier club facing the might of Man City in 2021).

If you go down this route, your created manager can have middling experience and skills to ensure you aren't waiting too long for a job.

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It'd be great to see people pick up the mantle of the challenge and read about your exploits!


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