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Achievements not unlocking

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I'm having some issues with unlocking some of the achievements on my save file and don't understand what the problem is.
With Argentina, I have won both the World Cup and the Copa America but 'National Hero' remains locked.
I have managed my club team for 4 years and have won 4 league titles and 20 other cups but 'Sugar Daddy' remains locked.
And I must have bought at least 20 players who have needed a work permit but the 'Foreign Policy' achievement remains locked.
Other achievements have been unlocking no problems however. In fact, earlier today I unlocked the 'Who me ref?' achievement without issue.
Please advise further and/or let me know what other information you need from me.
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I sent this over already 2 days ago with your email team but again, I have heard nothing, not even to say they have received my file and are looking into it.

I uploaded it onto the SI cloud server as requested by Nadim on the support team, with the file name 'Ticket466951.fms' and now I no longer have that file on my device.

Please can someone tell me what is happening with it and where my request is up to? I tried logging in to see the status, but that facility is not working on here.

*Edit* I have now logged in successfully and can see the case is open and apparently assigned to someone named Vincent. Still no response as to whether my file was received however

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Ok, a new issue with the same game. I was able to continue the game with an autosave I had and today I was able to unlock the 'Veteran Manager' achievement.

However, I purchased the extra content to build a new stadium which completed today and I played my first match there. But now the 'moving on up' achievement is still locked as well as the others I reported.

I have uploaded a copy of this new file called "Ticket 466951 Version 2.fms" to be looked at.



If I could please be kept up to date with the progress, that would be great.

Here are some screens of my achievement list, showing them still locked whilst "Veteran Manager" shows as unlocked today.




Edited by Alangelus
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A month has passed since I sent my save file and I have literally heard no response from the email team.

So I thought I'd come on here to see if there had been any reply. Surprise, surprise, nothing here either.

I find it laughable that it is still marked as "save game required" when I have sent two copies of the save file.

So basically, the customer pays for a product (the base game and the additional content) and you ignore them when errors with your game occur meaning they don't get what they paid for.

Explain why anyone should invest in any of your current or future games when you are quite literally stealing people's money?

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