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Suggested Improvements

Mexican Sky Blue

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Here are some observations from FM21 that I hope can be improved upon in FM22:

- The AI for opposition managers needs to be improved. For example, many preferred formations are incorrect and the tactics, team selections, philiospohies and signings of managers should be better replicated in the game.

- Too many unrealistic managerial appointments such as Sean Dyche as England manager and the likes of Klopp and Guardiola managing teams outside of the very top clubs in Europe.

- Top managers moving clubs far too often and too many managerial changes.

- The majority of regens have very poor correlations in attributes. For example, players with finishing/passing/crossing of 8 and technique of 13+.  Agility and balance should be more closely aligned.

- Too many players with incorrrect attributes. For example, many 6 foot plus players with jumpring attributes of less than 10.

- Too many top level players with poor attributes for balance and determination

- Too many top level full backs and wingbacks with poor attributes for crossing

- Too many fullbacks without competencies in the wing back positions. All fullbacks should also be given competencies in the wing back positions and there should be more fullbacks that are also natural wingbacks

- In general the stats for top level fullbacks and wingbacks are very low, especially in attributes such as crossing, dribbling, positioning and passing.

- Too many GKs have poor throwing stats and the too many young goalkeepers start with very low stats for positioning and anticipation.

- There are too many top level strikers with finishing attributes of 12 and below. This is unrealistic.

- There are not enough goals scored from direct and indirect free kicks. The stats from this should be more reflective of the leagues.

- Too many goals from far post corners and very few goals from near post corners

- Too many inaccurate attributes. For example, international players with technique stats of 10 and below

- The hidden attributes for important matches should increase or decrease with experience and should not be a fixed attribute

- The hidden attributes for consistency should increase with experience and should not be a fixed attribute

- Injury proneness attributes should change depending on the quality of the medical staff and medical facilities

- There should be greater increases in mental attributes with experience, such as decisions, positioning and anticipation

- Improved crowd effects, noises, chants, banners etc would be a good addition to FM22

-Dedicated set piece coaches would be a good addition to FM22

- Too many of the attributes for coaches are very inaccurate and way too low. Attributes of coaches should increase as their coaching qualifications increase. Attributes of coaches should increase with success and experience at higher levels. The current ability stats for coaches should increase with their coaching qualifications, success and experience at higher levels.

- In addition to player preferred moves there should be specific instructions for players. For example: get forward whenever possible, cut inside from the wing, bring ball out of defence etc

- The penalty attributes for youth team players is ridiculously low. 

- In general the attributes for youth team players are way too low (8 and below for youth team players in the Premier League) and lacking in appropriate correlations

-The physical stats for older top level players aged 33-36 decline too rapidly and are unrealistically rated in the very low ranges of 4-6

- A good addition would be the option to ask senior players to do coaching courses

- A good addition would be greater input from the sports scientists and medical staff

- A good addition would be post match conversations with opposition managers

- A good addition would be a pre season forum with supporters groups/Supporters Trusts.

- A good addition would be player development plans (what they need to work on, loan experience, strengths and weaknesses etc)

- Attributes should increase quicker for young players that have international experience 

- A good addition would be incidents in a game that lift the crowd and change the momentum of the game such as a big tackle, a big save, an attacking flair player getting on the ball, a fan favourite coming off the bench etc

- A good addition would be more input, feedback and recommendations from loan managers, reserve and youth team managers about the progress or lack of progress of young players

- Individual and role specific training should result in better improvements to attributes in younger players

- A good addition would be more interaction with players. For example, they go to see the manager to ask why they are not in the team and what they have to do to get in the team, how the managers sees their pathway to the first team and how the manager sees their future role at the club. The managers should be able to give players a development plan

-A good addition would be a greater variety of free kicks instructions and free kick routines. In FM21 near post and cross centre instructions always seemed to result in the ball going to the far post

- A good addition would be enabling more than 1 player to attack the far or near post post at corners

- Instead of go forward or go back on set piece instructions, the instructions should be more specific

- In FM21 goalkeepers rarely followed the distribution style attached to their role and tactical instructions

- In FM21 penalty takers seemed to standstill and would not move or react after their shot had been saved or had hit a post.

- In FM21 goalkeepers were generally very slow to come of their line in one v one situations

- A good addition would be to instruct designated penalty takers to take penalties a certain way. For example, place penalty in the bottom corner, aim for the top corner, blast down the middle, place down the middle, player determines how to take penalty, 

- A good addition would be more detailed individual and team training reports and feedback from coaches

- A good addition would be for some players from warmer climates playing poorly in cold, wet and windy conditions

- A good addition would be to see more weather effects such as snow on the pitches and at the sides of the pitches in winter and rainy conditions resulting in more errors being made with first touches and GK handling




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Hello! Thank you so much for the various suggestions, it genuinely is appreciated. 

However, in order for me to log a feature I typically need a bit more detail/thought behind each idea, and each feature log will be linked to the forum post, so they need to be posted individually.

If it isn't too much trouble, could you maybe select the top 3-5 you're most passionate about, and create a separate thread for each, with a bit more input behind each?

Thank you in any case :) 

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