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***FMS 2021 Awards Main Voting Thread***

mark wilson27

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Right gentlemen its now time for the final round of voting in this years FMS Awards. In this round you will be voting for the overall winner in all categories.

You can't vote for yourself or a story written by yourself

If you have a story in the running you are required to vote. 

For you to stand a chance of winning any of the other non story categories (Story Character of the Year,Writer of the year, newcomer of the year and Terk/Raptor/Wilson Builders Award) you are required to vote. In other words if you want the chance to win you need to vote

You must vote in at least 50% of categories

You will get two votes for each category with the exception being the Hall of Fame vote

In the Hall of Fame Nominations you can vote for up to three people or stories. Voting in the Hall of Fame is not obligatory

Hall of Fame Rules:

(1) Each user has up to three nominations in both Writer and Story (Your not obliged to vote)

(2) You obviously cant vote for yourself as Writer or for one of your own stories

(3) To be awarded a place in the Hall of Fame a writer or story must receive a two thirds majority of the total number of people who voted in this final round...For example if nine people voted in the final round at least six people need to nominate the story or writer

Only two stories /writers can be elected into the Hall of Fame each year

Writers Hall of Fame Inductees

Peacemaker (2007)

Raptor (2009)

flipsix3 (2010)

tenthreeleader (2011)

Story Hall of Fame Inductees

Leaving the Past Behind (Repost) (flipsix3) (2010)

Please complete the Ballot form in the following post and send to awardsfms@gmail.com by the Deadline of Midnight (BST) Wednesday 29th September with the Awards Ceremony taking place on Sunday 3rd October 2020 (20:00 BST) 

Please remember you must vote for you too have the chance to win an award, and remember too claim your vote here

If anyone thinks I've missed anything please PM me

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Other Awards:

The Terk/Raptor/Wilson Builder's Award:
This is awarded to the FMS forum member who does the most for the forum on an ongoing basis. Anyone can be awarded this so get your thinking caps on and make your choice

Writer of the Year:
Some of the best members of the boards have been bestowed this honour, with some winning it on multiple occasions. This is the highest honour on the board apart from being inducted into the FMS Hall of Fame. So again who is the writer that has got you glued to the forum, now its your time to see if your vote can give them this high honour

Best Story Character

Whilst some stories are just match report based, others have characters that bring the story to life. You have your characters from Rob Ridgway to Tina Powell that bring the story alive for your entertainment. The only rule with this category is that no character can win this award twice. If your unsure PM me and I will let you know if the character is eligible (I would say look at the FMS Awards Archive but the forum migration has wiped them out for now)

Funniest Writer of the Year:

Who has made you laugh so loud you nearly pee'd yourself. Simple as that


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Story of the Year

From Winnipeg, with love. Memoirs of a football manager (bigmattb28)

Legend in exile (bigmattb28)

Jumping Through Hoops (Celtic_1967)

You can't win anything with kids (Drogba11CFC)

Mark my words, Wilson – United are done for (EvilDave)

Back in Britain – Part III of the Owain Williams saga (EvilDave)

All of Life, All of the Game (EvilDave)

La Vecchia Signora &Y Fonesig Gyntaf (gavrenwick)

[FM20] A Year in International Football (Harris384)

Baby, You're a Lost Cause (Jones Patterson, Part2) (he_2)

The Bleeding Hearts Show (he_2)

[FM20] Have Coaching Badges, Will Travel.... (hockeybhoy71)

The Ultimate World Football Manager Save (Jon1982)

[FM15] Breaking Ajax – Part 1 (keane_mandles)

Should I stay, or should I go? (Lawlore)

A Large Curry Chips and a Mars Bar: Leeside Tales (Little Miss Lump Kicker)

Short Story – Dreams of Football (Little Miss Lump Kicker)

The Saviour Sees the Light and Stayeth (Mandy42)

Confessions of the greatest football manager of all time (Mandy42)

Remembered as Comets: Not as Dead Rocks (Mandy42)

The Making of a Legend: The Mark Wilson Chronicles (Part Nine: Time for a Trip with the Bhoys (mark wilson27)

Don't Cry for me Argentina (mark wilson27)

Three Lions on his Shirt, Will Wilson be Gleaming. Too many years of hurt (mark wilson27)

Och aye the noo the Wanderers are coming for you (mark wilson27)

The Making of a Legend: The Mark Wilson Chronicles (Part Ten: Will Wilson enjoy a trip to the Theatre of Dreams) (mark wilson27)

15-1 Who's up for an African Safari (mark wilson27)

The Saviour Cometh for the Crooked Spire (mark wilson27)

The Rejects are Back (mark wilson27)

[FM15] Where the Heart is (Narrator C)

(FM'09) Mission-: Conquer Scotland (neilhoskins77)

(FM'09) Destination, Unknown – Job #2 – Leeds United (ENG) (neilhoskins77)

(FM'09) A Trip Down 'The Brann', The Return To Ulster – A Chance to Rewrite History, Part V (neilhoskins77)

(FM'11) The Gambler (neilhoskins77)

(FM'14) Cousins Across the Continent – The Story of the Di Cianni Boys (neilhoskins77)

(FM'09) The Indian Summer..... And Beyond – A Chance To Rewrite History Part III.V (neilhoskins77)

The Club...it's in your blood man (SerbianEagle)

Late to the Game (tenthreeleader)

Magic Head (Tikka Mezzala)

Ten Years Later – A New Ternana Adventure (Tubey84)

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Ballot Paper:


Individual Awards:

The Terk/Raptor/Wilson Builder’s Award (FMS'er of the Year)



Writer of Year



Best Story Character



Newcomer of the Year



Funniest Writer of the Year




Short Story of the Year



Best International Management Story of the Year



Rest of the World Story of the Year



Rest of the UK Story of the Year:



English Story of the Year



Story of the Year



Hall of Fame Nomination: (You may vote up to three)









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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks to those that have voted so far and to thise who have voted in the Hall of Fame aswell. We could be on the way to having new inductees etc 

Its important that we have more people coming and voting espcially those who are nominated. If you dont vote you could miss out on winning an award

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