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My save Mobile app??


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I'm away this weekend and was thinking about a mobile app for my save game. With the introduction of the data hub, I could gain access to all my stats and data and take notes and suggestions on my team. Look at my players attributes and training schedules and make some adjustments, taking notes I'm guessing it might be impossible to implement but I'm talking maybe a basic list of data from your saved game so you can think and take notes on your game when your away from your laptop, desktop or whatever you play the game on. We all think about Football Manger when we are at work, on the bus, at the grandparents for the weekend right??!!

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  • SI Staff

Thanks for taking the time to raise this here. This request has been documented and is now part of our internal database of features for consideration. Like all features raised to us, it could end up rejected, or could after extensive design and development become a part of a future FM. 


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