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Which midfielder to use for wingback cover?

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Hi fm friends.

I've a question that i have been having for quite a few years now, and i can't say i ever really found an answer.

I'm playing an assymetric possession football with a regista at the heart of things. I have completely left the right flank free of any winger, and instead im pushing up my wingback a lot because of his very competent crossing, supported by a mezzala for a shorter option to send the play back in towards the middle.

But My DM is my worry here. What role should i play him in to make him play in the same way that Henderson does for Liverpool, and slot in at right back to cover for Ceci?

My only real options here are either a DM, which might be a little less free to follow his common sense, or a BWM that will definetily push out and try to get the ball, but probably a bit mindlessly and recklessly at times?

I was really hoping they'd add some sort of instruction this year to " fill in gaps " on demand, rather than leave it to their best decisionmaking.


Anyhow, any help is appreciated on how i best cover for my wildly aggressive rightback.



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Just now, Johnny Ace said:

The DM(D) should be fine, it may be the Mezz(A) potentially exposing you.  

I tried to play the Mezzala on support. I'm not trying to go mindlesssly aggressive with no thought backwards. But when i played him on support, he'd end up in an azverage position barely higher up than the DM. Maybe that was just a matter of my player

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8 hours ago, jameswazza3 said:

carrilero 100%, it is basically the Jordan Henderson shuttler role

Sadly i can't have him in the middle of the 3, and the whole idea with the tactic is the right side mezzala, which means i'd have to put my carrilero on the opposite side of the pitch from where i want him to cover. Wish there was a CDM carrilero option.

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I have found good use of the HB, Anchorman, and DLP(d) for that role. They all play a bit different. 

The DLP(d) is the most aggressive and flows laterally to support the attack, while staying back to defend. With the regista, you shouldn't need that contribution.

The HB is best in systems where the central defenders are stepping out a lot to challenge opposing attackers or when they attack themselves -- like a WCB or Libero role. The HB drops into the hole that the CD creates and maintains the line. If he isn't needed to drop back, he will step forward to support the attack, and as a result can get caught out occasionally similar to the DLP(d). He also will step back and create a back 3 in defense, so in that regard he will change your defensive shape somewhat.

The anchorman just sits in front of the defense and holds the space. He is the least adventurous of these options. He makes an alright pivot, but is a bit too deep to be effective in that role. He will sometimes drop into a hole created by a CD being out of position, but not as readily as the HB would. In defense he tends to shield the central defenders and focus on shape, but you can also have him close down more and get stuck in if you want a bit more of a BWM role without committing all the way to a BWM. 

Personally I would try the anchorman first. I think the role plays really well and if you are looking for a purely defensively focused DMC, their isn't much better that you can use. As a sidenote, when I play this role, I typically use a cross trained CD and find that it works well. 

That said, I recommend trying the HB too. It's a bit different and could be better for what you want.

Edited by VinceLombardi
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Thanks for a very detailed and informative reply. I've jumped into a system where i use a regista, a cm on support and a carrilero on the left side where Theo Hernandez rushes forward completely oblivious to what defending is. It's working out ok, though the carrilero can walk a little further up than i'd like. I will try the 2-1 midfield instead with a cm on attack and a HB or Anchorman out :) Hopefully in a future fm game we can get an option within personal instructions to cover for a specific role when needed. Seems like a realistic function to have

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On 06/11/2021 at 18:43, VinceLombardi said:

I have found good use of the HB, Anchorman, and DLP(d) for that role. They all play a bit different. 

The DLP(d) is the most aggressive and flows laterally to support the attack, while staying back to defend. With the regista, you shouldn't need that contribution.

The HB is best in systems where the central defenders are stepping out a lot to challenge opposing attackers or when they attack themselves -- like a WCB or Libero role. The HB drops into the hole that the CD creates and maintains the line. If he isn't needed to drop back, he will step forward to support the attack, and as a result can get caught out occasionally similar to the DLP(d). He also will step back and create a back 3 in defense, so in that regard he will change your defensive shape somewhat.

The anchorman just sits in front of the defense and holds the space. He is the least adventurous of these options. He makes an alright pivot, but is a bit too deep to be effective in that role. He will sometimes drop into a hole created by a CD being out of position, but not as readily as the HB would. In defense he tends to shield the central defenders and focus on shape, but you can also have him close down more and get stuck in if you want a bit more of a BWM role without committing all the way to a BWM. 

Personally I would try the anchorman first. I think the role plays really well and if you are looking for a purely defensively focused DMC, their isn't much better that you can use. As a sidenote, when I play this role, I typically use a cross trained CD and find that it works well. 

That said, I recommend trying the HB too. It's a bit different and could be better for what you want.

Also yes, while a dlp might be a good option because he's not going to walk into the CD position where i don't want him, he would also use the ball in ways that would hurt the regista

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