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What is the point of placing a gap at the top of the screen?


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In previous FMs whenever we wanted to search player at the top or click continue at the top right corner with mouse, we used to do that without effort and time loss. I mean you'd effortlessly drag your mouse top and click. In FM22, I am having trouble understanding why there is a gap between continue or search button and top of the screen. 

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Hi, I am not sure if I can put it with the right words but there are gaps in both top and right side of the game screen virtually make the mouse useless. I mean because of those gaps you can't click on continue or search tab easily, albeit not much you still have to be precise. Which kills the fast and easy gameplay. Let me show the image.


So these clumsily drew red arrows show those gaps. You can also see the gap at top right corner which encircles the continue button. In the previous FM games those weird gaps did not exist and when you casually move your mouse to the top right part of the screen you could click on the continue button. Same goes for the search tab. I mean, I don't understand the point. Why there is a so called "feature" in the new game? Is it for aesthetical purposes? Similar thing was in FM18 as well this did not carry on in the next games and the game has been returned to the old game screen. Here is FM 18 and its meaningless circled continue button :)


In FM21 and other versions this wasn't the case.


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It was a change made by design and the overall reaction to it has been largely positive. I can't promise any changes, but I assure you changes such as this during our debriefs. :) 

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