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Job Adverts - Multiple Vacancies and Keeping Track

Sandy Tait

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A small one but I'd really like to see an option to set how many staff you're looking for when you put advertise a job vacancy. So annoying to have the advert automatically get withdrawn as soon as one person of that job type signs, especially if they're someone you've approached directly rather than through the advert.

Related to that, it would be neat if when a member of staff signs you get an update in that news item about how many vacancies you have for that position. Obviously it wouldn't matter for unique positions like Director of Football, but it would be very useful for when you're taking over at a new club and making wholesale changes to the staff if when you sign e.g. a scout there's just a single line at the end of the item saying words to the effect of "As a reminder, we now have 4 vacant scout positions at the club."

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  • SI Staff

Thanks for putting in the request, currently if you have multiple vacancies you can sign staff from the list of applicants to fill those spaces. You can also resend out job advertisements.  Your request may be rejected or with further development may make it into a future version of FM. 

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